23J: The unity of the extreme left is needed

It is necessary to put up a new anti-capitalist alternative. A Left Front to dispute the reformists, cultists of the "lesser evil" and the disastrous expressions of the right and ultra-right. Also to support the struggles that are coming. There is a great opportunity to advance in this direction.  

We have already developed a first balance of the municipal elections of 28M in the note "Spanish state: 28M, electoral advance, challenges and opportunities of the left”. Then, we will expand them with conclusions about the results in Catalonia, in Barcelona and with our proposals.

Catalonia: Punishment of ERC and setback of the independence movement

In the Autonomous community, the abstention reached a 44,44%. It is a piece of information that expresses the existing discontent with the autonomous government of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) and electoral demotivation.

Considering the whole of the elections, the PSOE did badly. Nevertheless, in Catalonia (PSC) was the most voted force (23,72%). Compromís was second (18,38%), favored by the camouflage behind which are the convergents and JxCat. ERC was the big loser (17,39%), receiving a punishment vote that was fed from two sides: the terrible management of the capitalist government of Pere Aragonés and the "liquefaction" of the demand for self-determination. The Dialogue Table and the rapprochement with Sánchez were a true betrayal of the 1-O Referendum and the massive mobilizations for the Catalan Republic.

Pere Aragonès, Oriol Junqueras, Ernest Maragall and Gabriel Rufián.

Although ERC and JxCat obtained dissimilar results, It is necessary to point out that both are responsible for the global setback of independence in more than 300.000 votes. This is so because they were government partners and have redirected the call for independence from the streets into a mere discursive resource., without deadlines or roadmap.

The PP achieved a 8,22%, synchronized with the general results. VOX achieved a 5,01%, which implies an advance of the Spanish ultra-right. in the same space, the racist Catalan Alliance obtained 6 councilors in Ripoll and representatives in different towns, as also happened with other neo-fascist formations. to some extent, the most retrograde fed on the collapse of Ciudadanos that barely reached 1,22% of votes.

Voting in Barcelona

The first four locations were for: Xavier Trias (Compromise), Jaume Collboni (PSOE-PSC), Ada Colau (Barcelona in Common) and Ernest Maragall (ERC).    

In addition to the strong setback of Left handed, The other relevant fact was the defeat of Colau. Under his management in the mayor's office (2015-2023) the much-announced never appeared "City Hall for Change". With just a few tweaks, the “Barcelona Brand” was maintained, a City model at the service of big capitalist profits, to the detriment of the workers and the neighbors who inhabit it. The Consistory adapted to the institutional framework of the '78 regime and was a battering ram against independence. Con Colau y En Comú Podemos takes shape a new disappointment of the projects promoted by Pablo Iglesias from Podemos.

The formation of governments

The formation of governments after the municipal ones presents all kinds of crossed agreements that on many occasions do not express the popular will of the majority vote. Beyond this reality, It is worth mentioning what happened in Valencia and in the Municipality of Barcelona. In the Valencian Community, the PP and VOX signed a pact to guarantee the common government. They did it based on agreeing to a reactionary and anti-rights program to repeal equality laws, deny sexist and patriarchal violence and privatize healthcare. This fact is important because it was replicated in other Communities and thus, hand in hand with the PP, The ultra-right breaks into different governments of provincial capitals and town halls of the Spanish State.

In the municipality of Barcelona, despite coming second in the elections, Jaume Collboni became the new mayor. This was possible due to the formation of the PSC-Barcelona tripod in Comú-PP. The self-styled "progressives" and the recognized right-wingers had no problem when it came to anointing who will exercise municipal power during the next period. The previous contacts between the political formations were so uncertain that Collboni only learned that he would be anointed when the vote count for the investiture finished.. In fact, I had two speeches prepared: one in case he was elected and another in case he was not.  

Colau, Collboni and Sirera, in a pre-election photograph.

A highlight for the CUP

The CUP raised its vote in relation to the municipal elections of 2019 and it decreased in relation to the autonomic ones of 2021. Equally, got one important representation in the municipalities. From our position of critical support to the CUP for a long time and the participation in the campaigns of Barcelona, L'Hospitalet and Banyoles; We salute the compañeras and compañeros who served and voted to obtain positions at the service of the struggles.

Likewise, It should be noted that the CUP does not appear as a massive alternative to fill the void left by the ERC setbacks, We can and other variants of the system. What are the causes? exist different points of view that will surely be enriched by the fraternal exchange of opinions and the continuity of the unity of action in the mobilizations.

In our opinion, the CUP does not appear as an alternative for a broader sector of the vanguard and the masses due to the lack of definition for class independence and the “bumps” among which its policy oscillates. The CUP manifests itself as anti-capitalist, stands as opposition, calls for mobilization and self-organization. But also, supported the investiture of Pere Aragonés, signed agreements with ERC, It is oriented towards diffuse social sectors above the structuring in the labor movement and does not privilege political postulation in the whole of the Spanish State. They are contradictions to resolve in an overcoming way.

An urgent and urgent need: form a front of the extreme left

Given the defeat suffered by the government on 28M and the prospect of its discredit deepening, Sánchez brought forward the presidential elections for the 23 of July. The elections will be held in the midst of a persistent deterioration in the standard of living and a growing political and social polarization. Given this present and the perspective of crises and conflicts that are coming, It is essential to build a new left alternative, both to intervene in the elections and in the struggles. There is no more time to lose. The PSOE and Podemos are neither left nor socialist. Its disasters have left an empty political space that the right and the ultra-right intend to occupy. SUMAR is presented as a "progressive" option, but it is reformism recycled.

Reality provides the opportunity and the need to build a strong representation of the anti-capitalist extreme left.. That consistently supports the struggles. That it be postulated as an alternative to bipartisanship, to the blackmail of the "lesser evil" and confront the right and the extreme right consequently, both in institutions and on the streets. With a program of class independence and the strategy of a government of the workers and the people with a socialist system.

If the CUP made a call of this type, it would be a big step forward. Also if I did the same Anticapitalists, leaving aside its almost exclusively Andalusian and multi-class drift. A call of this type would be a pole of attraction for labor activists, feminists, environmental and for all consistent fighters. Far from any sectarian and opportunistic attitude, the currents that we claim from the left, particularly the revolutionary socialists, like SOL, AT THE, CRT, CR and IR and others, we should push with all our might the call for a Front.