Solidarity with the Palestinian masses. For a unique Palestine, secular, democratic and socialist.
In the morning of this Saturday 7 of October, Hamas has fired thousands of missiles at Israel and stormed Israeli towns and cities around the Gaza Strip with numerous armed commandos, attacking military bases and taking both soldiers and civilians hostage. The Palestinian people, fed up with years of genocidal oppression, has responded with enthusiasm, mobilizing massively. Thousands of young people have spontaneously joined the assault on the fences and walls of shame that surround Gaza.
Israel's response has been an immediate bombardment of civilian targets in Gaza, including hospitals and a statement by Netanyahu stating that they are at war and that the Palestinians will suffer an unprecedented attack. The head of the Zionist army has announced massive bombings and cynically calls for the civilian population to leave Gaza knowing that more than 2 millions of inhabitants who live there have nowhere to go or the possibility of crossing the siege imposed by the Zionist State of Israel.
From its foundation in blood and fire the 1948, the State of Israel has been a colonial imperialist enclave. It has perpetrated genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Palestinian population who have been forced to leave their land en masse, to exile in neighboring countries and live as second-class citizens in the apartheid West Bank or as inmates in the enormous concentration camp that is the Gaza Strip.
Israel has ignored every UN resolution, expanding its colonial extension with illegal settlements in the increasingly reduced Palestinian spaces, provoking, attacking and massacring the civilian population.
In recent years, the Israeli state has veered considerably further to the right and intensified its genocidal actions. It has not only legalized torture, but it has also institutionalized apartheid and ethnic cleansing with a law that defines Israel as a Jewish state, has limited self-determination exclusively to Jews, has eliminated Arabic as an official language, has declared illegal settlements "of national interest"., he has moved his capital to Jerusalem appropriating it all, disobeying the peace treaties that determined that the city was shared with Palestine and prohibited the establishment of the capital of either country.
Since Netanyahu assumed his third term as prime minister in December 2022, there has been a new escalation of Israeli attacks. New settlements have also been legalized and tens of thousands of homes and new colonies have been planned, have imposed the death penalty for Palestinian "terrorists". (definition that includes one who throws a stone into a tank), and have increased the bombings that have caused more than 200 Palestinian civilian deaths this year alone.
Among the attacks that have generated the most indignation in the population, together with the escalation of violence in the illegal colonies, there are the repeated raids on the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, the last one in April this year, with Israeli policemen entering the mosque shooting indiscriminately and beating and arresting people indiscriminately.

In all this way of doing Zionism, we must look for the causes that lead us to the current events, with hundreds of dead and wounded. Although we express our pain for the loss of civilian Israeli lives, we also clarify that the deaths of Palestinians at the hands of the Zionist State of Israel during the last decades are many more and the supposed international community, particularly Western imperialism, he has never spoken on the subject. The violence of the oppressed cannot be judged by the same standards as the violence of the oppressor, in this case Israel, which is a state with nuclear power and fully armed by the United States.
With Hamas and Islamic fundamentalism in general, which we consider a completely reactionary ideology and a product of imperialism itself, irreconcilable differences separate us, but our support for the Palestinian people to resist against their oppressor, the racist state, genocidal and colonialism of Israel is unconditional. Every oppressed people has the right to defend themselves and fight to recover what has been taken from them. And it is a duty, not only those of us revolutionary socialists, but of all those who love freedom and defend the rights of peoples to self-determination, stand by the Palestinian people.
Israel has explicit financial support, US military and diplomat, all Western imperialism and the complicit silence of the powers, such as Russia and China, and also of much of the Arab bourgeoisie and pro-imperialist governments of the world. Similarly, regional powers like Iran, who oppress their own people at home, they defend their own interests and are not friends of the Palestinian people. The so-called Palestinian Authority is also corrupt to the core and plays a collaborationist role. The main victim of this seventy-year process is the Palestinian people, but he is not alone, since it has the sympathy of millions of workers and young people in the Middle East and the whole world.
After so many years, it is proven that there will be no peace possible as long as the oppression of an entire people continues to exist at the hands of an oppressive and terrorist State artificially created by imperialism. Peace will come from the defeat of the oppressor and the building of a unique Palestine, secular, democratic and socialist within the framework of a voluntary federation of socialist republics throughout the Middle East.
When the Zionist State recovers from the surprise attack, which reflects Israel's biggest military and intelligence failure in decades, will intensify its attacks against Gaza, other regions and will increase their oppression towards the Palestinian masses. The armed conflict, relatively limited at this time, it may also escalate into another regional war. The duty of the working masses and revolutionaries, not only in the Arab region but throughout the world, is to shake in the streets, jobs, social media and wherever possible against the Israeli oppression and occupation of the Palestinian lands and force the Zionist State supported by the imperialists to withdraw.
From the Socialist International League (LIS) we call for the widest international mobilization in defense and solidarity with the Palestinian people against the new slaughter that is coming and to end the apartheid that they have been suffering for decades.
Executive Committee of the International Socialist League – 07/10/2023.