#It's over Rubiales, to extend the claim
The feminist and social rejection forced the resignation. Mobilization is the only way to defeat the machismo that persists in football and in all areas.
no grandstand, applause, shouts or ovations, in an interview conducted by British journalist Piers Morgan, known for his controversies and sexist attitudes, Finally Rubiales resigned from his positions in the RFEF and in the UEFA.
The reason for the resignation
It was the rejection of the feminist movement and other social sectors that left Rubiales without support.. #SeAcabó had expressions in the Spanish State and internationally, to such an extent that even his defenders left him alone. Was a triumph of feminism and the progressive sectors that got involved. This is the bottom line, although it is not the only thing.

For business and institutions
Criticism from the Sánchez government and other entities cited women's rights, but with one eye on the big deals and the other on the institutions. Spain is running to organize the Soccer World Cup 2030 with Portugal and Morocco and the sexist scandal went completely against achieving this objective. further, in the process of resolving the presidential investiture, The last thing Sánchez wants is massive mobilizations with demands. Within the '78 regime there is no defense of the feminist movement but rather poses to corner it in the institutions and obtain political benefits..
Did you resign because you reflected?
No, Rubiales resigned because “Holding on is not going to contribute anything positive.”, according to his statements published in X. And he delved into a misogynistic and meaningless drift "I have faith in the truth and I will do everything in my power to make it prevail. My daughters, my family and the people who love me have suffered the effects of excessive persecution, as well as many falsehoods, but it is also true that, on the street, every day more, “the truth is prevailing”.
Male chauvinist, liar and brazen
We allow ourselves to question you, Mr. Rubiales, what is the truth that is being imposed?? Because in the 21 days that it has taken its outcome, What is demonstrated every day is their abuse of power, the staleness of his thinking and the machismo of his actions. From the pressure on Jenni to declare that there was no abuse, going through the complicit applause at the disastrous press conference of the “I will not resign”, even falsifying videos of the non-consensual kiss that millions of us had seen live. All for what?? so that jenni will end the day 6 September, denouncing him before the Prosecutor's Office and the National Court will file a complaint against him. All for what?? for a crime that even the statute of the RFEF itself sanctions. But of course, Rubiales insists that he is innocent and there is a “campaña” against him.
The “campaña” of social sentence
In any case the “campaña” It is against the entire sexist and patriarchal system that dominates football.. Es “campaña” #SeAkabo, because, as the players who continue on strike have stated,, Not only should Rubiales resign, Not only should they fire Vilda, What must be done is democratize and feminize a Federation that until now has always suffered from this. In words by Vero Blowjob, former captain of the Spanish national team and current Fiorentina player, “We have won a battle but we are losing the war” (…) “Rubiales finally saw that it made no sense to continue tying himself to his position. But we want a deeper change”.
A fuse blew, let the entire board jump
Let us remember that while Rubiales was talking about “false feminism”, the 23 world champions and almost 60 Spanish players – up to a total of 81 – announced that they would not play with the national team again as long as the “current leaders”. We support the players when they say that Rubiales' departure will not magically fix the problems, nor the machismo prevailing in an RFEF that until literally five days ago –the past 7 September – did not have any women in its management organization chart. Last week, Rocha appointed Elvira Andrés as head of his presidential cabinet, Technical director Jorge Vilda was fired and replaced by Montse Tomé, in what seem more like gestures forced by circumstances than anything else.
to follow her
#SeAcabó was a cry that played a progressive role. Since Together and to the left and SOL are proud to have been part of the claim that sent Rubiales home.
Now we say that #SeAcabó must continue since Rubiales is just the tip of the iceberg of a sexist structure in sport, mainly in football. It is a campaign that must be extended against the expressions of patriarchal machismo that resides in the institutions, in reactionary social sectors that feed the right and extreme right of the PP, Vox and others. And because the abuses, like the one Jenni suffered, aggravated attacks are repeated on millions of women workers in factories, in the field and in other areas. In most cases, they are not seen on television, They are not written in the newspapers nor are they taken as complaints. The unitary mobilization from anti-capitalist feminism and unity with the struggles of the working class show the way to end the exploitation and oppression of women, so that patriarchy and capitalism fall together.