Elections in France. Our support for the NPA Révolutionnaires

On Sunday 30 In June the first round of legislative elections is held in France. They were brought forward due to the political defeat that the past 9 received in the European parliamentary elections the government of Emmanuel Macron at the hands of Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Regrouping party. (reproduced from International Socialist League (lis-isl.org)

With a participation less than 52%, In that vote RN won with the 32,4%, while the ruling coalition (Renaissance and others) took out less than half: 14,6%. The political crisis forced the French president to dissolve parliament and advance the legislative elections, whose most probable forecast is a new victory for RN, that in this way it would be in a position to condition the government.

In sum, 49 millions of voters will be able to renew the 577 seats that make up the National Assembly. The French electoral system is not democratic by vote proportion: each constituency, of some 125.000 population, elect the most voted deputy. If no one achieves an absolute majority, or more than 50%, The lists that exceed the 12,5%. Although the polls give an advantage to the candidate Jordan Bardella of RN, whose campaign axis is against immigrants and Islamism, Popular discontent with Macron's government is also expressed in a political polarization that relegates the ruling party to third place and places the New Popular Front as the second force., center-left, integrated by the PS, the PC, the Greens and Insoumise France.

Anyway, although it claims to be a barrier to the extreme right, This “left” of the regime and institutionalist has already governed several times in alternation with the traditional right and both applied austerity plans and similar antisocial policies.. Frustration with each other's governments is what has paved the way for the extreme right in recent years., even in sectors of the working class and the people.

In this frame, the New Anticapitalist Party Révolutionnaires, in which our comrades from the LIS France are active, after Lutte Ouvriere's refusal to form a front of the revolutionary left, presents own lists in 28 constituencies. Where there is no list, supports that of LO. At the same time, the NPA of Besancenot and Poutou maintains its mistaken following of the NFP, y Permanent Revolution, of the Trotskyist Fraction that leads the Argentine PTS, appears in a single constituency.

From the LIS we express our militant support for the NPA-R candidacies. And for the second round on Sunday 7 of July, beyond its limitations, A critical vote will have to be given to the NFP to prevent the triumph of the extreme right. A complex political cohabitation will emerge from the electoral result, that will not solve the economic or representation crisis in France. It will only be through struggles in the streets and confidence in their own strength that the working class, the youth and the people will be able to defend their rights from the attacks prepared by the parties of imperialist capitalism in France.

Pablo Vasco