1° Congress of the LIS: The class struggle rises around the world as the crisis of capitalism deepens

We make available the political document approved by the plenary session of the 1st Congress of the International Socialist League. You can read all the voted resolutions in the following link: lis-Isl.org

Forward to turn this crisis into the fatal crisis of capitalism!!

While the capitalist crisis that surrounds the whole world deepens day by day, its shocking social and political consequences await us. On the one hand, the intensification of geopolitical tensions increases the danger of an imperialist war. On the other hand, capitalism's brutal assault on our planet continues. We are witnessing a deepening social and political polarization. Right-wing authoritarian dictators and fascist movements threaten basic democratic rights and freedoms. And how to counter, the struggles grow and the space to the left.

This great crisis of the system will give us revolutionary socialists and the class struggle the opportunity to take great steps forward..

The worldwide working class struggle is on the rise. So much so that while the working classes fall below the threshold of hunger, poverty and unemployment, the sharp forms of the class struggle and the revolts that break out surprise no one. The sudden rise of the class struggle, rebellions and pre-revolutionary situations mark the current reality. The whole world is heading towards great social convulsions: unevenly, but combined. The decade of 2020 it is ready to be the scene of great fights. Two big questions, whose answers are still unclear: "Will the masses turn towards socialism in these struggles?” Y"Can the working class march towards revolutionary triumphs?” All historical experience has shown that the victory of socialism will not be possible without the conscious intervention of the revolutionary subject in the objective flow of history.. That is why it is vital to strengthen the international unity of revolutionary socialists and the construction of revolutionary parties in each country.. To make it, we must first have a clear understanding of the historical phase we are going through. Only in this way can we determine our tasks, concentrate our forces, define policies and guidelines, correct strategies and tactics.

The global economic crisis: the dead end of capitalism

The economic recovery that began after the removal of the Covid-19 measures has already slowed in the US., China and Germany. Rising energy costs, High prices, shortages in the supply process and stagnation in parallel with inflation are a foretaste of stagflation. The era of cheap consumption and borrowing is over. And the capitalists have no alternative model.

As someone who lived through the crisis of 1929, Schumpeter defined the motive of constant renewal of capitalism with the concept of"Creative destruction", inspired by Marx. to Schumpeter, economic crises were periods of progress and growth, when creative destruction peaked. Why, according to him, the system was renewed in crises through the absorption of low-performance companies by the most dynamic. This destruction, created by capital over human life and nature for the sake of profit and accumulation, was accepted as a criterion of the dynamism of capitalism.

Crisis 1929 it was a process of destruction on a world scale. Many banks failed, companies and factories closed. Mass unemployment and hunger gripped the central crisis country: U.S. Less profitable companies were replaced by more modern and powerful ones; the destruction of capital as accumulated labor continued with World War II. The devastation of the entire European continent, East and Southeast Asia, and its reconstruction, was the basis for the capitalist rate of profit to reach an extraordinary level of investment and for the boom of the 1950s. All this leveraged by the betrayal of Stalinism, institutionalized in the Yalta and Potsdam agreements.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard = false&hideThread=false&id=1468335975973593093&long = it&origin = https% 3A% 2F% 2Flis-isl.org% 2F2021% 2F12% 2F14% 2F1-congreso-de-la-lis-the-class-struggle-rises-all-over-the-world-while- deepens-the-crisis-of-capitalism% 2F&sessionId=62dc1e0214299bfebf9904cd9102c94dbaab4053&siteScreenName=isl_lis&theme=light&widgetsVersion=9fd78d5:1638479056965&width=550px

In 1929, Nevertheless, the “creative destruction” that Schumpeter cherished was left behind, since the political consequences of destruction - such as revolutions, nazism, world war- they were also frightening for the bourgeoisie. The decade of 1930 It was a time of extremes that greatly frightened the capitalists.

Of course, in 2008 the rulers of the world could not afford a new "creative destruction" in the face of the capitalist crisis, especially because they are afraid of rebellions and revolutions, and they preferred to reduce the scope of the destruction by saving the sunken companies. Crisis 2008 was just one example of this. The United States Federal Reserve, on the one hand, provided the financial system with approximately $ 3.6 billions between 2008 Y 2014 by buying bank debts in default, Mortgage instruments and Treasury debt securities; on the other hand, created a monetary expansion by keeping interest rates at 0,25% for seven years from the end of 2008. Another step to avoid destruction was implemented with TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) from $ 700 billion to rescue banks and companies at risk of failure. In addition to the centuries-old banks, insurance companies, General Motors, Chrysler y GMAC (Ally), America's three largest auto companies, they were also rescued.

With these policies, the destructiveness of the crisis of 2008 may have been postponed for a period of time, but they could not destroy the unity between crises and rebellions. Occupation movements in various countries, the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia and the great rebellion in Greece are the first to come to mind. The workers and youth who took to the streets fell back in some places and were defeated. But altogether, the capitalist powers could not prevent the class struggle from deepening. In the pre-pandemic world, social outbreaks had spread across the world. There were great social struggles and rebellions in western centers such as France and the United States., and in many countries in Latin America and Asia. In that sense, 2019 it was the year of greatest rise, which confirmed that we had entered a new world situation.

Wave of crisis and rebellions

The pandemic imposed a mandatory pause on this wave of global struggles that would continue in 2020, But now major uprisings are brewing. First, the world's poor have borne the brunt of the crisis of 2008 on the neck during 12 years. As if that wasn't enough, The Covid pandemic has left the world economy facing sudden and widespread destruction. Once again, the capitalist system tried to reduce the severity of the destruction using public resources; the amount of packages prepared by the States to reduce the economic impact of the pandemic has reached 20 billions of dollars. from now, it was the capitalists who took most of these packages. To reduce social tension, Limited resources were allocated to the working classes in some strong economies. But in the vast majority of the world, the workers were left to their own devices; they had to deal with poverty, unemployment and hunger.

As inequalities around the world rise sharply, there has been a large increase in the number of zombie companies during the pandemic, kept alive with loans but will go bankrupt if support is cut off. According to the German Deutsche Bank, one in five companies listed in the US. is actually a zombie company. The number of these companies, which the Central Bank has allowed to fail, has multiplied in recent months. This means that the crisis of capitalism spreads over time, the problem of profitability can only be solved in exceptional and temporary areas, the recovery will not begin and the poverty of the workers is deepening day by day.

The capitalist system suffers from the inability to overcome its own crisis. The neoliberal model of globalization, introduced in response to the structural crisis of capitalism that broke out in the decade of 1970, and that with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union and the privatizations that spread throughout the world, some "smoke sellers" theorized that it would allow crisis to be overcome forever, has succumbed.

Currently there is no model to handle the crisis. The conditions for the implementation of the neo-Keynesian model that has been discussed in circles of so-called "progressivism" as a response to the crisis are absent in the world.. With the world economy over-indebted, the dominance of finance capital, globalization at its peak, the imperialist powers ready to strangle each other and with no hope of recouping profit rates, full employment, income justice, the financial regulation and welfare state that make up Keynesianism is absolutely a dream.

The capitalists do not have the recipe to get out of the crisis: they do not have a new model of capital accumulation. That is why they continue to postpone the crisis by putting the burden on workers, and will continue to do so. Until the workers say"stop" to this course.

In the post-crisis period of 2008, China sustained the global economy and stimulated emerging markets with its demand for raw materials andcommodities. Nevertheless, China is no longer growing at the same rate, your economy has entered a debt spiral and your debt bubbles are bursting too. A construction giant, el Evergrand, that is in bankruptcy with a debt of 300 billion dollars in China, revealed that the construction industry, that represents the 25% of Chinese gross income, try to run on a giant debt. As a result, This time, China is not giving a boost to the economies of the backward countries. There is a possibility that some of these countries, who went into debt a lot during the decade of 2000 and whose debts peaked during the pandemic period, break, like Greece in 2015 and Lebanon in 2019. Vulnerabilities in underdeveloped countries have increased enormously. These countries, who are the weak link of the imperialist system, are shaken by instability; it seems inevitable that they will witness rebellions, hit of State, civil wars and great facts of the class struggle.

Although the central countries of imperialism this time intend to implement a policy of monetary expansion with much larger amounts, things are worse than before. For example, the alarm bells are ringing for America, that you think you can issue unlimited money based on your currency being a global reserve. Rising inflation in America is knocking on the door; it is said that an inflation of 5% can become permanent. They can't keep giving free credit and printing money when inflation is so high. Thus, the “most powerful” tool against the crisis that you have in your hands will be in vain. Countries like Turkey, Brazil or Argentina, which are considered the most fragile economies, they don't have that option anyway; printing money in these economies means nothing more than a rapid depreciation of the local currency, hyperinflation and collapse.

Food and climate crisis

As the world economy faces difficulties in the hands of exhausted capitalism, the planet's ecosystem, food basins, water resources, forests and the energy system struggle to survive in the hands of a capitalist model based on the consumption of hydrocarbons. Global climate change continues to evolve even more severely and faster than the most pessimistic forecasts. The imperialist centers continue to hold useless meetings over ecological disasters while continuing to promote an extractivist model that destroys nature to increase corporate profits.. These efforts to wash its face only show that it is impossible for capitalism to save wildlife on our planet., that is on the brink of extinction. This course, which started with capitalism as the dominant mode of production, accelerated with imperialism and today has reached a critical point. Global warming progressed through centers such as Great Britain and continental Europe, America, Canada and Japan; accelerated by directly engulfing the rest of the world through colonial and capitalist imperialist coercion. In terms of CO2 emissions, more than half of the emissions since industrialization are the work of these imperialist capitalist countries. Nevertheless, nowadays, countries like China and India refrain from taking certain measures that would slow down their rapid economic growth. Nevertheless, when China and India reach the level of consumption of western countries, global warming will already make the world uninhabitable. Once again, it turns out that the imperialist world system, which is divided into free market nation states, is the greatest obstacle facing humanity. Nevertheless, there are economic and social resources to combat the climate crisis in a much more radical way and save our planet. But those resources continue to accumulate in the wealth of a handful of super rich people.. On the other hand, the capitalist strategy itself, greed and profit ambition, is completely incompatible with ecological balance. For example, the capitalist profit machine continues to destroy rainforests that capture and clean CO2. The contradictions between ecological life and capitalism are never reconcilable. The "green capitalism" can not be more than a big lie.

The ecological crisis, combined with the capitalist economic crisis, gives us clues about what awaits us in the future. We are living the reflections of this in the form of the global food crisis and hunger in 2021. The reportGlobal Hunger Index (TAKE NOTE) 2021, Posted in October, revealed increasing levels of hunger in the world's poor and working population. The report states that"The climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasingly violent and protracted war point to a dire state of hunger that is the result of their poisonous combination ". Unemployment, loss of income and high inflation reduce the purchasing power of workers and lead to rapid impoverishment, while large increases in food prices cause hundreds of millions of people to fall below the hunger line. Unpaid rentals, bills and credit debts, unaffordable natural gas and fuel lines… As these harsh conditions lead workers to fight, the extension and further radicalization of these struggles is considered a nightmare for the ruling classes. While the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced an annual increase in the price of food from 32,8% in your September report; The FAO Food Index has reached record levels of 133 for the first time since the Arab uprisings of 2011. It is normal for capitalists to fear riots caused by famine, as these figures are expected to rise further. The main point is to turn that fear into a nightmare.

The United Nations had warned that the world was facing the worst food crisis in recent years. 50 years. On the other hand, the possibility of bourgeois governments collapsing in the swamp of debt in many countries of the world reveals how dangerous this massive famine can be. There is the example of Lebanon, where workers have fallen below the hunger line at high speed. Qu Dongyu, FAO Director General, summarize the situation with the following words: "Today, we face unprecedented food crises in multiple areas. Hunger and starvation are a reality today… the situation continues to worsen as we approach the end of 2021 ”.

Given that families in underdeveloped countries are known to spend half or more of their family income on food, it is not difficult to predict that an increase in 32% in food prices in the past year will lead to malnutrition. Mass hunger has sparked riots throughout history. You don't have to go so long ago. The Arab uprisings of 2011 started with the sharp rise in food prices. Now these chances are stronger than ever.

Revolutionary socialists must be in the front row of environmental struggles and raise a radical program against the high cost of living, uniting all these claims to the need to defeat capitalism as the only way out to save the planet and to be able to make sustainable use of natural resources to satisfy the basic needs of the majority of the population, starting with the food.

The trapped youth prepare for the uprisings

Young people are the most affected by unemployment and precarious work in poor conditions. The desperate situation facing the youth will be one of the most decisive factors in the coming period. The anger of young people against the increasingly disqualified educational system, Unemployment, the terrible working conditions, brutal exploitation, Disgusting social inequalities and voracious authoritarian politicians is growing. The best example of this was the youth of Colombia, who rebelled in May and June of this year against the tax increases, the repression and adjustment that hit the workers. Although the Colombian youth, who fought bravely in the streets and lost more than a hundred lives, fell back due to the disadvantages of lacking a direction, still managed to roll back the government and reveal its revolutionary potential. We had already seen how the students of Chile got up two years ago when an increase in the subway ticket was the last straw, generating then a generalized rebellion of all the poor people against the government and the regime inherited from the Pinochet dictatorship.

We can give another example of the Spanish State, where youth unemployment is 40% according to official figures. The mass riots and protests following the arrest of a radical and popular rapper are another indication of the radicalization of youth. In the rebellion that shook the US. to the murder of George Floyd, black youth joined white youth against the racism of the police and the Trump administration. Youth anger is growing in the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and in many parts of the world. This anger manifests itself in radical protests led by youth. Nevertheless, the absence of revolutionary vanguard parties, Lack of perspective and coordination problems in spontaneous actions greatly undermine political radicalization and leave room for moderation interventions accommodating reformist and unionist politicians.

Thus, it is vital that the strong combative attitude of the youth acquires a Marxist content. The logical course of actions of the young people who rebelled against the lack of a capitalist future is towards socialism and Marxism. Many polls, reports and research on the turn of the youth towards socialism have appeared in the pages of the press in recent years. This interest in socialism, still diffuse, we must work patiently so that it manifests itself in the class struggle and strengthening revolutionary socialist organizations.

The class struggle is rising worldwide

Parallel to the crisis of capitalism, we observe that the working class has reinforced the class struggle around the world using its power rooted in the production process. Recent Strike Movements in the United States, general strikes in South Korea and India, the radical actions of the Iranian working class, the strike of the metal workers of Cádiz in the Spanish State, metallurgists in South Africa, Metro workers in Portugal, those of transport in Germany, the general labor protests in Tunisia and the growing trade union movement in many sectors in Turkey are just a few examples. All these strikes and resistance are part of the emergence of a global labor movement. Capitalism is globally integrated, Thus, all major workers' struggles take on an international character. As a result of this, class consciousness is increasing among workers on a global scale. The actions of healthcare workers around the world, who risk their lives in the ruins of health systems destroyed by neoliberal policies, especially during the pandemic, and the struggles of logistics workers who had to work on the front lines during the most sensitive moments of the epidemic, sensitized workers. The fact that the system does not care about the health system or the lives of the employees to maximize profits, while capitalists make huge fortunes in the process, has led to an accumulation of anger against capitalism. What forces workers to be more combative is that unemployment and the high cost of living affect them deeply under conditions of economic crisis and that they are forced to work in increasingly precarious conditions. In other words, the rise of the struggles of the working class is an objective process. The critical point here is that the working class must overcome the obstacles of the union bureaucracy and a new worker radicalism emerging from the workplaces must lead all disgruntled social segments. When the explosive anger of the poor, The unemployed, Young, women and the oppressed combine with the organized working class movement, then capitalism will be in serious trouble. For it, grassroots initiatives and committees in the workplace are of great importance, that will highlight the new emerging vital dynamics. Also promote self-calls to bypass the bureaucracy, dispute internal commissions and delegate bodies, promote the unity of the anti-bureaucratic and classist currents to recover unions and promote coordinators of fighters.

Forming Marxist cadres among young workers and establishing sectoral ties between them throughout the country is of great importance for the class struggle to take a qualitative and quantitative leap.. The critical task of socialists is to prepare the working class for decisive struggles against global capitalism..

The global women's revolt continues

One of the most important characteristics of recent years has been the emergence of the global movement of women fighting for their rights. There are protests by women around the world against the prohibition of abortion, femicide, sexism, The discrimination, harassment and rape. The mobilization of women has achieved important triumphs in different countries, like Argentina and Ireland in relation to the legalization of abortion, and also the recognition in sectors of society about the existence of these problems, invisible until recently.

Likewise, the LGBTI + movement is raising its voice around the world for equal rights against violence and discrimination. The mobilization of women and LGBTI + people to denounce the sexist capitalist system paves the way for radicalization. It is of great importance that this row becomes a general opposition to the system and is directed towards socialist channels.

Working women are the most affected by the crisis of capitalism: the first to be fired, those that accept lower wages and more precarious jobs, those who suffer poverty and hunger most severely. In underdeveloped countries, the bony hands of hunger hold families by the neck, poor women and children. Thus, working women are willing to get ahead in the class struggle. The accumulated anger is enormous. It is of great importance to form Marxist leadership cadres among the radicalized working women and young women who are currently leading the way on many fronts of the class struggle.. Organized struggle in the workplace, schools and neighborhoods is the only way to empower women against exploitation and sexism. Socialist Revolutionaries must be able to organize women leaders who yearn to be fighters for a new life rather than helpless victims of the system..

Defenders of Reform Tendencies and Identity Politics, who have weight within the LGBTI + movement and women, have both organizational and ideological effects. These currents, that do not place capitalism as the source of oppression, advise the movement to be content with partial conquests. Identity politics, that puts the "counter-identity" on target, isolates large segments that would support the struggle of women and LGBTI + and deals a blow to the unity of the working class. These two trends, that seek to limit the struggle of women and LGBTI + to show achievements that do not touch the capitalist system, They are dead ends and setbacks for the movement. Fighting against these influences from a class and socialist perspective is vital for the movement to progress.

Authoritarianism, attacks on democratic rights and the fascist danger

Another distinctive feature of the period we are going through is the intensification of attacks on democratic rights, authoritarianism and the increased danger of fascism. As the crisis of capitalism deepens, we see that the traditional institutionalism of bourgeois democracy and liberal hegemony have been shaken. As in the decades of 1920 Y 1930, broader segments of the ruling classes see the bourgeois-democratic process as an obstacle and far-right fascist governments as a "solution".

Significant trends are emerging in the United States and Western Europe, which are the traditional centers of liberal parliamentary systems in the world. The fact that Trump can still enjoy great popularity while cursing the"Radical Socialists Who Have Seized America" is the most obvious and dangerous expression of this trend for the United States right now. Ten months after his electoral defeat, Trump's position as leader of the Republican Party, representing a significant portion of the ruling classes in the United States, has been strengthened.

As the failures of the Biden administration and the disappointment of workers and youth intensify, it is very likely that Trump or someone like him will return to the presidency with more force. If the radical class movement that has the power and perspective to overthrow the two-party system in America fails, it is clear that right-wing populism, authoritarianism and fascist movements will gain dangerous force through the Republican Party. Thus, it is necessary to underline once again the dangerous role played by currents such as the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Instead of directing the rising class struggle and leftist dynamism towards a left project completely independent of the bourgeois wings, the DSA turns more and more to the right and theorizes on the need to continue indefinitely supporting the imperialist Democratic Party.

a Europe, the extreme right continues to gain strength in the face of the economic crisis, hostility towards immigrants and Islamophobia. Today, far-right parties have strong positions in almost all parliaments in Europe. When the revolutionary left does not organize social discontent, right-wing populist demagogues, far-right or fascists - who present themselves as anti-establishment- fill the void. We witnessed the second in France. As if an extreme right like Marine Le Pen's weren't enough on the political scene, a second far-right politician, Eric Zemmour, who now competes with her in the presidential elections, has made a big leap in the polls and has risen to second place. Nevertheless, the class struggle in France had taken very radical forms in recent years. Both the Yellow Vests Movement and the strikes of the Metro and railroad workers had profoundly affected the country.. Regrettably, when there is no revolutionary left that can carry out these actions and organize activists, or when it is insufficient, it is the extreme right and fascist movements that benefit from this situation.

This example in France shows how vital it is that a fringe of the avant-garde (of workers' protests and street demonstrations) join revolutionary organizations. This layer will provide both the radicalization of ideas in the labor movement and the establishment of ties between the working class and revolutionary organizations.. If there is no grouping in revolutionary organizations, we see radicalism in action retreat, the left turn is very limited and the right takes every opportunity. On the other hand, for a leading generation of workers and youth to emerge, revolutionary organizations must first be strong enough for workers to locate these revolutionary alternatives and take them as a reference. If the organized revolutionary alternative remains weak, the reformists who speak for the left and the union bureaucracies, with his notorious loyalty to the system, will divert opportunity to the right. This privileged layer of bureaucrats plays a large part in the rise of the far right with its role in undermining the class struggle..

Along with the growing danger from the far right, the authoritarian tendencies of the system are getting stronger. In many countries of the world, democratic rights are not respected at all or face heavy attack. Far-right leaders like Modi, Erdogan, Orbán and Bolsonaro are carrying out radical attacks against democratic rights in the authoritarian regimes they try to install. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to exercise democratic rights in many countries from China to Nicaragua, Belarus or Russia, from Iran to the Arab sheiks and in Africa. Military coups in Africa have become much more frequent, as seen in the last example in Sudan. The heroic sacrifice of the people who resisted the bloody junta in Myanmar has yet to pay off.

The danger posed by far-right populists and demagogues should not be underestimated, fascist street movements or authoritarian leaders. The surest way to stop the reaction of the extreme right is to raise the class struggle. Because the class struggle and socialism are the precise solutions to the capitalist crisis. Hope for a new life will prevent the far right from having a chance to gain traction. Working-class actions reduce space for the far right. Because the workers' actions are internationalist in nature, they are also an intellectual antidote to racist tendencies, religious and anti-immigrant that divide the working class.

The protection of all kinds of democratic rights is one of the main duties of socialists. The fight for democratic rights is the basis of the fight for the socialist revolution. We defend the right to self-determination of the peoples. The right of assembly and demonstration, Press freedom, fundamental human rights, freedom of expression and organization and trade union rights; all of this creates an environment in which the working class can breathe freely. The main task of the working class and socialists is to defend them enviable.

The street force of the fascists is another issue on which the socialists must take special precautions.. When fascist gangs find a chance to organize, they strengthen and carry out violent actions against the left and the oppressed, with the support they receive from the States. It is impossible for revolutionaries to passively observe this process. The Socialist Revolutionaries must take the lead in the anti-fascist movement and must be in the fight to constantly reduce the areas of the movement and the organization of the fascist thugs.. It is of great importance to win the anti-fascist forces, that create a strong dynamism in many parts of the world, for Marxism and the class perspective.

Imperialist balances teeter with shocks and tensions

The experience of recent years has shown that imperialist conflicts have intensified with the capitalist economic crisis; Balances are shifting and wars are spreading. Afghanistan, Karabakh, Ukraine, Libya, Syria, west, Palestine, Yemen, Ethiopia, Sahara Occidental, Sudan, Eritrea, Nigeria, Kashmir and others have been the countries where wars occurred in recent years. These wars, in which the imperialist great powers are mostly involved through third parties on the battlefield, and the new ones that line the door, will probably take more dangerous forms with the capitalist crisis.

The extraordinary process of exploitation and growth that China has achieved since the last quarter of the 20th century shifts the balance of the imperialist system. American imperialism, which has gradually lost its position as the world's only superpower, is investing in the policy of containing China with all its might. The fight initiated by the United States against China in the economic field, political and ideological was transformed into a siege strategy that intensified global weaponry.

The policy of "peaceful ascent", which has been the official doctrine of China for many years, has been replaced by a more assertive and aggressive foreign policy with Xi Jinping. The CCP Regime Directs State Resources Toward Enhancing Technological Development And Military Capability. On the other hand, The United States continues to deepen its political-military activities and settlements, especially in South Asia. We have seen the latest example of this in Australia's defense cooperation agreement with the US.. and the United Kingdom (AUKUS), despite strong reactions from its main business partner, China.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement brings together countries such as Japan with the United States, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore, who are concerned about the rise of China. The problems in regions like Taiwan, Hong Kong and the South China Sea will continue to be extremely dangerous hot warfields for the peoples of the world for years to come..

The deepening of inter-imperialist frictions and disputes between the decadent US and the rising China may in the future evolve towards a new global confrontation with unpredictable consequences for the survival of humanity.. There is no progressive field. We revolutionary socialists must remain independent and denounce the interests outside the working class and the peoples of each of them..

American imperialism, aware of the limits of his power, is reducing its weight in the Middle East due to its strategy of encircling China. We face the surprising consequences of this turn. Afghanistan, where the American occupation shamefully ended and the Taliban won a great triumph, is the latest example of this. In the Middle East there is a great conflict between Russia, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. for filling the unoccupied areas by the United States. It goes without saying that these conflicts were very bloody and that regional powers waged bloody civil wars through their partners..

As capitalism is shaken by crisis, the ruling classes, bourgeois states and politicians are also becoming more unstable. The furious nature of imperialism and the capitalist system of nation-states to pursue unlimited profits and wealth tends to turn into extreme forms and war under conditions of crisis.. The only social force that can fight against the imperialist war is the international working class. The same objective social processes that led imperialism to wars are propelling the working class into the revolutionary ranks. That is why our immediate task is to strengthen the international revolutionary socialist unity of the working class..

The obligation to organize and turn towards the revolutionary socialist perspective

The depression created by the capitalist crisis will force the working masses to descend into the field of action throughout the decade of 2020. It's not just our optimistic expectations. The Economist Intelligence Unit, subsidiary ofThe Economist, evaluated the risk of mass social protests as "very high probability" in its analysis of ten risks that will shake the world in 2022.

A study signed by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung foundation (FES), which is an instrument of German imperialism, analyzing the protests and making a forecast about what is to come in the next few years, concluded that we live a period of history similar to the years 1848, 1917 the 1968,"When a large number of people rebelled against the state of affairs and demonstrated to demand changes". The IMF predicts possible rebellions and even revolutions.

As revolutionary Marxists, we must be aware that we are facing great opportunities. Nevertheless, mass actions have great obstacles in terms of disorganization and lack of perspective. The tremendous experiences of 2019 are full of clear indications about it. The protesters who fought heroically in Chile, Iraq, France and many other countries could not solve many complicated problems on their own, how to defeat bourgeois states, governments, right-wing aggressors and left-wing conciliatory tendencies. For it, the masses must have a solid revolutionary perspective and an effective organized force. On the one hand, to resist the aggression of the bourgeois state, and on the other, to avoid the cunning sabotage of the conciliatory tendencies of the left, Marxist organizations must gain power and authority in the eyes of the masses.

As the masses shift to the left and the red perspective grows stronger, the uprisings of the decade of 2020 will acquire a definitely revolutionary character.

The doors of a new revolutionary situation will open when the masses respond to the most brutal consequences of the capitalist crisis with actions and strikes and resort to ideas., symbols and revolutionary socialist organizations.

The masses, especially the young, they are already in a serious search for an alternative. This is very important, because without searching it will not be possible to progress. The working class and youth are now going through these stages. This is really important. But we know that the intervention of the revolutionary Marxist organizations is necessary for the actions of the working class and the youth to achieve their logical consequences., that is to say, for the realization of socialist revolutions.

The LIS and all revolutionary Marxist organizations have great responsibilities in this regard.. The turn of spontaneous movements towards a revolutionary perspective and the expansion of the organization depend on our effectiveness and intervention..

In this sense, we must get rid of sectarianism, the narrow-mindedness, blind competition and we must organize a joint work in the widest possible unit of action. Only through joint struggles can we become an alternative for the masses and break the reassuring effect of the conciliatory tendencies on the left.. The LIS is ready to do everything possible to develop a culture of solidarity and common struggle among revolutionary Marxist organizations.. The LIS is organized on the basis of a new understanding in which secondary differences are discussed with camaraderie, not as reason for division, and has made significant strides in a short time towards creating a great revolutionary Marxist unity around the world. And it will be a focal point for the socialist leaps in the historical crisis of capitalism that we are going through., raising revolutionary solidarity and persistent struggle.

Overcoming conciliatory tendencies and ideological struggle

We are witnessing a social and political polarization that will continue to advance. The trends to the right that we have already developed are one face of the current situation. The other is the turn to the left of increasingly broad sectors of the mass movement.. To the extent that the organization of the revolutionary socialists is not strengthened, this turn will be capitalized on by reformism., that will try to divert the ascent towards the electoral plane and thus save governments and regimes, which most of the time will end up helping right.

Whenever the capitalist system is in crisis, left reformist parties, what are the caretakers of the system, and in most cases the union bureaucracy, which is under the control of these elements or of the bourgeoisie itself, intervene to rescue the system. As recent examples, the Concertación, the Broad Front and the Communist Party of Chile; the CUT and the Historical Pact of Gustavo Petros in Colombia; the parties of theestablishment Stalinist CPI and CPI (M) in India, played a critical role in saving the system by going to great lengths to contain protests and strikes.

In the recent past, the vacillation of the Communist Party and Mélenchon regarding the yellow vest movement in France benefited Macron and Le Pen. In Germany, the die linke twist (The left) towards neoliberalism continues to pave the way for far-right AfD. In the same way, the Italian Communist Rifondazione left the streets to the right-wing populist movement Five Stars and the far-right Northern Alliance. In Greece, the Eurocommunist Syriza became a savior of the bourgeoisie. In the Spanish State, Podemos allowed the return to power of the PSOE. In Brazil, the PT government made possible the victory of the semi-fascist Bolsonaro. In Argentina, The government of Cristina Kirchner first and now that of the entire PJ with Fernández-Kirchner at the head have helped the emergence and strengthening of the right. In Venezuela, the Maduro government is responsible for making the right an important actor. In India, the Stalinist reformist parties [CPI y CPI (M)] laid the foundations of the authoritarian right-wing populist Modi. In many similar situations, including these examples, reformist parties supported neoliberal policies of social cuts and privatizations. It is not possible to win the leadership of the mass movement and transform the capitalist crisis into a social revolution without defeating these forces..

Reject the model of the Bolshevik Party and adopt as a permanent strategy the establishment of large mass parties with reformist forces, as suggested by the Unified Secretariat (SU-IV) and some other forces, it is nothing more than an adaptation to reformism. This does not mean not adopting adequate tactics for the different processes that can develop in certain situations.; but these tactics, which may include participation in broad anti-capitalist formations, they cannot be strategic, nor for all time and place, nor contradict the construction of revolutionary parties.

The new world that is opening up has to find us attentive to the possibility of ruptures on the left in mass parties and new phenomena that open opportunities for revolutionary construction.

Just as revolutionary socialists must always differentiate themselves from the reformist and centrist left, It must also separate itself from the sectarians and skeptics who hinder the advance of the struggle and the revolutionary leadership where they have some influence..

One of the biggest obstacles facing the mass movement is postmodern anti-Marxist movements., who argue that the time of class struggle is over, they denigrate the struggle for the seizure of political power by the working classes and make black propaganda blaming socialism for the crimes of Stalinism. No wonder the same arguments are also those of the capitalists. Postmodern intellectuals and groups play a huge reactionary role, posing the struggle for identities and cultures as a project of the left. Experience has repeatedly shown that the project to create small autonomous units liberated, which is perhaps the most affirmative proposal of these groups, does not pose the slightest threat to the functioning of the system.

To respond with a revolution to the crisis of the system, we have to succeed in uniting the international revolutionary Marxist forces on the widest possible front and building strong national sections. This empowerment is only possible with ideological clarity, healthy methods, a strong perspective and energetic work. Only in this way can we defeat the reformist bureaucrats, what are the caretakers of the system, and overcome the centrist tendencies that vacillate between revolution andestablishment. When we combine the enormous energy of the masses with the organized power of Marxism, the pre-revolutionary period will have been left behind and a world revolutionary situation will have begun.

Passed unanimously10/12/2021