#They are students SOSNicaragua, not terrorists!

Nicaragua again experiencing a revolutionary process with students in front.
Resist the dictatorship Ortega-Murillo. Violence and repression have reached levels unimagined. In a report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Achnudः), It realizes more than 300 killed and 2000 injured in the context of the protests that began in April for social reform affecting the working class.

After so many deaths, the demands of the people climbed to another level: True, Justice and Democracy. Pay the culprits: Daniel Ortega Saavedra and Rosario Murillo, those names are not forgotten; that will be remembered forever as the main perpetrators of the slaughter the Nicaraguan people. This government has betrayed the ideals of true sandinismo, as it has been implementing policies that favor large employers and have fulfilled the mandates orthodox IMF.
It has long ceased to be a leftist government, only they have taken advantage of the historical memory of the revolution 1979. They have betrayed the ideals of Sandino because instead of defending the people have imposed a state of terror. The appearance of masked paramilitary groups acting together with the police is an example of this. The student movement is currently under persecution for being involved in this insurrectional process. In Nicaragua be young is to be subversive, and that excuse is enough for the police to try desaparecerte.
It is necessary to intensify international efforts to support the civic struggle that is unfolding in that country. We must be on the right side of history and do everything possible to Nicaragua again be free.

Student leaders are accused of terrorism

Byron Estrada and Nahiroby Olivas, members of the Movement 19 April León; Luis Rugama, Yaritza Mairena and Victoria Obando, of the University Coordinator for Justice and Democracy, are the names of students who were arrested last week while conducting a march against government. This occurs in a context of hunting and selective persecution the student movement, which it has been organized nationwide to fight the dictatorship of Ortega-Murillo.
Currently these young people are detained in the Directorate of Legal Aid, known as "El Chipote", a detention and torture which was built during the Somoza dictatorship. Prosecutors assigned to them terrorist offenses, fire, obstruction of public services, and aggravated robbery. According to the provisions of the Terrorism Act -approved recently by the National Assembly- these students could face sentences of up 20 years in prison. The conclusion of the preliminary hearing will be next 5 of September, where it will be known if the Judge Julio César Arias rejects or accepts these allegations.

expelled 82 students from UNAN-Managua for participating in protests

The National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, which has nothing autonomous- He decided to expel a group of students to participate in making this campus, within the framework of civic insurrection that has been developing in the country. Those affected were singled out for "hooliganism", office equipment theft, destruction of public property, academic and incitement to disobedience.
In a letter signed by the Secretary General of the UNAN, Luis Alfredo Lobato, It states that "those expelled are prohibited from entering the campus of UNAN-Managua. In case of non-compliance they will be demanded by the courts. For those who enjoy the benefit of scholarships they will be withdrawn ". Significantly, it is very likely that these people who have been expelled are being persecuted by the police and paramilitary groups. This attitude by the authorities of the university is a clear violation of university autonomy and freedom of thought.

Chase and hunt against the student movement

After several months of intense repression, Nicaragua's government is carrying out a selective hunt against students who have organized to fight the regime. Every day they grow lists detained students, kidnapped and tortured. They have shown no mercy against this new generation that demands a complete change in the structures of the country. It is dangerous to be young in Nicaragua and looking college student. The government bothers rebellion and joy with which thousands of chavalos and chavalas have taken to the streets to demonstrate. Protesting is prohibited in Nicaragua and carry the blue and white flag may be reason enough to take you police.
Nuestrxs hermanxs Nicaraguans are in hiding, resisting the attacks of a new dictatorship. It's necessary that, as student community and as a people, in Argentina we show solidarity with these brave young men and we add our voice to demand an end to repression, the release of all detained students and finally the definitive ouster of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.
Before against Somoza, now against Ortega
Despite the brutal repression, the people nica does not give up, and it is essential the support we provide to you from every corner of the planet. Why we are promoting this international campaign of solidarity from groups of students Nicaraguan exiles like SOS Nicaragua - Argentina and feminist organizations, internationalists and (eco) socialists, as Anticapitalists Network and the MST. We invite you to join.

SOS Nicaragua - Argentina
Workers' Socialist Movement (MST)
Anticapitalist Network (CI)