Argentina: Forge ahead in unity of the working left and socialist

We traveled a period of meetings and exchanges between FIT, el MST, AyL and other labor and socialist forces. It is the possibility of reaching a political settlement to the upcoming elections further strengthen the common intervention in the struggles. On these challenges leave our opinions.

We come from a 8M exciting where hundreds of thousands of companions staged a national day international and shaking the foundations of the system and the capitalist system. There, within the previous meetings and in the actual Plaza de Mayo, groups of anti-capitalist left, workers and socialist act in common, battling bureaucratic visions and complicity with those who encourage unity with antiderechos. The drive to give this political fight led to progress and achieve important political goals of the Left.

Now we are facing the 24M, where again within the EMVyJ the parties that make up the labor and socialist left were giving together a political fight, against sectors that support from pejotista and kirchnerista policy unsuccessfully they tried to wash the call Fitters blame governors. And here again we won from the left a political battle; We will march by 30.000, for truth and justice, Macri against setting, the IMF and governors, thus maintaining the political independence of the meeting of those in charge of adjustment and repressive policies.

In addition this week, while the union bureaucracy of all kinds deepens its complicity with the fit and does not move a finger, from the Plenary militant trade unionism we responded with a major act against the Secretary of Labor to support the important fight of Fate, Coca Cola workers and other sectors in conflict. From the class got left a common platform and prepare to drive and coordinate new shares coming weeks. The impetus to these processes and the unity of militant trade unionism, also contribute to the development of a new classist and anti-bureaucratic unions direction.

The importance of the agreements and the handling of disputes

These three examples show the positive potential that the unity of the class left and socialist. It is a unity that strengthens the struggle of workers, women and youth and weakens current employer, bureaucratic and reformist. Each common step we took in these battles became defensive old appliances. We achieve unity in the face very important facts that does not eliminate that has nuances or differences between each party in some respects, but it shows the reality of the intervention that putting forward a common policy that is what prevails, while the differences are ongoing debate, whenever necessary.

In the political arena we must achieve a similar mechanism. We have a long list of common programmatic proposals, which they start to face every game system, from the sectors most right to the Possibilists and reformists. Faced with all this we propose a workers socialist way out, a program break with capitalist structure and true transformations, of class independence, the anti-capitalist and anti-clerical feminism and strategic perspective towards a government of workers.

It is a very solid basis for achieving political agreements needed in the electoral level and to maintain and deepen them coming into the country after the elections, where the crisis will give a new leap, We will enter a new period of social upheaval and tremendous opportunity and responsibility to the left if we want to leap in political and social influence. This potential, It must be put above other debates, whether past or present, where there may be nuances or differences that there are certain, as it has always been on the left, and on which we can discuss and exchange from a new common framework. Now, the necessary change, It is to prioritize the need and opportunity policy and achieve a new unity.

For new unit steps

From the MST we want the unity of all the anti-capitalist left, workers and socialist. Understanding that against the backdrop of brutal adjustment Macri and IMF, PJ complicity in all its wings and the entire trade union bureaucracy, and strong attempts against the regime will to polarize the elections and reduce political space left, we need to strengthen an alternative unit that responds out offensive to give this political battle ahead. We propose this agreement for national elections and other unifying in August and early elections in the provinces where there is still time to achieve; as Tucumán, Mendoza and Jujuy.

The FIT has before this debate and possibility great responsibility, the fund decide to go this way and not lock itself. There are positive statements to that effect and while still some doubts and ongoing discussions that we hope will exceed positively. The next day we move in a new round of meetings and exchanges to see the different ways we can achieve a great deal, which starts from a solid program and project basis and from there take into account the electoral and political reality of each force throughout the entire country, with the unitary political will that always helps to find concrete solutions, all aspects to discuss and agree.

along with this, as we go on the street to support the ongoing struggles, there is a symbolic date approaching and it has to become a positive turning point; May 1. It is necessary to Plaza de Mayo and in all places in the country, large demonstrations and acts of unitary whole and the working class unionism and socialist left.

Sergio Garcia

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network
