Spain: Faced with the institutional crisis, popular mobilization

Author: Ruben Tzanoff

mobilizations and general strike so that the crisis is paid by those who generated it, the PP and the judges exchange crossfire. The expiration of the '78 regime is expressed harshly. In a politically and socially tense situation, two requirements are needed: the irruption of street mobilization and the construction of a new political alternative of the radical left.

plunged into a dark abyss

In a vote of six to five, heconstitutional Court (TC) has decided to prevent the Senate from legislating on the renewal of the judicial body, in which two of its members have expired terms. The reactionary knot of the unleashed conflict lies in the fact that the reforms are decided in different judicial bodies and not in Congress. That is to say, that the judges appointed by the King and the parties of the regime be the ones who decide in replacement of the deputies and senators, elected by popular vote. A serious crisis has begun that has once again plunged the institutional framework of Spanish capitalism into a dark abyss of contradictions..

the next episode

In this direction, the following instance to define the appointment of magistrates of the TC, is scheduled for el martes 27, with the meeting ofGeneral Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ). as anticipated, the "conservative sector" will put two names on the table: Cesar Tolosa and Maria Luisa Segoviano. While the "progressive sector" would nominate their own candidates. How far will the dispute go?? Decay makes it hard to predict. What is sure, is that the crises will repeat themselves and that only far-reaching changes can break the undemocratic vicious circle that surrounds the Spanish State.

PSOE-PP: "It's lovely, they fight, they love each other again…”

The facts are compelling. He was the Minister of the Presidency, decomposition, who made it possible to reinforce the conservative majority of the TC by agreeing with the PP on the candidacies of Enrique Arnaldo and Concepción Espejel. This is the reason why both Bolaños, as the president of Congress, as raised by the Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor, and the president of the senate, Ander Gil (all of the PSOE) They called to respect the decision of the TC. This is how the disaster of the Spanish superstructure unfolds: between"love and hate" that at all times the PSOE and the PP are lavished.

Crossfire from institutional trenches

Pedro Sánchez and his allies entrench themselves in the Government and in the Senate. The right and the extreme right open fire camouflaged under the robes of the most conservative magistrates of the TC, who agreed to take the very precautionary measures requested by the PP and Vox. To the socialist leaders, the popular ones and the judges are not moved by democratic intentions but by their own ambitions for power and electoral calculations.

Radical reform of the judicial system

It is a contradiction that it is the institution itself that chooses the judges, that the charges are untouchable and that justice functions as an annex of political power. Proposals are needed that go beyond the scope of circumstantial patches. Judges must be elected by popular vote. It is necessary to establish the revocability of the charges, the authority of Popular Juries and the validity of Independent Investigative Commissions. The magistrates must receive the same salary as a qualified worker and be accountable to popular representations of control. The adoption of transitional measures of this type can only be imposed with the realization of large mobilizations. At the same time, it is vital to attack the underlying problems.

Down with the '78 regime and the monarchy

The democratic limitations are replicated without a solution of continuity in all the powers of the State. This is because the Franco dictatorship first and the transition laterthey imposed institutions and reactionary postulates, on whose cusp is the restoration of the monarchy. To guarantee a different future, it is essential to settle accounts with the past, promoting a unitary movement ordered by actions aimed at ending the '78 regime and the monarchy. That opens the way towards constituent processes in which the people decide everything, among other things: the self-determination of oppressed peoples, the dissolution of the Senate and its replacement by a Single Chamber with representatives elected by proportional vote.  

Let the popular mobilization erupt

The population is not only tired of the "show" in the heights, it is also affected by inflation that devalues ​​the salary and makes the cost of living more expensive. The crisis of the capitalist economy, We revolutionary socialists have before us a challenge of confluence, the war of invasion of Ukraine and thecorruption in the European Union exacerbate social unrest and uncertainty. The best channel to express the discontent that is perceived even in the midst of the festive atmosphere, is the mobilization of the workers and the people. With a program of democratic and social claims for immediate application. With the requirement that CC. AND. and UGT call a general strike. It is the path that themassive Madrid demonstration in defense of public health, the strikes inFrance and theUnited Kingdom

We must end the old policy of"the castes"

The government of"Progressive coalition" PSOE-United We Can, configures a compendium of lies and measures that have nothing to do with a true left. The PP and Vox try to capitalize on discontent based on right-wing proposals. The truth is, beyond their differences, are variants of the regime and the capitalist system. Among them, he"Lesser evil" is diluted among the sufferings of the working people. A new anti-capitalist political alternative is needed, of the left that supports the struggles for class independence. That sustains as a strategy a government of the workers and the people, with full democratic freedoms and satisfied social rights. without exploiters, oppressors and bureaucrats. That is to say, no confidence in the liberal and pro-imperialist government of Zelensky.

For a radical left front

There are organizations like the CUP and Anticapitalistas that present themselves as enemies of the system and promoters of profound transformations.. As do groups that claim to be revolutionary socialists, how: SOL, AT THE, CR, CRT, IR and others. Among all of us we have the challenge of making a call to set up a radical left front to fight together for the strategic changes that are needed.