¡Cancellation of increases in electricity rates!

Speculation with electrical energy responds to the voracity of capitalist profit. Governments are complicit, the harmed peoples.

To on Friday 13 the price of electricity was 117.29 euros per megawatt hour and during august breaks historical records. Las predicciones por la continuidad de los aumentos se confirmaron y el nuevo récord ya se ubica en 122,76 euros. For this reason, consumer organizations demand measures to curb rate speculation.

The patches do not reach

The energy item is one of the items that reflects the limitations of the measures adopted by the government PSOE-Unidas Podemos. The VAT reduction of 21% al 10% until the end of the year. The decrease in 7% of the electricity generation tax (valid for one quarter). And the adoption of the ridiculous tariff system by sections adopted in June, they did not solve the problems with the light. It is not only about the increase in CO2 emission prices and neither the gas from Russia and Algeria.  The underlying issue is in the existence of the normalized contradiction under the rules of supply and demand.

It is capitalism

You have to call things by their name, this is capitalism. The voracity to amass fortunes does not come only from the individual ambition of the bosses, is intrinsic to the operation of the system. So that company accounts overflow with euros, they must put their hand in the pocket of the working people. And it's what great entrepreneurs do over and over again, merchants and distributors.

Gobiernos cómplices

The price increase is a legalized arbitrariness. It is executed and reproduced from the bourgeois institutionality. With governments making declarations of commitment and pledges of "limitation" of prices that are not met or are simple palliative. It is not about coincidences or improvisations. They are decisions designed to benefit large companies. For them, let there be an economic crisis, health, social and that we are in the middle of summer, it's just a detail. The important thing is to guarantee employer profits.  

Mobilization for emergency measures

With the "Progressive coalition government", the expressions of the right and the far right, everything will continue from bad to worse. You have to turn everything around and start applying emergency measures: set maximum prices, the adoption of an accessible social tariff and prohibiting the cut of supply to those households that cannot pay. Companies must be charged progressive taxes and imposed heavy fines if they profit from electricity.

To push back the climb and avoid those that may come, trade union centrals and user organizations should call for immediate popular mobilization throughout the Spanish state, for the cancellation of the increases.

¿De izquierda y progresistas?

Un párrafo aparte merecen los que se dicen de izquierda y progresistas. El PSOE descartó por completo la posibilidad de limitar los precios de la electricidad, como le pedían sus socios de Unidas Podemos. Clear, pero desde elAyuntamiento para el cambio from Barcelona, the mayor Ada Colau, from We share, aumentó las tarifas de la empresa pública. En Cádiz hizo lo mismo José María Kichi González (Adelante Cádiz). Of course, dieron explicaciones de porque se vieron obligados a hacerlo it is included Kichi recordó la necesidad de nacionalizar empresas. The same thing always happens, los reformistas se llenan la boca de medidas alternativas, pero al mantenerse en los márgenes del sistema capitalista, terminan adaptándose a sus reglas.

Nacionalización de empresas

Of course, it is essential to change the energy matrix, on the other non-polluting, cheap and efficient. And the strategic thing is to end the arbitrary reign of private companies. We must appeal to the expropriation of energy production companies without compensation, to the nationalization and operation under the control of workers and users. The basic rights for life must be satisfied based on the needs of the great popular majorities and not on the millionaire ambitions of a small handful of privileged people..