The Belarusian authorities attack the labor movement

In 2019, a year before elections, the Belarusian authorities decide to crush strictly the independent labor movement. Se trata de la destrucción sistemática de la organización de base del Sindicato Independiente Bielorruso en la empresa de extracción de sales de potasio Belaruskali.

According to reports in Salihorsk, during the last three months, after the visit of Natalla Kachanava, Head of the Presidency of the Republic of Belarus, the administration of the company, represented by its Director General Ivan Halavaty, It has given the go-ahead to end the independent union. With the motivation that "An uncontrolled union still operates in a company that has strategic importance for the country".

It should be noted that all other organizations of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union are very weak in their companies. Salihorsk organization is an exception to this rule. It is demonstrating its effectiveness in defending the interests of workers. Average wages and social guarantees in the company are among the best in Belarus.

Salihorsk example of how workers can defend their interests was used by workers in other companies trying to create their own independent unions. Examples, RUPP Granit and the Delta OOO Stil. But these organizations were crushed by the authorities, and their leaders were dismissed.

The main irritant of the current regime has been the recent example of registration of the grassroots organization of the SIB in organizing construction and assembly Remmontazhstroy. Despite threats of dismissal and pressure on workers, past the 8 months of fighting, the authorities had to register the grassroots organization, what they have not done since 20 years. An important role here played by the solidarity of Belaruskali workers united in the Independent Union. This has been the starting point of pressure on the main union organization.

Notably, there are two unions in Belarus. One of them is the Belarusian Democratic Trade Unions Congress, where participates SIB. Another is the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus reuniting 96% from the workers, including company directors. In fact, is a "yellow" association lost its independence in 2002.

The first step in the management of the company was pressure on union members who were members of the two unions. Then they started to put pressure on engineers, technical and service personnel of the company. Now it has begun the massive pressure on workers and union militants. People and their families corralling them with the inability to advance their careers, Change of job, category decreased and no extension of the employment contract.

It should be noted that more than 90% of workers in the country work based on short-term contracts. Losing a well-paying job in a small town is a tragedy for the whole family. further, an unemployed person who can not find employment is subject to Decree No. 3, called by the people "Decree fighting parasites".
Until today, during three months, of the 4.000 union members in Belaruskali, and they have had to abandon one 10%. The achievement of the objective of the authorities depend on the unity of the group of Belaruskali and the international solidarity of the labor movement.

anton Semenovich

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reproduced from Anticapitalist Network | 9.4.2019