50 years after Franco's death: Between right-wing nostalgia and Sánchez's posturing
Although there are several months until the anniversary day, already polarizes the political situation. mobilizations and general strike so that the crisis is paid by those who generated it, the PP, Vox and other parties debate harshly, but without leaving the limits of the '78 regime shaped by Francoism. A new revolutionary and socialist political alternative is needed to turn everything around.
In 2025 will be fulfilled 50 years after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco (20 November 1975). Before the anniversary, President Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) has announced the carrying out of a wide range of annual activities under the motto “Spain in freedom” because “in a democracy like ours there is no tyrant whose work deserves to be praised”. The official launch of the program has fueled a debate that had already been ignited by the first announcements of the commemoration..
The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, He declined to participate in the events and denounced Sánchez for “the intention being more personal and partisan than symbolic and with a sense of State.”. He was supported by his party partner and ultra-reactionary president of the Community of Madrid., Isabel Diaz Ayuso, for whom the Government “has gone crazy, "He wants to burn the streets and cause violence.". Vox will not attend any of the planned events because it believes that they impose “a single and divisive vision of the past” and continues to exert pressure on the Autonomous Communities to approve the so-called “laws of concord.”, that aim to banish words like “dictatorship” or “coup d’état”. The Free and Equal platform, born in 2012 against the self-determination of Catalonia, has called for a boycott of the events considering that they make “civil war approaches” and that “we Spaniards are already reconciled…” Felipe VI “due to agenda issues” agreed with Vox's suggestion that “The King not participate”
The right, the far right and royalty, more or less explicit, They are nostalgic and justifying Franco, who occupied the podium of the most despicable fascists along with his associates Mussolini and Hitler. They intend to deploy a cloak of oblivion over older people and misinformation over young people in order to cover a retrograde ideology with impunity., state terrorism, the crimes and human rights violations that caused the Military Coup, the Civil War and the Franco dictatorship.

This categorical rejection of yesterday's fascism and today's extreme right does not imply supporting Pedro Sánchez, to his defense of the deceitful transition, nor to his nomination as a Spanish and European champion of the fight against the extreme right. Sánchez's "anti-Francoism" is a posture that seeks to ingratiate himself with the progressive sectors to strengthen the policy of the "lesser evil".
mobilizations and general strike so that the crisis is paid by those who generated it, with the help of reformists like Podemos, IU, ERC and others make viable the continuity of capitalism and the '78 regime that was born, It was legalized and is maintained with the Franco imprint. with your lies, failures, policies of austerity for working people and privileges for the rich and businessmen, The institutional “left” lends the political and social field to the extreme right.

Should we celebrate Franco's death or not?? The disappearance of fascists is a good reason to celebrate, but it is insufficient to resolve the injustices of the past that have been carried over to the present with total impunity.. That is why we reaffirm the need for unitary mobilization and organization to combat the right and the extreme right., his ideology and his intention to hide or minimize Franco's crimes and "turn the page" of history. Against the parties that embellish the transition and the '78 regime and capitalism, We postulate the construction of a new revolutionary and socialist political alternative, to turn everything around and let the workers and the people govern.