11S: Long live 1-O and the Catalan Republic. A front of the extreme left is needed

We live worse and worse. Inflation grows unchecked. Public health and education are severely impaired. The rents are very expensive. Electricity and gas rates are unpayable. Unemployment and precarious work plague millions of people. Young people and women are victims of an unjust and patriarchal system. Salaries and pensions are not enough to make ends meet.

Sánchez winks to the left, but turn right. The capitalist economic crisis, We revolutionary socialists have before us a challenge of confluence, the war of Russian invasion of Ukraine and the policies of the imperialist bloc of the European Union, whip the working people.  Its consequences are aggravated by the PSOE-UP management that causes suffering and more social inequality. They form a government at the service of: guarantee capitalist profits, support the parliamentary monarchical regime of '78, obey western imperialism, the EU and NATO, build the anti-immigrant "fortress Europe" and support the Moroccan gendarme against the Saharawi people. The Spanish government coalition is neither progressive nor leftist.

Gravediggers of 1-O. The majority of the Catalan people gave support to the ERC-JxCat government. Nevertheless, there are many people who feel cheated because Pere Aragonés has synchronized with the Spanish government. He supports Sánchez and moves away from the Catalan Republic in order to achieve a regented autonomy. It is not surprising that Junqueras has criticized the ANC call or that the president do not attend the mobilization of the Diada. They are not mistakes, it's a policy that bury the 1-O. The dialogue table is a trap to consolidate the oppression of Catalonia.

The right and the extreme right are on the prowl. The lies, the betrayals, the inconsistencies of the PSOE-UP management and of the reformists, generate discontent and mistrust. It is precisely what the PP is trying to capitalize on, Vox y Cs. From reactionary positions, miserably present themselves as change managers, defenders of freedoms and carriers of economic well-being. You have to fight them where they rear their heads.

7 proposals

The current crisis situation and the one to come poses great challenges and, at the same time the opportunity to build something new. The united struggle and the exchange of opinions will help to configure the best path to follow.

1-Call for the working people to break. The way to face the current situation and what is to come is indicated by the mobilizations and the struggles. Like the ones that health workers carried out at different times, The education, Cadiz metallurgists, Iberian workers, Ryanair and others. The same ones carried out by the workers of France, from the UK and other countries around the world. Let's support the struggles and the demand for a general strike to CC. AND. y UGT.

2- Promote democratic assemblies. It is essential that a plan of struggle be debated and voted on in democratic assemblies. With a program of transitional claims that range from immediate needs to those of substance, so that the crisis is paid by the capitalists. Unions need new leaders, democratic and combative.

3-Take up the massive fights. Mass mobilizations and self-organization are essential, with the labor movement, to carry out a new attack against the regime of '78, against persecution and repression, for amnesty and pending social rights. JxCat suspended independence at the height of the mobilization, now ERC completes the task trying to freeze it, way to bury the 1-O. A new leadership is needed to achieve the conquest of the Catalan Republic. It is an indissoluble task in the struggle for a strategic solution: let the workers rule and socialism.

4- Confront the bourgeois governments and their regimes. Don't you think that there are enough elements for an in-depth evaluation of the central and regional governments? We think so, and that would return an unequivocal result: they are not progressive or leftist. They are variants of bourgeois governments that do not go beyond the limits imposed by the capitalist system.. It is a mistake to place even the slightest trust in the PSOE-UP and ERC-JxCat governments.

5-Unitarily combat the right and the extreme right. This does not imply choosing the "Lesser evil", a trap that slides power to one side and the other of the political pendulum without causing profound changes. It means preventing the most nefarious sectors of society from capitalizing on social discontent. political movements, social, union, of human and cultural rights we have the challenge of fighting them relentlessly until we defeat them.

6-Stand up the missing political actor: the far left. A new alternative is needed, far left. with what characteristics? be anti-imperialist, anticapitalist, that is for the self-determination of the peoples, for class independence, that breaks with the EU and does not give in to the governments or the bourgeois regimes. with what program? With proposals that respond to immediate and strategic needs, that is to say, for a workers' government and for socialism. with what orientation? That it is not only an electoral formation, but a tool to support struggles and intervene in political processes. That it take root in the labor and popular movement, student, feminist, pensioner and migrant. Stay away from the old policy, sectarianism and opportunism. That it delimit itself from the reformists and fight the right and the extreme right. with what method? with common action, the patient discussion, respect for different opinions and political traditions.

7-Promote the call to build the new. The CUP defines itself as anti-capitalist, makes correct criticism and continues to enjoy support in sectors of activism and youth. It is an important political capital from which it could call to set up a Front of the extreme left. It would be a very positive step seen with great sympathy by the most consistent fighters. No progress can be made in this direction without breaking the agreements with the ERC that gave Aragonés the investiture and keep him in power. Anticapitalistas would also play a progressive role if it pronounced itself in the same sense, overcoming regionalism and programmatic half measures. The groupings that claim to be socialists and internationalists, like SOL, AT THE, CRT, CR and IR, we have the challenge of steps to reverse the dispersion and move towards the regrouping of the revolutionaries.