Justice protects patriarchal sexism violent

The judges of the "herd" again act on behalf of the aggressors. You have to drive them from office. After being freed members of the "herd" and far from having heard the claim of millions of women, the same court has convicted only 10 months imprisonment to a man who hanged himself at his ex-wife almost to death.

Spanish justice increasingly less fair and more patriarchal. Only days of a new 25N, the judges of the Provincial Court of Navarre responsible for the judgment of the "herd" have ruled a derisory prison sentence to a man who tried to strangle his ex-wife. He is considered responsible for “a crime of occasional abuse” but not attempted murder. The "punishment" is a slap on the wrist that opens the door to the future very seriously injures or kills.

It seems that the Spanish State considers that justice is fair when a woman is dead or silenced. That's the conclusion of a new and ominous sentence which ruled that it is a crime of attempted murder because the man desisted “freely and voluntarily” of his conduct. The sea, He took the lives of women in her hands until it came and would not be reason for exemplary punishment.

It seems that the Spanish State considers that justice is fair when a woman is dead or silenced.

In the same statement can be read violence suffered by women, but apparently not enough for the offender is convicted with a sentence commensurate with their aggression, but rather the opposite, it frees. The woman suffered “a superficial puncture wound, from 1 cm irregular linear path”, and then the man “He grabbed his left hand neck [the woman] pressing strongly in the peri tracheal area, until he found it distressingly gesticulated, he was hurting, Tosi, and also it lacked the air”. For the "Honorable Judges" is that this is not an assassination attempt.

Until there is a change in this rotten root patriarchal justice, Unfortunately women will continue to suffer all kinds of violence, violent will remain free, attacking and with the power to decide whether we live or die.

We should stop talking about "female murder victims" and we must call it what are "femicide". Women kill us because prior to that we were victims of all kinds of violence being oppressed by the patriarchal system, so each victim of sexist murder, It is a victim of femicide.

…violent will remain free, attacking and with the power to decide whether we live or die.

further, background should change this justice, you must choose judges and prosecutors by popular vote, the mention of finger is only functional to this system. Mandates should be limited and revocable for malfeasance. Along with this, feminist groups should be recognized as part of juries to gender attacks.

To continue to denounce the nefarious role of this patriarchal justice, Back to require #NiUnaMenos and denounce this system that oppresses us; Sunday will return to the streets of the Spanish State. these judges, with the grim history of the "herd" they would already be out of office, but not only them remained in, but continue defending abusers. You have to throw them to the mobilization and follow it until capitalism and patriarchy fall together.