Cuba: Next to the people in the streets, against the repression of the bureaucracy and the opportunism of imperialism

By Alejandro Bodart YVicente Gaynor

Thousands of Cubans took to the streets on Sunday 11 of July, protesting the lack of food, drugs and prolonged power outages amid a deep economic crisis, aggravated by the pandemic and the rogue blockade of Yankee imperialism. The regime responded with brutal repression, dispersing the mobilizations with sticks, tear gas and hundreds of arrests. President Miguel Díaz-Canel called the protests "actions of political destabilization" promoted by Washington and called on his followers to take to the streets to confront them..

Since imperialism tries to take advantage of the mobilization and its permanent intervention finds expression in some slogans and posters that have been seen, as "down with communism" or "Homeland and Life", in reference to the song composed by musicians worms in Miami. But it is false that imperialism is the driving force behind the massive and widespread mobilization that we are witnessing.. It is the authentic and spontaneous exhaustion of the Cuban working people against the bureaucratic oppression and the anger against the adjustment that the regime has been applying that caused this upheaval of historical characteristics. The blockade that the United States has maintained against Cuba for decades plays a very important role in the hardships that are experienced on the island. But it has been the capitalist restoration policy and the savage adjustment of the regime itself in recent years that has deteriorated living conditions in such a way that it has become unbearable for the majority of the population..

The restoration process has been accelerating in the last decade, from the reforms of Raúl Castro that implied the dismissal of 600.000 public employees between 2010 Y 2014, the entry of private activity in branches such as hotels and transport, the investment law of 2014 that authorized the entry of companies with the 100% of foreign capital and the delivery to private producers of a third of the state lands in usufruct, among other measures, crowned by the constitutional reform of 2018 that granted constitutional recognition to private ownership of the means of production and foreign investment. The growing capitalist openness has intensified the economic dependence on the dollars that come in from tourism, For this reason, the retraction caused by the pandemic dealt a very hard blow to the island's economy..

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And the Cuban government responded in the style of the best capitalist governments: adjusting the people again., Díaz-Canel and Raúl Castro announced a unification of the exchange rate that meant a devaluation of 2400%. He 1 from January, anniversary of the revolution, A package of measures to “suppress unnecessary gratuities” came into force, drastically reducing social and public policies. The deepening of the economic crisis has generated a combination of inflation., shortages of food and other basic goods and long power “blackouts” during the hottest days of summer, at the same time that the Covid pandemic reached a peak, exceeding the 6000 daily contagions.This disaster, together with the accumulated satiety against the authoritarianism of the one-party regime, It is the one that has led thousands of Cubans throughout the island to desperately take to the streets to demand a response to the hunger and scarcity they are suffering.. "We are going through really difficult times", said dance teacher Miranda Lazara, "We need a system change". Another protester said, I'm here from hunger, because there are no medicines, due to power outages, because everything is missing ".

Of course, The United States will try to take advantage of the legitimate anger of the Cuban people, como hace en todo el mundo contra los gobiernos con los que confronta. Es indispensable oponerse a cualquier injerencia del imperialismo y denunciar el cinismo del principal ajustador y violador de derechos humanos del mundo. Pero no por eso se puede apoyar al gobierno y el régimen cubano, que se ha embarcado en una restauración capitalista el estilo de China, ajuste tras ajuste mediante y una represión desenfrenada a su pueblo cuando reclama en defensa de sus derechos.

El imperialismo se fortalecerá en Cuba en la medida que el gobierno continúe desilusionando a su pueblo y los revolucionarios no se postulen como una alternativa a la restauración y a la falta de libertades de los trabajadores para decidir su destino. El imperialismo intentara aprovechar la situación para avanzar en su agenda. También es posible que el régimen termine apareciendo como única alternativa al imperialismo y derrote las movilizaciones, imponiendo una represión y un ajuste más cruento, como hemos visto en Nicaragua y Venezuela. Nosotros apostamos a que la movilización gire hacia la izquierda y avance hacia una revolución política que recupere un rumbo socialista e instale un régimen de democracia obrera en Cuba. Para que esto suceda es fundamental que los revolucionarios apoyemos los legítimos reclamos del pueblo cubano, y a los militantes de izquierda que están a la cabeza de las mismas y son reprimidos y encarcelados por el régimen.

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In fact, no son agentes de la CIA los que han sido arrestados, sino activistas socialistas como Frank García Hernández, historiador marxista y miembro de Comunistas Blog, Maikel González Vivero, activista LGBT+ y director de la revista Tremenda Nota, o Antonio Pérez Fernández, estudiante que ya había sido arrestado por portar un cartel que decía “socialismo sí, represión no”. Seguramente si estuviera viva también estaría arrestada nuestra querida compañera y amiga Celia Hart. Como parte de la Liga Internacional Socialista, nos oponemos a toda injerencia imperialista, defendemos la independencia de Cuba incondicionalmente y luchamos por derrotar el bloqueo criminal de Estados Unidos. At the same time, apoyamos el derecho del pueblo cubano a manifestarse en defensa de sus legítimos reclamos y en contra del ajuste y la restauración capitalista que impulsa el gobierno y el régimen burocrático. Exigimos la libertad inmediata de los presos por manifestar y defendemos sus reclamos y las libertades democráticas que el régimen les niega.

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