The 14F, critical vote to the CUP

In the Catalan regional elections we call to vote for the Popular Unity Candidacy against the constitutionalist parties and the defections of the majority independence parties. The CUP proposals against the subjugation of democratic and social rights constitute the only anti-capitalist electoral option against the '78 regime. We will do it critically, due to the ambiguities that persist in some of its postulates. We explain the causes of our vote.

Serious health crisis, economic and social

Everyday reality unfolds in the midst of a serious health situation that has not yet been reversed due to the slow and uneven application of vaccines. Budget cuts to public health executed for years and the ineffective responses of the tandem European Union-Spanish State, cause a high cost in human lives. To level economic-social, the crisis of the capitalist economy causes the closure of sources of work, layoffs, the increase in unemployment and precariousness, the deterioration of wages and pensions. And deepens inequalities: while working people suffer; the banks, the great employers and the privileged continue to accumulate profits millionaires.

The government, the regime and the system

The PSOE-Unidas Podemos coalition defines itself as"Progressive and left", but he heads a bourgeois government that says one thing and does another: promises positive transformations for working people, but then they mutate to measures favorable to bankers and businessmen. When there are some changes, they are so partial that they configure simple momentary palliative. The '78 regime is expired, With royalty discredited by corruption and questioned justice. Its magistrates are the ones who rule that there are leaders, persecuted activists and artists, political prisoners and exiles for defending the right to self-determination of Catalonia. The judges do not stop interference on Catalan politics. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) imposed the holding of the elections on 14 February, when they had previously been postponed for the 30 May due to the incidence of Covid-19 infections in the middle of the third wave. This is the framework in which the regional elections are reached.

He "effect Illa " and the constitutionalists

The Party of Socialists of Catalonia (PSC), subsidiary of the PSOE, has presented the candidacy of Salvador Illa, until a few days ago Minister of Health and as such, one of the main responsible for the disastrous measures adopted. The surveys they point you out as a possible winner, with the independence movement below 50%. We will see, because polls are not always correct in forecasts or are manipulated. And if so, It is one thing to get more votes than the rest and quite another to get enough support to be president. There are reasons that feed the scope of "Illia effect": the inconsistencies and confusion introduced by the pro-independence leaderships, the announced debacle of Ciudadanos, that can cause a drainage of votes towards the PSC and the eventual growth of abstentionism due to the fear of contagion from Covid-19. Fans of the "Unity of Spain" and the defense of the monarchical-parliamentary regime are so launched that Pedro Sánchez dived head first into the campaign and Ciudadanos demands that the PSC form a government with them and not with the "Splittist". Another that is played to grow is Vox, at the cost of votes lost by the PP. The extreme right deploys its electoral policy against workers' rights, women and immigrants receiving active rejection in almost every place where it rears its head.

The divided independence

On the other hand, ERC, PDeCat and JxCat are presented separately. They were inconsistent with popular aspirations for independence and with the mandate expressed in the 1-O referendum. Divided by their apparatus fights, caused confusion in many freedom fighters and set a course that brings them closer to the recovery of a retained autonomy that to the concretion of the Republic Catalan. Both parties supported the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, the PGE and they sowed expectations in the oppressors. In society, they headed a management from Govern that sustained capitalist profits, washed his hands before closures of job sources and did not privilege investment in health public. They even used the Waiters d'Esquadra to carry out evictions and suppress street fights. You cannot trust the variants that represent the interests of the Catalan bourgeoisie, that's why there is no vote them.

The CUP and the New Cycle

During the Govern Quim Torra (JxCat) what was destitute by the regime and the subsequent management of Pere Aragonés (ERC); at Parliament and in the National Congress, the CUP has positioned itself as an opposition, being critical of the Spanish and Catalan governments, demanding measures so that the crisis is paid for by the rich and the IBEX35 companies. At the same time, postulates were developed before which we have fraternally expressed our dissenting opinion. We did it because they were open to the possibility of integrating an eventual future Govern and they extended their hand to sectors that act as a transmission belt for the Catalan bourgeoisie with the proposal of "Strategic unit". further, signed an agreement with Let's win, which placed Dolors Sabaters at the top of the list, that stained the pre-campaign with a reformist and personalist profile.

Before this course, Come in, component of the CUP, posted a critical statement. Other groups and groups also expressed their discomfort., fundamentally, the territorial assemblies. The driving corrected some aspects of the campaign, first with the signature of "Political Agreement for Confluence" and then with him “Document of the Extraordinary Political Council + GAP”. The documents taken as a whole and the program "A New Cycle to Win" have not fully overcome the ambiguities, but there are positive postulates in the direction of sustaining the break with the capitalist regime and system.

Vote critical

For all exposed, from SOL we call to vote the CUP, in front of the parties constitutionalists, the inconsistencies and defections of the formations majority independentists. His proposals against the subjugation of Democratic and social rights constitute the only electoral option anti-capitalist against the regime of '78. We will do it critically, due to the ambiguities that persist in some of its postulates. And we stand next to the comrades who fight so that the anti-capitalist project does not lean into the reformist possibilism in which SYRIZA fell, We can, the Common o Bildu. There is a trade-off of iron: take the path of class independence, Catalan Republic, socialist, ruled by the workers and the people or be a caboose of bourgeois interests that lead to self-determination by a dead end.

We address the organizations that claim to be socialists, revolutionary and internationalists. It is a fact that we have not agreed to form a Radical Left Front as we have proposed, nor regarding the vote for 14F. Anti-capitalists have yet to speak publicly. The CRT has done it by the null vote or abstention and the Red Current by the vote to the Candidacy of the Reprisals. Meanwhile, Internationalist struggle (AT THE), that integrates the GAP (Political Action Group) will vote for the CUP and from SOL we will also do it, although in our case, critically. Beyond the different electoral tactics, steps are still ahead to form a pole that expresses alternative positions in a unitary way, having as a horizon to form a Left Front.

Must turn everything around

Government, the regime 78 and the capitalist system cannot resolve progressively the big health problems, living place, education, destruction of the environment ambient, patriarchal sexism, xenophobia and discrimination affecting the majority of society. If they remain standing, it is not because they are almighty, but to the support provided by the political and union leaderships.  

The struggle against the pandemic requires asystem single health, public, free and universal. At the by, there is no allow freedoms and social rights to be cut with the excuse of Covid elementals. To face current adjustments and those to come, you have to rebel and require UGT and CC.OO. a plan of struggle leading to a general strike. It is It is essential to resume the onslaught for self-determination and amnesty. There is not Than allow the powerful to sow fear, passivity and resignation.

More and more peoples of the world say enough in Latin America, the Libano, U.S, Tunisia, Belarus and closer in France and Italy. They point out the way forward so that the workers and peoples do not pay for the crisis. At the by, Building revolutionary socialist alternatives with mass support is becoming an increasingly urgent task and is the strategy for which those of us who are members of SOL and the International Socialist League.