“Koldo Plot”: Stink of advanced decomposition

Corruption in high places is a constant that is disgusting. Transitional measures are needed, to investigate and punish those responsible, from first to last. And let the popular mobilization break out, so that there is no impunity.

What brain moved the hand?

Koldo García was the right hand of the former Minister of Transportation José Luis Ábalos. Being your driver, advisor and protector, charged the 3% of mask contracts due to the pandemic, issue investigated in the so-called Delorme operation. In a short period, The different “services” provided increased his personal assets by one and a half million euros. In the face of such a corruption scandal, The PSOE gave Ábalos the thumbs down, a key character in its party structure since he held the position of organization secretary and presented the motion of censure with which Pedro Sánchez replaced Mariano Rajoy in the presidency based on corruption due to the Gürtel Case.. Ábalos refused to renounce his deputy status and joined the mixed group, challenging his former leader, being left out of the party and opening a new political quagmire. It's impossible to believe that Koldo's hand moved on its own..

Pandora's Box was opened again

The center of the scene is occupied by internal accusations between the PSOE, crusades between the PP and the PSOE, investigations by the EU justice and prosecutor's office, the violent debates in the Chambers and in the media, the complaints, threats and calls for resignations. The population is witnessing the umpteenth chapter of the endless record of corruption in power. Only the protagonists change, but they always belong to the PSOE and PP groups that are the pillars of the '78 regime.. Pandora's Box once again let the miseries of the powerful and privileged escape, among others, también están involucrados en la organización criminal empresarios, mandos de la Guardia Civil, funcionarios ministeriales y de los gobiernos de Canarias y de las Islas Baleares, en cuyo caso aparece el nombre Francina Armengol (PSOE) que en el momento de los hechos presidía Baleares y actualmente es la presidenta del Congreso de los Diputados. The events that have already taken on public importance are very serious., but they will be “details” if the entire truth and the chain of responsibilities are known.. Among the weakness of the government, the crossfire over the amnesty law and social problems, Sánchez's future has darkened again.

With the corruptometer of cynicism

When you sniffed the bad smell of “State sewers” linked to the PP governments, particularly Mariano Rajoy, It seemed that the height of rot had been reached., but in the Spanish State, there is always one more degree of stench to measure. The live show that Sánchez and Feijoó are giving proves it; The PSOE and the PP defend themselves against the complaints by accusing the other… of stealing more. Como sí todo esto fuera poco, la Fiscalía denunció dos delitos de fraude fiscal y uno de falsedad documental por más de 2 millones de euros en negociados con mascarillas, que la Agencia Tributaria atribuye a Alberto González Amador, la pareja de Isabel Díaz Ayuso (PP), President of the Community of Madrid. la pareja de la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid. Cabe reflexionar: Yes, there are corruption problems that are repeated over and over again.; con uno u otro gobierno y protagonista ¿cuáles son los problemas de fondo que se subsisten y que no se resuelven?

The government tripod, regime and system

Bourgeois governments are made up of authorities that respond to the business interests that, beyond speeches, manage to sustain and reproduce the the state, based on the exploitation of a handful of privileged people over the vast majority of workers and the people. They have no scruples when using any tool, legal or in B, fair or unfair, the important thing is the profits, which include the “slices”. They don't care that the means to get rich is the drama of the pandemic, nor does poverty advance, inequality, precariousness or low salaries. This is only part of the corruption of capitalism, It is structural. One way or another, with greater or lesser intensity it involves the powerful who participate directly, they look the other way, partially investigate and/or facilitate impunity. And in the Spanish case there is a specific component: the '78 regime whose institutionality from Franco's regime has economic and political corruption as its "denomination of origin". For these reasons, solutions cannot only be specific, we must attack the root of the problems.

independent commission, mobilization and fight to turn everything around

It would be illusory to expect justice to investigate with transparency and depth the “Koldo Plot” and all cases of corruption.. The “investigacionesinstitucionales todavía ni siquiera determinaron eldificilisímoacertijo de quién es el M. Rajoy que aparecía apuntado en lospapeles de Bárcenapor la Caja B del PP, la Fiscalía Anticorrupción ha archivado la investigación relacionada con el hermano de la presidenta madrileña Isabel Díaz Ayuso, beneficiado por un contrato de 1,5 millones de euros para comprar mascarillas y la lista de casos se puede ampliar hasta el cansancio, siempre en los alrededores del PP y el PSOE, incluso con negociados para adquirir vacunas durante la pandemia. La corrupción aparece una y otra vez en las narices de la Justicia, when not in your hands. Radical changes are needed: the formation of independent investigative commissions, conformadas por honestas personalidades y activistas a los que no digite el poder, por trabajadores de la salud, sindicatos combativos, Social Organizations, representantes de los sectores perjudicados y asociaciones de víctimas del Covid-19, among others. Hacen falta Jurados Populares, magistrates elected by popular vote, unprivileged, with revocable mandates and the salary of a qualified worker. The opposite of the current ones who are a privileged caste at the service of this or that government in power.. And it is necessary for popular mobilization to break out, to exert strong pressure, that there be a real investigation and the corrupt pay their bills. Everything in the way of a bottom exit, that can only come from the arm of a government of the workers and the people and a socialist system in which “those from below” are the ones who decide everything..

Ábalos with his faithful protector Koldo behind.