EU: No to rearmament, the “austerity” and authoritarianism
The governments of European imperialism “beat the drums of war”, They do business with weapons and increase defense budgets. They are playing with fire. The tendency towards the destruction of humanity and the planet can only survive in a world without borders., exploiters and oppressors, that is to say, socialist.
Governments take advantage of war in ukraine to stir up the possibility of an attack by Putin and the Russian military on other countries in Europe. They do this based on different evaluations about whether it will materialize in the short term., medium or long term, but they have begun to take measures about it. They try to legitimize before societies the promotion of the production and trade of arms, the increase in Defense budgets and the presence of NATO troops. This orientation was made explicit in the Alliance Summit-Madrid 2022 behind the mask of “prevention for collective security” and the "defense of peace and democracy. Actually, expresses the bellicose and expansionist essence of Western imperialism.

The industry of death for profit
In Spain the military industry and its agencies, in which companies like Airbus have weight, Navantia, Indra and Lockheed Martin, Saint Barbara (subsidiary of the American General Dynamics) and others; have recognized that “We have never been better than now”. This is due to the growth in turnover, to the rise in stock market prices and the fact that 90% of the market is dominated by a dozen companies exporting armored vehicles, fighters, frigates, submarines, radars and defense systems. Emmanuel Macron's alarmist and militarist speech to society is not coincidental, It is based on its own political interests and on the fact that France is the second largest arms exporter in the world.. In the case of Spain, although arms sales have been reduced by 3%, remains the eighth largest exporter in the world. Beyond the cynical statements of European governments regarding the humanitarian situation in the Middle East, A large part of the weapons produced are destined for the genocidal army of Israel, which massacres the Palestinian population despite the global repudiation.
More budget for defense
Growing militarism is expressed in the increase in defense budgets. In the Spanish case, the projections of the postponed budget 2024, They indicated that: “The Government stated in the October budget plan that it will spend 1,3% of GDP in defense this year. Son 52 millions a day and some 400 euros per inhabitant. The military is the only item that will grow in the general budgets of the 2024, above health, “education and social protection”. It is not an isolated case since, according to NATO data, alliance partners will invest in the 2024 a total of 380.000 millions of dollars in defense, surpassing for the first time the 2% of GDP as a whole. According to data from the Stockholm International Peace Studies Institute, between 2019 Y 2023, European countries have doubled their arms imports, mainly coming from the USA. THE.

“They beat the drums of war”
In Germany, Nordic and Baltic countries go further and have begun to take preparatory measures. In Brussels, the European Commission has evaluated the application of investment programs for the next decade; with the purpose of “explore all possible options” for "mobilize" funds with the European Investment Bank (AT) and the issuance of Eurobonds. And it encourages the implementation of a change in the population's attitude to reinforce the degree of “preparation for war and the defense of Europe”, with the Finnish model: “To guarantee peace, You have to be strong. Because the strong are not challenged and they are not attacked; That's why Europe must be strong.". This also implies that all citizens are viewed as responsible for defense tasks., That is why some are considering implementing military service and/or the mobilization of reservists..

No to rearmament, “austerity” and authoritarianism
The ongoing European rearmament goes hand in hand with promoting the profits of arms companies and projecting belt-tightening for working people, precisely for this purpose the plans are executed. “austerity”. further, with the excuses of war and “security against terrorism”, in which most of the time they encompass democratic and social struggles,bourgeois democratic regimes take increasingly authoritarian measures. The criminal attack by the Islamic State in a concert hall in Moscow heralds a new twist in this trend. We repudiate the production and commercialization of conventional and nuclear weapons to do business and cause mass deaths. We support the struggles of working people for social rights, against bosses and governments, Capitalists should pay for the crisis. We reject budget increases in defense and call for the broadest unity of action against measures to cut democratic freedoms.
Socialism or Barbarism
We support the just struggles of the people for their self-determination, while we do not align ourselves with any imperialism, be american, European, bent over or over. We reject the escalation of war and are in favor of the dissolution of the military blocks of the North Atlantic Organization (I'LL TAKE) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (OTSC). The growing global inter-imperialist dispute makes it impossible to rule out another World War breaking out in the future.. Imperialist capitalism is a threat to the existence of humanity and the planet. We fight for a world without borders, for a just peace without oppression of the people and without exploitation of the workers, before which, which the dilemma Socialism or Barbarism acquires an increasingly present and immediate content.