XV legislature: pro-independence majority in the Parliament Table
ERC and Junts lost the elections but they agreed and, adding to the CUP, they formed a Table with a pro-independence majority and Josep Rull as president. The PSC that won them, could not put together a “progressive majority” with ERC and Los Comunes. In the meantime, the investiture continues in “we will see”. The anti-capitalist forces of the left must take a step towards the formation of a radical Left Front.
They lost but they won
Junts and ERC lost the regional elections behind the PSC, which gained a wide advantage over them. Nevertheless, agreed with the CUP on the formation of the Board of the Parliament and they got the presidency to fall to Josep Rull (together) pardoned from 1-O, who will have the power to decide who appears for the first investiture President of the Generalitat, which must be done before 25 of June. He will choose who has to appear mainly between Salvador Illia (PSC) y Carles Puigdemont (together) what, With the Amnesty Law published in the BOE, he could fulfill his wish to return to Catalonia and apply, as long as the reactionary power of the judges allows it. In the case of maintaining the Legislature, the majority at the Table will allow the pro-independence forces to direct the chamber, organize the debates and decide what is talked about and voted on and what is not. But this does not change one iota the fact that as long as the fundamental decisions continue to be made by the majority Catalan bourgeois parties, The destinies of the working people will not be directed openly and decisively towards the Catalan Republic but rather towards negotiations with the regime.

They love each other, they fight, they love again
Junts and ERC shared the govern of the process, then they divided, They disputed “in the face of a dog” and alternated in the successive governments of Quim Torra and Pere Aragonés who left 1-O behind and put forward autonomism. The new approach between Junts, ERC and CUP was facilitated by the deep crisis of Left handed and sealed after several weeks of secret negotiations. At the time of this writing, resentments seem to have been revived in the event that ERC supports Illa's investiture. As usual, are managed with mutual superstructural maneuvers, turning its back on the mass movement and without proposing a new roadmap for rupture and Catalan self-determination.
Uncertain future with open ending
Puigdemont's investiture depends on the will of the regime's judges and the subsequent abstention of the PSC-PSOE, 12M winner. And Illa's investiture depends on the formation of the “progressive majority” with ERC and Los Comunes that he did not achieve at the Mesa del Parliament, although knowing the actions of the leaders of Left handed It cannot be ruled out a priori that they facilitated Rull's nomination in the Parliament and do the same with Illa's investiture for the Govern. The future is uncertain, contradictory and could lead to both the election of the new head of the Catalan Executive and the repetition of the call to the polls in October. In this regard, we ratify the 100% those expressed in the primer balance electoral published by SOL: “An “anything goes” of threats and negotiations has begun, the result of which could lead to the inauguration of a new president or a call to repeat the elections.. Whatever the outcome, Trust cannot be placed in national or regional bourgeois parties., who erase with their elbow what they write with their hand and remain vested in the limits of the '78 regime and capitalism.".
For a front of the anti-capitalist and radical left
The panorama of growth of the right and the extreme right and the disasters of reformism in the EU, The Spanish State and Catalonia raise the need for the CUP, Let us, the whole of the pro-independence left and revolutionary socialism, get to work to establish a radical Left Front that overcomes fragmentation., congenital and testimonial weakness to appear as a true alternative for profound changes before the workers and the people, from a location of class independence, against the '78 regime, for complete amnesty, self-determination and socialism.