MST-Argentina: 30 years of revolutionary and socialist struggle

Three decades ago the MST was born, our brother party of Argentina in the FIT-U. From that moment until today he has been participating in the political and social struggle, building a workers party, socialist and revolutionary. The parties and groups from five continents that make up the International Socialist League are proud of the internationalist commitment of the MST. From SOL we salute the Act that the compañeras and compañeros will carry out in Buenos Aires and we send them a big revolutionary hug through the greeting of the compañera Laura Candela. We also publish a greeting from Jaime García Flores, received from Andalusia.:

Laura Candela

Greetings internationalists from Andalusia (south of the Spanish State), by Jaime Garcia Flores:

let's keep standing

“30 years, What are they 30 years in a lifetime? but, if you look at it through the struggle and work of the Socialist Movement of the workers, It is the time and life that has been gained for the working class, feminism, anti-capitalism, ecosocialist...

In this way, me sumo, from this greeting, to the indefatigable and tireless struggle through politics, both in institutions, how, especially, on the streets. A perseverance that has paid off with the achievement of Legal Abortion, where "Together and to the left" was a vital part. Being a reference in each of the environmental demonstrations as happened in Mendoza or Chubut, from the Ecosocialist Network. Without forget, the resistance led by MST Teresa Vive against the plans of the “left and popular” government and its economic arm IMF.

In another order of affairs, highlight the paradigm shift produced by the FITU since the MST became part, making Argentina the largest Trotskyist pole on the entire planet. With a strategy and a clear speech, he made the front not merely electoral but went much further., that is to say, unite the union, militant and activist, to make it a project with more weight and incidence in Argentine society.

“Left Journalism” and “Socialist Alternative”, They have become information points to follow both for people who live in the country and for those who are abroad. Thanks to the hard work of those who integrate it, it is possible to follow current affairs day by day from one's own and critical perspective, either with respect to some international or national point. A “lung” journalism.

to finish, I name the International Socialist League. A league that is knowing how to cross borders, being in countries like: Spain, Chile, France, Pakistan, Kenya, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Ukraine, The Libano, Colombia, Brazil and Costa Rica. In addition to building ties with Australia.

concluding, I quote Celeste Fierro when she said "We are the story of a town that did not resign itself and fought for 10 years to defend essential ecosystems for our life. This has to be the axis vector, unmask those truly responsible for bringing us to this collapse, of having allowed an extractivist Wetlands Law to come out with a majority opinion”.