Exhumed the dictator, bury the regime

There are still many outstanding accounts with Francoism, whose legacy protection policy and existing institutions. Francisco Franco's body has been exhumed from the Valley of the Fallen to be transferred to the cemetery of Mingorrubio-El Pardo. Residues remained for 44 years in the single European monuments dedicated to a coup. Beyond the familiar complaints, Falangists, fascists, cures, PP leaders, VOX, Citizens and other right, It was an unbearable shame.

No extols by Pedro Sánchez achieve it, social democracy acts in this way to strengthen the weak government of the PSOE and try to win votes for the 10N. Exhumed the remains of who gave a coup against the Second Republic and murdered thousands of Republicans, we should do the same with the coup leaders left and define what to do with the Valley of the Fallen; so you never forget the fascist horror, for memory and knowledge of the past to strengthen the fight against the resurgence of such expressions of barbarity.

…social democracy acts in this way to strengthen the weak government of the PSOE and try to win votes…

The Valley of the Fallen is not a common cemetery, but a sinister monument. Its construction was defined by decree in 1940 after the victory against revolutionary in the Civil War. He rose labor republican prisoners, they were tortured and under conditions similar to those of a Nazi concentration. Many lost their lives in that job. Bodies were moved there since 1958 al 1983. That is the transition, some call modélica, perfectly assimilated Franco's legacy. Of the 33.847 buried, 12.410 They are unknown. An important part corresponds to Republicans corpses were unearthed from other sites and transferred without the consent of their families. In its great majority, the tombs of Franco are individualized. Near them, there is a mass grave with the remains of unidentified Republicans.

The disinterment has a symbolic and concrete content while, because it reopens a debate arising from the past, but present connotations. This is because accounts never settled with the dictatorship, despite decades since the end of the Civil War, the Second World War, the death of Franco and the Transition. We reject the exhumation is placed at the service of turning the page. With a nod to the so-called "reconciliation" are intended to shut out the possibility of advancing to judge Francoist crimes, something that only could be started promptly with Argentina Cause. Crimes against humanity do not prescribe. Stop fascism which poked my head, either in institutions or on the streets, This is a task.

More progress, with the clarification of the crimes, the cancellation of trials, against the hundreds of thousands of criminally persecuted people for their militancy, political or ideological bias, as against Former President of the Generalitat Lluís Companys in fusilado 1940, with the return of stolen goods, the location and recognition of the identity of children who were appropriate and compensation from the Spanish State to victims of dictatorship or their direct descendants. Justice is determined to prevent knowledge of historical truth. Remove the cloak of impunity is something that could only ensure an Independent Investigation Commission, addressing tasks such as: declassify secret files, rebuild destroyed, untethered investigate and shed light on the crimes against humanity of the Franco regime and its ties to Nazis and Fascists.

The institutions of the regime he found a place of privilege to the reactionary legacy of Francoism.

For decades coexistence between mandates inherited from the dictatorship and bourgeois democracy remains. '78 institutions regime found him a privileged place the reactionary legacy of Francoism. Amnesty laws and historical memory sometimes used to hide the current reactionary features. Monarchical restoration, privileges and power that keeps the Catholic Church, oppression Catalunya, repression and independence existence of political prisoners with a sentence of 9 a 13 years in prison, They realize it.

The fact that the dictatorial regime did not fall as a result of the workers' and popular mobilization, but by the death of Franco, left intact many of the antidemocratic features forged in the long and tortuous period facto. We are in the presence of an anachronistic regime and exhausted, that can not provide progressive options to political problems, social and economic of the majority, live in Catalonia or elsewhere in the Spanish State, so we must mobilize to defeat him and there is a free and sovereign Constituent Assembly, where people discuss and decide their own destiny.