Decent housing, A right to get on the street
Neither in the Peninsula nor in the EU they can continue to deny that there is a housing crisis. In societies it extends in discontent and in the streets the protests. Support for immediate struggles must be accompanied by background outputs so that housing is a right and not a business or a utopia.
Demonstrations in Madrid
On Sunday 9 February was the second mass mobilization in the center of Madrid after the motto "For a decent and sustainable home", summoned by habitat movement 24, that brings together 40 groups in favor of access to housing, neighborhood associations, union and social. They directed their demands towards public administrations, in particular the Madrid government to which the manifesto read also pointed out "It's time for Ayuso to stop governing for the economic interests that have named her and starts doing for all citizens". There were posters with slogans such as: “We want to live with dignity”, Housing "is not a market good but a right", "Housing is not a market good but a right" O "This banner measures the two square meters that I can rent in Madrid" and the protesters showed their keys and made them sound as an expression of discomfort.

Actions in Barcelona
In Barcelona have also repeated marches, resistance to evictions and to real estate speculation, As is in the treasury in different neighborhoods of the city and recently it happened with the Orsola house. In this case the fight managed to avoid eviction and that the City Council bought the property, Nevertheless, The negotiation behind the backs of activism and union has meant an undercover rescue to the fund that will pocket three million euros more than the price that paid it. In the Spanish state capital, In that of Catalonia and in other important cities there is discomfort and struggles because the housing crisis makes the lives of workers and the people very difficult, crossing the whole society as it affects the youngest, The people who still work are forced to share a flat and the larger people who do not have their own home or possess it but are the support of their children or family.

The causes: Capitalism and its parties
Almost half of the Spaniards are overwhelmed by not knowing whether or not they may pay rent or mortgage. This reality is no stranger to what is lived throughout Europe, But in Spain, mainly in the big cities, Acquire serious characteristics, The country passed the construction of 600.000 housing a year to 90.000, which without any control, Try prices.
Governments are slow to take progressive measures with housing and fast to execute evictions and evictions. The PSOE speaks of limiting prices, Speculation and increase the disposition of public rental housing. The PP promotes construction incentive, facilitate purchase and reduce taxes to owners. The main matches, Vox and the "institutional left" have nuances, But none leaves the dominant capitalist logic.
So that access to decent housing comes true
It is essential to support groups in struggle for social rentals, without increases or unpaid requirements that, even, They should be fully guaranteed by the State. Before the housing crisis, You have to execute an emergency plan for immediate application for the construction of public housing accessible for the most needy, for the rehabilitation of real estate outside, The end of the evictions, the suspension of tourist floors and expropriation without compensation to large holders of speculative floors. As with all social and democratic rights, The background output for decent housing, To be a right and not a business or a utopia, It will only arrive when workers govern and there is a fair and equal system, that is to say, socialism.