5 of June: World Environment Day

Since the years 60 Capitalism tries to usurp the process of "environmental green wave".
Always they do the same when they find positive processes of struggle. Officially, from the 5 June 1974 UN set the "World Environment Day". It is deeply neutralize the anti-systemic movement in defense of nature against the aggression of capital. With this article, a Marxist approach to the subject.
Let's talk about the hard facts of science. In March 2017, two different teams of American glaciologists specialists arrived in Antarctica - with different methodological approaches- the same conclusion: because of global warming, a portion of the glacier helmet has begun to melt and the thaw is irreversible. Although these specialists will shun the infallible forecasts, this time were were Categorical: "The point of no return has been exceeded", as stated. It is impossible at this point, they speculate, prevent an increase in the level of the oceans 1,2 meters in the current century. They claim that the phenomenon will result in accelerated destabilization of the contiguous zone. This could trigger further growth of ocean level. Drifts of rising sea levels that scale are frightening. of such magnitude will not escape anyone. Suffice it to recall that 10 million people live within Egypt 1 meter altitude, 15 million in Bangladesh, some 30 million in China and India, some 20 million in Vietnam. We add the great cities built in coastal areas: London, NY, San Francisco. More data from scientific reports, dependent source of the UN Program for Development: Anders Levermann, member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, design a projection model correlating global temperature increase and growth of oceanic levels. For each 0,8 C ° temperature rise grows 1,3 m sea level.
Fatih Birol "chief economist" of the International Energy Agency is neither a Marxist nor ecosocialista MST. Nevertheless, He admitted recently that the current trend of emission of greenhouse gases is perfectly consistent with a warming of 6 ° C between now and the end of century, can reach beyond 11C °. We combine model Levermann with projecting Birol, we have the following disturbing scenario of scientific forecasting: rising seas 13,8 meters at the end of the century. social and environmental catastrophe. Dynamic of this magnitude talk.

Sick Planet of "humanity" or capitalism? Nomaltusianos, xenophobic and chauvinistic

Earth would be "sick of humanity", says James Lovelock in his book "Gaia". According to the spokesman of the current Malthusianism, The problem is population growth, especially the poor countries of the South. conclusion: the poor and women, responsible for "excessive humanity". This current of ideas, It operates as a source of ideological distraction to not discuss the structural causes of social and environmental problems.

Nevertheless, Our verdict is opposite and reactionary vision rivals that: That he 50% of the food produced worldwide is never done on our plate, not because there are too many people in the world. Nor is it because we are muchxs, the party ends up on our plate arrives after traveling thousands of kilometers meaningless.

It is not because we are too many on the planet that standardized power increasingly include beef, which in excess is bad for health. It has nothing to do with the number of people that corporations spend fortunes on advertising to artificially stimulate people alienated consumer needs, wretched wretched as compensation for the emptying of human relations under capitalism. Planned obsolescence has nothing to do with demographics. It is not because we are a lot of people in the world, the class takes commanding economic and political decisions, even if they are fully informed of
the dangers, rejecting since 50 years seriously planning an energy transition based exclusively on renewable widely enough to meet the needs of humanity.

No, not about demographics. It is capitalism, its productivist logic of accumulation permanent structure society. Breaking with this system and organize their strategic replacement is the only reasonable way out and possible.

Unite the class struggle against social and environmental causes fits

Our proposal is concrete fighting, part of reality, not abstractions. Instead of a system based on production values ​​-things change system for sell-, got an economy based on the production of use values ​​necessary socially oriented -things. Empowered decision which has social utility resides in most of the working class and the people. This from expropriating the capitalists mainspring of the economy and politics, drawing a democratic planning of production. A basic principle is to wrest market deciding what to produce and consume. For that, We start from a socialist strategy based on equal rights for all workers and at the same time, incorporated as a variable that this objective must be compatible with the preservation of the environment. That is to say: ecological socialism, ecosocialismo. This may involve necessarily prohibit industries as megaminería, agribusiness, the fracking, anarchic cementation, advertising, armamentism. All the horizon, as strategic hypothesis. Face tightening prepared by the government in Argentina, for example, with the IMF to command, our proposal is to ensure full employment handing work hours and reducing working hours to equal pay. Thus is reduced as a result the material volume of the produced, and productivista pressure distends. Replace the business of advertising capitalist social right to free and pluralistic information. Also ensure enough food, accessible and healthy (in response to the jump in poverty). To declare that the common good territory, abolish agribusiness and produce technology agroecological. In the energy field, bet on renewable and clean, with social control. And before the famine, ensure social right to energy. State foster public transport users and workers' participation, to discourage individual transport. Cooperation among the peoples of the world, with internationalist vision, as we promote from Anticapitalists Network. These vectors are key to thinking an anti-capitalist political and ecosocialista program. We face the challenge. It is part of our contribution to building a socialist alternative to the power struggle for 99%. With this platform as a basis. And making revolutionary party, as articulator of all.

Mariano Rosa