Chile: Activate Solidarity for the triumph of port!

More than one month combative mobilization, Terminal South Pacific (TPS) still he refuses to dialogue with port. Called "temporary workers" demanding better working conditions plus a bonus 2 millions of pesos. Likewise, It requires that the company linked to the group Von Appen not take any retaliation against the workers mobilized.

As requested by port, TPS and CEO, Oliver Weinreich, They have offered a loan of 350.000 weights and a gift card for 200.000 workers who will rejoin the tasks, that is to say, Crumbs are not enough to improve the eventual reality of work in Chile and overcome their precarious.

The escalation of repression against workers

Monday 17 from December, after a day of demonstrations in Valparaiso, Special Forces entered the premises of the Longshoremen's union, destroying property, and wounding 16 arrested while conducting raids sector unions. Orders of the Administration and the government are in complete harmony with the logic of Von Apen, entrepreneur with vast experience and authoritarian anti-union. Contrary to this repressive advanced, response port along Chile did not wait.

Quevedo and Pablo Osvaldo Klimpell, spokesmen port, They have come to denounce what has become a trend this last time: the threats, beatings and kidnapping attempts against leaders. As recently we witnessed the murder, which wanted to pass by suicide- Alejandro Castro and shortly before Macarena Valdes, both social activists and leaders who stood to business interests. similar to the situation of Camilo Catrillanca, lamien murdered by the Chilean state in strong defense to forest entrepreneurs in the region; all deaths that remain to be clarified and where it continues to protect, first, the private property of a few at the expense of the many and responsible authorities to the detriment of research that give the real culprits.

Solidarity to succeed!

Tuesday 18 from December, port of Valparaiso were supported by their peers in the Bio Bio, It is three thousand workers in the ports of Coronel, San Vicente, Talcahuano, Pencolirquén and Lebu who paralyzed in active solidarity with the eventual, and Wednesday 19 They announced the mineworkers through its leader Clodomiro Vasquez Chile Mining Union.

Thus it becomes essential, in this frame, the active solidarity of all sectors in struggle for the triumph of port and defense mobilization. That's where plays a vital role the leaders of the CUT, CONFECH, College professors and all those political and social organizations that are preparing to go out massively. In the same way, the FA and the tremendous hold parliamentary showcase should be made available, and should make the mayor of Valparaiso headed by Jorge Sharp.

In assembly, the foundations decide to maintain the mobilizations!

Tuesday 18 from December, the government thanks to the pressure port on the street- I was forced to intervene and meet Paul Klimpell while protests were held in the port, It is reaching a preliminary agreement that was to be discussed by the workers' assembly. This consisted of training courses, an economic agreement and legislative developments leading away from the demands of the sector. The bases, Wednesday 19, The mobilization was emphatic is maintained because there is no real demands of responses and workers!

It is an example of struggle, internal democracy and dignity which have given us the port, and confirms that only the struggle and unity can afford to get wins and we saw a few days ago with the yellow jacket in France. As Anticapitalista and Boards Movement and left - Chile, we urgently redouble active solidarity with the Chilean port and publicly repudiate police violence that pounces on social protest in response to any request, which it is still the trend of the various governments in power when they have faced the organized people and street. The triumph of dockworkers will be a step forward for all workers.

Camila Burgos, Together militant anti-capitalist and Movement and to the left.

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network
