“Koldo Case”: They are all of the same ilk

Corruption in high places is a symptom of the decomposition of the capitalist regime of '78, anachronistic and flawed from birth. So that there is no impunity, An independent investigation and punishment of those directly responsible and politicians is needed.

Koldo García is involved in the “bites” for awarding mask contracts to the company Soluciones de Gestión during the pandemic. The mafia plot involves his former direct boss, José Luis Abalos, former Minister of Transport, Secretary of Organization of the PSOE and right-hand man of President Pedro Sánchez.

The socialist authorities expelled Ábalos from the party and demanded that he resign from positions in all areas, However, he maintains his record as deputy for Valencia in Congress and will soon become part of the mixed group.. Although Ábalos is registered before the Supreme Court, which limits the judicial investigation, according to the Civil Guard, since they analyzed documentation and Koldo and Aldama's devices, have gathered enough information to affirm that:  “The facts reflected in this report show, not only the influence of Aldama, at MITMA through alleged corrupt practices, but also its attempt to influence other decision-making bodies, through the use of the Koldo-Ábalos binomial”.

Sánchez has stated that “There will be no impunity”, but, beyond what you say, The events in question occurred during his administration. It is very difficult for such a plot to be set up without knowledge or some kind of consent., explicit or implicit, at the top of power of the “progressive” government. On this occasion the sources of corruption Ábalos-Aldama-Koldo, They are placed directly on the PSOE, the high authorities of other government areas of the State and several Autonomous Communities.

The appeals to transparency by Alberto Núñez Feijóo and the PP are no less surprising because they are repeated., whose party embodies the height of corruption. It is worth remembering that it is still not known who “M.Rajoy” is, located at the top of the “negotiated in B”. Como olvidarse de los casos Gürtel, Púnica, Kitchen, of the 38 causas que involucran al PP y hoy mismo de la condena a diez años de cárcel impuesta por prevaricación, cohecho, falsedad y blanqueo de capitales al ex presidente de la Generalitat valenciana y ex portavoz del Gobierno de José María Aznar, Eduardo Zaplana. The PSOE and the PP exchange cross accusations, stating: you to us”Lessons, zero", as implicit recognition of corruption on both sides.

in this mess, The most affected are the workers and people of the Spanish State, who once again attend a murky and regrettable spectacle: The PSOE and the PP are stained by illegal acts, They are all of the same ilk. The investigations depend on the Civil Guard and Justice, always dependent on the political power in power and willing to take biased views. And they all respond to the norms and conditions of the monarchical-parliamentary regime of '78 shaped by Francoism with a corporate and anti-democratic matrix..

Does Ábalos have a pact of silence with the government? How far does the plot extend and who does it involve?? You have to investigate thoroughly, and the only way to reach the end of the truth and have total transparency is with an Independent Investigative Commission, made up of impeccable personalities from the working class and other social spheres, without commitments or conditions from the powerful, alien to the rigged mechanisms of bourgeois institutionality. If there were Popular Juries and judges democratically elected by popular vote, There would also be better conditions so that impunity is not recreated. The repeated and aggravated corruption at the heights is another symptom of the profound decomposition of an anachronistic and flawed capitalist regime since its birth.. The “Koldo Case” requires the emergence of popular mobilization in the streets and on the political agenda and a fundamental exit: governing the workers and the people, with a socialist system and a regime of workers democracy, full of freedoms and transparency.