the XI Congress was held MST. Major advances greater challenges

The days 14, 15 Y 16 from December, we made our MST National Congress. Delegates from most of the country's provinces made visible the extension and growth of the last period. We socialize this process of building here, its causes, the main political conclusions and organizational tasks we drive. In a context of strengthening partisan and new challenges, We also solved the presidential candidacy of Cele Fierro, to renew and unite the left.

We arrived at Congress after several months of collective debate where militancy was debating and providing on each point. A huge exercise of party democracy swept the last stage 2018, without thereby stop intervening strongly in the great political events and class struggle that marked the juncture. Congress therefore reflected, both his emotional Opening Ceremony and at each subsequent session, this new experience in the battles against macrismo and his accomplices, against IMF and G20, against bureaucracy and employers.

An internationalist party

Congress noted the significant progress internationally is making our current "Anticapitalists in Red ', They accompanied us and participated with important interventions international delegations from more than ten countries. With great enthusiasm and political unity Congress appreciated the efforts we have been doing from the MST to make our contribution to this international construction, and I reaffirm our commitment to continue making, even harder and compañeres, available to the international tasks.

In the international political arena, a thorough debate placed the central features of the moment we live, marked by the capitalist crisis, interimperialist disputes and deep social and political polarization in core countries, emerging and peripheral. Without being sidedness or surface analysis, we find that the crisis of capitalism and old political addresses new phenomena arise; and as the same in major countries they are located right immediately generate an adverse reaction ascent, struggles and social and political phenomena.

Instead of seeing only progress in the right and wrong do other streams, Trump analyze that came out the women's movement and a huge new socialist current, Macri confronts a process of struggles, EleNao to Bolsonaro the movement and the same in other countries. Hence the importance of assimilating the existence and dangers of these different expressions of right without thereby giving them a superlative character, but on the contrary, gauge the strength of the mass movement that confronts them and hinder many of his plans. We are in an open struggle, dura. Let's important new confrontations and more movements and political phenomena. That is to say, more polarization and opportunities for the revolutionary left, both in the international construction and in each country where we intervene.

The process of struggles and the government of Macri

In the discussion of the national situation we break the political balance of the last two years Macri to clarify the current situation and the prospects that open. We resume the facts and conclusions of December 2017, when the confrontation occurred around the pension reform, the first major break from society with government, I found the fact that MST at the forefront of this struggle.

Since then the crisis has deepened and government wear and confrontation adjustment. On the economic plane went through two peaks crisis, strong in April and in August a very serious that put the government on the ropes. This month and next were the worst of Macri and there raise the political "Macri and the IMF have to go and elections to a Constituent Assembly". While Kirchner called wait 2019 and FIT PTS and in particular refused to argue that Macri go, capitulándole the government in its worst crisis.

Our Congress from that tour progressed to elaborate on the current situation, where the government was able to overcome his worst days to reach the G-20 with a little more of relative stability and Budget 2019 both chambers voted. The responsibilities of this change are clear; PJ voting with the government in Congress and the Peronist union bureaucracy avoiding summon the necessary control plan. Including the trade union sector linked to kirchnerismo, in the key days of fighting Budget 2019 He left the political center of empty country and went to Luján, favoring in this way also Macri.

It is clear that this action was joined the bourgeois government support, the lack of a spillover process and certain policies on social support throughout the Greater Buenos Aires and other major cities, by a government fearful that the jump from poverty explode in his face. Of all these causes visibilizamos the nefarious role of addresses, because it makes the tasks in the political and trade union level ahead.

We are in a year-end remains a major crisis background, let's months of social struggles, wage, feminists, and many other repressive anti. Let's possibly more tensions, confrontations with economic instability, high country risk and financial international world, the specter of default on the horizon. In this perspective the first task that our Congress defined depth is to be part of the whole process of struggle and emergence of new working and student leadership. Maintain our policy of calling confront and defeat at the adjustment plan Macri and IMF, at par to promote and strengthen the unity of the class unionism. parallel, remain protagonists of the striking dissident feminist wave sweeping the country and has in recent demonstrations by Lucia and now against Darthés and all sexist abuse, new expressions of this process.

provincial and national elections; Cele candidacy Fierro

We also define our electoral politics with accuracies that reality imposes. We entered the provincial and national elections with a key proposal; macrismo front and PJ in all its variants, It needed a big third space of all anti-capitalist and socialist left. We turn to raise the FIT and other organizations in this space join in the struggles and elections. With the clarity of having a serious revolutionary proposal and not be accomplices of those who divide and favor the old parties and the bureaucracy.

In elections there will be advanced in many provinces, the MST give a strong fight, reflecting our expansion and militancy the concrete possibility of doing so. So we pluck in the first half of the year our campaign in the elections of Neuquén, The Pampa, Chubut, San Juan, Tucumán, Catamarca, Santa Fe, and Cordoba and Entre Rios, which it is further raised the fight to reach the legislatures of these important provinces. Then we'll be adding other provincial elections, which also we will dispute with force.

For national elections, aware of the need to reflect deeply feminist phenomenon of young workers and students, we vote the candidacy for president by the MST of Cele Fierro, because in addition to fighting to unite the left also we believe in the need for comprehensive renovation. From this candidacy, which will promote in a coordinated manner with the national references Alejandro, Vilma and others of each province, We continue proposing join in elections, through an internal high left or some other method that ensures the drive and avoid the division.

Towards a larger and stronger MST

In a next point of Congress we analyze our intervention last stage, we reviewed our strengths, our successes and also things to improve. Like any revolutionary organization we take a day to deepen what we did and how we got here, to meet at the current reality and dynamics, a collective debate to improve ourselves, with a critical and constructive worker method.

A very useful debate that started to verify that we are in the midst of a breakthrough, with new and new partners nationwide, with more pictures and consolidating a clear national party extension, of the most important on the left. Congressional entire route was marked by the good spirit and strength of the militancy of a party that grows and highly visible roles played in each major political event in the country.

We value the foundation and anchor launch 2017, which is today one of the country's main class currents. Also the development of Boards and the Left, present and feminist struggle protagonist in each of the last period, making visible the jump being the most important column on the left in the ENM of Trelew and recently mobilized by Lucia in Plaza de Mayo. not coincidentally, but as a reflection of a passionate supporter rise and growth, more than half of them were companions of Congress delegades.

Congress also showed advances in university youth, secondary and tertiary, expressed in young delegades and notorious in the presence of youth in every action in various provinces. Also in progress in the organization and management of secondary centers, in triumph at the huge Faculty of Medicine UBA and on our return to the conduct of Fuba.

With this, compañeres sector representing our neighborhood political work, He showed the importance of militant popular development in large cities, where a revolutionary party can not be absent. And representatives of the Red Ecosocialist reflected the importance of having a revolutionary social and environmental policy to intervene in the processes.
From this reality we define deepen the progress line. Keeping building in youth and intervention in feminist and dissident process as priorities, and work in priority sectors workers as a strategic hub and center of our intervention and dispute.

For these and other tasks, both international and domestic, the strategy of a party willing to do anything, of compañeres who dare to take on new challenges, moving city, province, country, It was the final push of the proposals and resolutions of our Congress XI. After these debates, They delegades them democratically elected management.
With the conviction that knowledge and learning takes place in reality, in the intervention, in accepting difficult challenges, in the study of politics and theory. In each of these tasks will be passionately active time coming. There will come new developments and new challenges have arisen behind every step we take.

Sergio Garcia

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network
