1° congress of the LIS: Start of deliberations, youth camp and great act in Plaza de Mayo

Saturday 4 from December, in Buenos Aires, started the 1st congress of the International Socialist League with the presence of comrades from a score of countries in the five continents. The high point of this day was given by a great internationalist act in Plaza de Mayo. Parallel to the beginning of the deliberations, a youth camp is held.

With the debates on the international situation and the perspectives for the revolutionaries, the deliberations of our first World Congress began.. With reports by Alejandro Bodart of the MST at the FIT Unit (argentina) and Volkan U. Arslan del SEP (Turkey) and numerous interventions that reflected the important advance of the LIS since its foundation and the challenges and opportunities that arise in the way of our construction. Beyond the exchange of positions and glances, One fact was pointed out by most of the delegations and it is the importance of this Congress and the joy of being able to hold it despite the impediments that the pandemic imposed.. In the coming days the debate will continue and the documents will be voted on next weekend, resolutions and campaigns that will guide the next steps of our young organization.

Great act in Plaza de Mayo

Saturday afternoon 4, thousands of militants filled the historic Plaza de Mayo with revolutionary internationalism. With great emotion and attention, hundreds of youth, Neighborhood workers and activists followed this true historic action that brought together representations of iconic struggles of recent years in the same box.

First, Cele Fierro from the MST at the FIT Unidad took the stage along with all the comrades who will have the responsibility of being the voice of this party and of course of the struggles in parliament, the provincial legislatures and various deliberative councils.

Then, Douglas Diniz of Socialist Struggle (Brazil), Wladimir Susanj from La Communa (France) Oleg Vernik of the Ukrainian Socialist League (Ukraine), Ali Hammoud of the Youth Movement for Change (Lebanon) and Chaiaa Ahmed Baba Beiruk of the Saharawi youth (Sahara Occidental) effusively greeted the audience and the holding of the 1st congress.

Finally, Imran Kayama from La Lucha (Pakistan) and Volkan U. Arslan del SEP (Turkey) they raised the temperature even more of a square that burst at the cry of "the working class, is one and without borders "and" It seems to me, it seems to me, that socialism grows ".

Alejandro Bodart from the MST at the FITU Unit (Argentina) He was in charge of putting the finishing touch to an event that is clearly outstanding, with a speech that expressed the revolutionary will of the LIS to fight to transform everything in the face of the crisis of capitalism.

The international anthem of our class, The International rumbled in the historic square to end a great day.

You can see the full act here: https://fb.me/e/24kdA1sjX