PSOE-ERC Agreement: "Requiescat in pace" in the Process

The pact to make Salvador Illa president aims to give an institutional “rest in peace” to the popular will for self-determination expressed in the 1-O Referendum. We must open a deep debate on the strategy to reach the Catalan Republic, resume mobilization and build a new political alternative from a radical left and socialist perspective.

Singular financing for Illa president

The leaderships of the PSOE and ERC have made a pre-agreement to invest Salvador Illa (PSC) as president of the Generalitat. The pact includes: the transfer of the Minimum Living Income, investments for 1.500 millions in Neighborhoods, in scholarship management and research, the inclusion by the eventual Illa government of a linguistic policy department and that since 2026 a Catalan Tax Agency collects state taxes, starting with personal income tax. It would be an economic concert model, with unique financing similar to that which exists in Euskadi or Navarra. The agreement responds to the demands of the Catalan employers' association: more autonomy in tax matters, end of political uncertainty and return to protected autonomy with some benefit instead of the Catalan Republic claimed for years with massive mobilizations, Actions, strikes and the 1-O Referendum.

They believe Sánchez and the PSOE!!

Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE promise a lot and deliver little, with the collaboration of reactionary institutions that nullify or attenuate their “good intentions”. In this case, The “concessions” would only be applicable with Illa as president, That is to say, ERC exchanges the session of political power for possible financial measures that, to materialize, They will not cause qualitative changes favorable to the social rights of working people, but rather more bourgeois profits.. ERC also intends to avoid a new electoral process with the presence of Carles Puigdemont that accentuates its collapse, in the event that the former president returns to Catalonia, which could motivate his arrest due to the judicial persecution that continues to accuse him even with the approval of the amnesty. .

With Pujol in the mirror

The first vice president of parliament and spokesperson for ERC, Raquel Sans argued in favor of the pre-agreement saying: “Independence is easier when you have the key to the box than when you don't have it.”. It is a falsehood to justify a surrender since Convergencia, Junts and ERC have always acted like this and independence is increasingly further away. “Singular financing” is the price that the ERC management set to make a politician from the kidney of the Catalan regime president of Catalonia. 78. They emulate the politics of Jordi Pujol of the "fish in the cave" to cede democratic claims in exchange for financial concessions.

Yesterday and today, a party of the regime

The pre-agreement was supported by a consultation with the ERC militancy who voted in favor in a 53,5%, in such a way that 6.349 militants defined the future of eight million Catalans. Beyond the crisis that ERC is going through and some internal criticism, The leadership has once again imposed its lax policy, as happened on the other two occasions when there were consultations on the investitures of Pedro Sánchez and they were supported by more than 80% of votes. yes, the general secretary of the Left, supported by Pere Aragonés and Marta Vilalta “warned” that they will be “demanding and vigilant” with the PSC. Later, on Monday 5, Young Republican, the youth of ERC give a “critical yes” to their only female deputy, Mar Besses, will also vote in favor of the investiture, with which the president of the Parliament, Josep Rull (together) has begun the round of contacts to corroborate whether Illa has the necessary majority to be invested. Beyond sustaining an independence discourse, ERC reaffirms its historical and present character as a party at the service of the bourgeoisie and the '78 regime.

The Commons and its strange “progressivism”

The Commons also agreed to Illa's investiture, arguing that with the pact they have stopped the project to build the Hard Rock megacasino in Tarragona and that they have obtained other social concessions. Not even with these excuses can they hide their political reality: They are junior members of the PSC in Barcelona City Council and share the PSOE's strategy of “turning the page” on the independence of Catalonia to anchor it within Spain.. Behind the progressive posture of the space referenced in Ada Colau, of which Pablo Iglesias and Podemos were mentors, a formation appears fully incorporated into the institutionality of the dominant class.

Another reflection on the investitures

This time it is about rejecting Illa's investiture, but neither can the investitures of the Catalan bourgeois presidents be endorsed as a strategy, as some organizations did time and again with Carles Puigdemont, Quim Torra and Pere Aragonés, even with promises of the adoption of “progressive measures” that were later not fulfilled. The CUP found in a crossroad should reflect on the support it has given to the investitures in the Generalitat and on the “usefulness” of the pacts it makes with bourgeois currents such as ERC, Together and PSC, at the municipal and regional level.

take another path

Unless there is some last minute unforeseen event, Salvador Illa will be sworn in as president of Catalonia next Thursday. We repudiate the PSOE-ERC agreements and distance ourselves from the bourgeois investitures, whatever nationality they are. The mobilized Catalan people did everything for self-determination, the problem was and is its majority leaders: as long as they remain from ERC and Junts, independence will be further and further away. The only indispensable unity is with the mobilized workers and Catalan people and with all those who in the Spanish State and throughout the world support self-determination and for the social rights of the working class.. It is essential to open a deep debate on the strategy for self-determination and establish a new anti-capitalist political alternative., as a Front of the radical left what, since class independence, fight consistently for a Catalan Socialist Republic.