You have to turn around

Feminist struggles get achievements. It gives more strength: we aim toward full freedom. Women Deliver is an NGO that is holding its conference from the 5 June in Vancouver, Glen. There the report is discussed Equal Mesures 2030 whose data analyzed present and perspective of women in the world.

Some relevant statistics indicate that the total number of girls and women worldwide "Almost 40% 1 400 million- them live in countries that do not "approve" the basic indices of equality. And other 40% it does in places approving fair. "

Denmark ranks first in the ranking of positive changes, followed by Finland, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Slovenia and Germany. Sierra Leone latter are, Liberia, Nigeria, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Yemen, Congo, RD Congo and Chad.

a Europe, Spain is ranked 20 on 23, although highly valued in what concerns "Awareness against gender violence ..." Something clearly visible from strikes and demonstrations with millions of women each 8M activity and daily anti-sexist.

The gains do not come from government grants, but the mobilizations…

Conclusion: "None of the 129 analyzed countries have completely transformed their laws, its policies, or decisions about the budget investment on the scale needed to achieve equality in 2030 ".

The information is useful in two ways: debate and awareness. From which it is necessary to outline actions to turn around. In this direction are our opinions.

The gains do not come from government grants, but the mobilizations, strikes and actions staged by feminist wave that travels the world, even with its inequalities.

It's a constant battle, since power, no sooner it has opportunity to do so, returns to the fray to limit them, breaking them or annulling. Where legal abortion is not recognized, the tandem government / church punishes women who practice it and survive, even with jail. Where it is recognized, They do their best to avoid it or cancel it. Where wage differentials and labor, the solutions are limited to the goodwill of employers that cause. Where there is violence and abuse, Justice looks away and punishes more the victim than an aggressor. Where socially established roles are rejected, They are held as dominant in the redoubt home. Which they speak of sexual freedom, then represses.

Gender equality will not reach the 2030, but when they fall patriarchy and capitalism.

The rhythms of consciousness, the struggle and the results obtained are different worldwide, but it is a single claim for the most basic rights. If they touch a, play all. Against the horrors of patriarchal sexism, we encourage the broadest unity of action within a heterogeneous movement.

We do it with the strategic perspective to strengthen the fight against the dual character of domination exercised over women: oppressed and exploited. To achieve full freedom, patriarchy and capitalism must fall together. It is impossible for the system that sustains and replicates inequality transforms itself into progressive.

Tows rights are not separating the struggle of women for the struggles of minorities, of peoples and, fundamentally, working class. We raised the flags of anticapitalist feminism. Our sisters are workers, the poor, And Kelly, immigrant, the students, temporeras; not the bourgeois and the rich the state. We seek the unity of the labor movement, student, pensioner and those who want to defeat all forms of oppression and exploitation.

Gender equality will not reach the 2030, but when they fall patriarchy and capitalism. From Juntas and the Left struggle to get wider social freedoms and democratic. Get organized with us and Let's Travel a path that is destined to turn around.