Argentina: Plenary of the left and the fighters. Resolution of the Political Commission
The Open Plenary of the Left, as part of your development, had 13 important thematic commissions that debated during the afternoon and finally their resolutions were voted by the militancy. From the International Socialist League We inform the left and the fighters of the whole world the document of the Political Commission of the plenary for the knowledge of the fighters and the left of the whole world.
For a workers' government and socialism, we go with the left that is planted
The plenary of the left and the fighters, with thousands of compañeras and compañeros from the great struggles of the labor movement, picketer, of the socio-environmental struggle, of the woman, dissidents and youth, calls on the workers and the people to put up an alternative to the capitalist parties that have plunged the country into misery, surrender to imperialism and national subjugation.
We emphasize the great importance of this plenary, that collects the methods of deliberation and resolution of the working class, the assemblies, debate and collective resolution. We have summoned all the parties of the Left Front to this plenary. We reject the self-proclamation of candidacies unilaterally and without debate by Bregman and Del Caño, that conspires against the need to orient our Unity Left Front to unite with those who have been facing the adjustment and fighting in the streets and that we want them to be protagonists of a revolutionary rise of the left.
The Frente de Todos government was a complete failure. His policy went through agreeing with private bondholders and with the International Monetary Fund, agreements for the repayment of the usurious and fraudulent foreign debt. The result of these agreements is in sight: the country never finished overcoming bankruptcy, inflation rises, salaries and pensions are pulverized and poverty and homelessness grow in neighborhoods across the country. The Frente de Todos ends its mandate in the same way as the macrismo: with more indebtedness, poverty and on the verge of a huge devaluation.
Under the government of the Frente de Todos, the looting of the environment was reinforced, extractivism and mega mining. In terms of freedoms, we have a more trigger-happy and heavy hand in the neighborhoods, that coexists with an advance of the narco takeover. The state continues to be responsible for violence against women despite the creation of a Ministry that only served to co-opt official organizations.
We call to draw substantive conclusions: Peronism in the government has definitively shown that far from being a channel for the defense of popular demands, it is a vehicle of the capitalist politics of plunder and adjustment. And Kirchnerism has played a fundamental role in this anti-worker policy, even being a battering ram to attack popular organizations. Cristina's resignation to stand as a candidate is a result of the failure of her government and today a new electoral assembly is being proposed that includes the MAS with Unión por la Patria, while calling for a national agreement with the right-wing opposition, to solve the problem with the IMF, paying an immoral and illegitimate debt.
For all this we propose: Out with the capitalist politicians!! For a workers' government and socialism. by Alejandro Bodart at the opening ceremony of the plenary session
Our complaint to the judiciary, as agent of the bourgeoisie, imperialism and many times from the bosses' opposition, It can never serve to cover up the PJ and any of its variants, including Kirchnerism and its policy of capitalist looting against the country.. The defense of the Left Front as a channel of political independence is a fundamental principle that unites us, That is why we reject the opportunistic adaptation by Bregman and Del Caño against the national government, especially towardsCristina Fernandez de Kirchner.
Faced with the collapse of the Frente de Todos government, the employers come for fundamental measures against the people: a new devaluation that hits wages even more, labor reforms to liquidate rights, new pension reforms to hit especially the special regimes, and privatizations against education and health. His project involves transforming Argentina into a huge dump at the service of multinational oil companies, mega-mining and lithium.
But they collide with great popular discontent and crises in all political groups. Both Macri and Cristina have given up being candidates. The breaks in Together for Change and the Frente e Todos are the expression of the failure in the government of all these variants. This underlying crisis is the breeding ground for the growth of fascistic variants such as Milei's, who do we call to face.
The new attacks planned by all the bosses' political forces, after years of adjustment against the people, they prepare great struggles and popular rebellions, a reality that we already saw in France with the rebellion against the pension reform, in Peru with the fight against the coup of Dina Boluarte, and throughout Latin America. And these weeks the enormous mobilizations in Salta first and in Jujuy later, They are the anticipated expressions of the enormous social strength and struggle of the working class and the people to face the attacks that are coming.. We are going to a country where they intend to liquidate social and democratic conquests and we are going to great social convulsions in which to intervene and to which to support from the left.

The role of the Left Front
In this context, the Left Front must assume its responsibility: summon all the mobilized sectors to form a political alternative to intervene supporting all the popular struggles, prepare the struggles that are coming and dispute the political leadership of the working class and the popular sectors. A Left Front that is a merely electoral agreement is incapable of playing this role. Our fundamental role is to contribute to the joint intervention of workers in the crisis, to propose a worker and popular solution. We need a front that acts daily in the class struggle and not every two years when there are elections.
We claim the great piquetero struggle, of which we are protagonists. We call for active support and we propose a national teacher strike, denied by Ctera bureaucracy, for the victory of the great strikes in Salta, Santa Cruz, Jujuy, Chubut, Province of Buenos Aires and throughout the country.
We raise the example of the fight of the tire with the Sutna in the lead, that paralyzed the industry and achieved a salary increase higher than inflation with the methods of the general strike, the picket, the employed and unemployed unit, based on the recovery of the union for the workers' assemblies carried out by the Black list. Several sectors of health workers also demonstrated that when they fight consistently, conquests can be achieved as in CABA, Buenos Aires and Cordoba. Fierro's speech at the closing ceremony of the plenary session
We denounce the surrender of the union bureaucracy of the CGT in all its internal currents and all the CTA to all these claims, all integrated into the government of the Frente de Todos and we call to defend a united front policy for the recovery of the unions as fighting tools for the workers and for a new combative and democratic leadership.
We vindicate and promote the struggles of women, and we say more than ever, not one less, the state is responsible! We promote environmental struggles against extractivist looting throughout the country.
We call to confront especially the policy of criminalization of social protest, carried out by the provincial governments, Justice, and promote from the national government to the right-wing opposition. we propose: down with the reactionary reform of Morales in Jujuy, anti picket protocols below. For the freedom of all political prisoners, enough criminalization. Acquittal of Cesar Arakaki and Daniel Ruiz. Below the complaint against Alejandro Crespo. For the prosecution of the fighters.
These struggles must come together in a political alternative for the government of the workers and socialism. But only if the Left Front has a combat character, if it brings together the vanguard that is emerging in the struggles, if it is reinforced by intervening daily in the class struggle, if it drives the new directions, thoroughly develops the struggle for claims and the political struggle, if it advances in democratic and massive events to decide like this Plenary, it could become a tool for the working class to overcome the currents of the bosses and lead a fundamental social transformation.
Those of us who participate in this plenary seek to overcome conservative politics and electoral adaptation that sterilize the efforts of the left, We seek to strengthen the Left Front to win over the broadest popular masses to the task of fighting to end the regime of hunger and misery of those who have been ruling us.. Y, decidedly to overcome from the left the experience with the Justicialista Party and all its wings, summoning thousands of honest workers and young people disappointed with that experience, to join the left to fight for another way out. Giving in to any of the wings of Peronism delays the experience of the workers themselves who are defrauded by submission and surrender to the IMF and the abandonment even of their declaimed "historical flags". That is why the formula of Bregman and Del Caño does not express us, released a year ago, a unilateral imposition and not submitted to the debate that we carried out in this massive plenary. A formula that also expresses hegemonic intentions that are not consistent with the reality of the front and seeks to further close a political tool that needs to be summoned and not depend only on a single voice or idea of a party..
In this political battle, We especially denounce the fascistic offensive of Javier Milei. We are going to a great campaign to wrest the youth from the stale ideas of liberalism that Menem's Argentina already embodied, which ended in the crisis of 2001. We must remove the mask from this dollarization without dollars to liquidate wages, to the false “liberalism” of the defenders of the dictatorship, to the demagogy that covers up the privatist policy against education and health, and the anti-rights policy of Mileism.
We call for a political struggle for a socialist program: For the break with the IMF, investigation and non-payment of foreign debt. For the nationalization of banking and foreign trade under the control of the workers to pour these resources into a housing and public works plan based on popular needs. For a salary equal to the family basket and for the 82% mobile for retirement. For the distribution of working hours without affecting the salary to end unemployment. For the annulment of the concessions to the privatized of all public services and their placement under worker and social control. For a government of the workers and socialism! Out with the capitalist politicians!! For the support of workers' struggles, popular and youth worldwide.
We call to mobilize throughout the country against the reactionary constituent of Morales and to set up a great action of solidarity with the people of Jujuy who are confronting it in the streets.
We call for the massive mobilization of the next 26 of June, on the anniversary of the murder of Maximiliano Kosteki and Darío Santillán, to Pueyrredón Bridge, against the repression and criminalization of social protest, yesterday and today.
We decided to boost, in defense of this perspective, the candidacies of Gabriel Solano for president and, Vilma Ripoll in Vice. In Province of Buenos Aires, Alejandro Bodart to Governor, Néstor Pitrola to National Deputy, Romina Del Plan to Senator. In Capital, Vanina Biasi to Head of Government, Cele Fierro to Legislator, Jessi Gentile to National Deputy. And with the pride of integrating prominent fighters of the labor and piquetero movement such as José Meniño, Andrea Lanzette, Ileana Celotto and Guillermo Pacagnini. And at the same time we will open our lists to fighters who adhere to the FIT-U program and the general orientation voted in this Plenary. Inviting all those sectors and referents to be an active part of the activities of our electoral campaign and of the struggles that we promote and support.
We claim this plenary as a method of participation and democratic decision of the militancy and sympathizers of the left, opposed to the punterilista and verticalista tradition of the parties of the regime, as a starting point of a methodology that must be made habitual in the FIT Unit, if we want to strengthen in the future this experience of unity of the left with an anti-capitalist and socialist program.
In the immediate, We call to set up a great electoral campaign winning the streets, popular neighborhoods and workplaces from this perspective, performing dozens of events at the factory gate, talks and debates in the places of study, open assemblies across the country, taking our proposals to the workers and popular struggles. We call for assemblies and plenary sessions throughout the country to vote for the list, and to strengthen the Unity Left Front at the forefront of all popular struggles.
We promoted a national presentation of the program on the list this 29 of June, as well as a presentation in La Plata on 5 and in Capital the 6 of July. And tours of our presidential formula throughout the country.

You can watch the full opening and closing act here: