“Live Europe 2024”: Vox, Milei and the fascists are disgusting

Every year the far-right Vox holds an event with its leaders, positions and militants. On this occasion, the “Live Europe 2024” convention has been brought forward to next weekend in Madrid, with the aim of transforming it into a launch event for the pre-campaign for the elections to the European Parliament of the 9 of June.

Terrible guests

Vox has announced that its leader Santiago Abascal will host other renowned far-rightists: the deputy of the French National Assembly, Marine Le Pen; the leader of the Chilean Republican Party, José Antonio Kast; Israel's Minister of Diaspora Affairs and fight against Anti-Semitism, Amichai Chikli;  former Polish Prime Minister and MP, Mateusz Morawiecki; the president of the Chega party in Portugal and deputy, André Ventura and the president of Argentina Javier Milei. The Prime Minister of Hungary will participate electronically, Viktor Orbán; and the president of the Council of Ministers of Italy, Georgia Meloni. From EE. THE. the president of the American Conservative Union will be present, Matt Schlapp, and vice president of The Heritage Foundation, Roger Severino.

Anti-rights meeting, repressors and pro-genocidal

The Vistalegre Palace will be the headquarters of a horror museum, far-right enemies of the working class, of women's rights, racists, denialists and ultra capitalists. It is true that some notable features are missing, Just as it is also true that the guest list represents the worst of the worst politicians who are trying to establish international political ties..

A separate paragraph for the free man

Javier Miley will present a book in the auditorium of the newspaper La Razón in Madrid and will give a speech at the Vox event, of which he already participated last year when he had not yet arrived at the Casa Rosada. Milei's first official visit to the Spanish State is preceded by a diplomatic incident that occurred in the month of May due to the Spanish Minister of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Oscar Puente, hinted that Milei consumed “substances”. And from the Office of President Milei they responded in harsh terms against the policy developed by the Spanish president Pedro Sánchez. Then, qualifying the sayings, they considered the incident over. The most important thing is that Milei will arrive in Madrid with the general rejection of the workers and the Argentine people., what with strikes, mobilizations and all kinds of actions, rejects its policy of adjustment and repression.

Facades out of Madrid

We repudiate the Vox convention and all the attending leaders who express retrograde policies referenced in fascism in order to continue gaining followers and extend their influence. It is no coincidence that the most furious racists of “Fortress Europe” demand border repression and expulsions of immigrants and welcome with open arms the representatives of the State of Israel and the Zionist far-right led by Netanyahu who are carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people. We must repudiate and isolate the fascists and defeat them in the institutions and, mainly in the streets. Their heads must be crushed wherever they appear because they are the concentrated projection of the barbarism to which capitalism leads..