International organizations, leaders, intellectuals and references from different countries in support of the FIT-Unit in Argentina

from SOL – Spanish state , We invite you to vote for the left in the elections on Sunday 27 October. Who signed this statement we are intellectual, leaders and leaders of the labor movement, youth, of democratic rights, the women's movement and LGTBI, leftists around the world, we fight against the governments of capital, banks and landlords, as well as against imperialist aggression.

We want to publicly express our support for the program and lists of the Left Front-Unit, calling to vote for the only alternative socialist policy and workers who face the bosses' parties in the upcoming elections 27 October in Argentina.
The categorical defeat suffered by the government of Macri in primary elections 11 August expressed opposition a deformed most worker adjustment plan imposed by the government people and the IMF, supported by Donald Trump. Nevertheless, elections have given the victory to Alberto Fernández del Frente de Todos, a coalition that unites various wings of Peronism, including deputies, senators and governors in these four years he gave the government of Macri governance. And the union bureaucracy of CGT and CTA that guaranteed the government and employers' social peace "needed to carry out the adjustment. Adverse outcome after Macri, the preferred candidate of imperialism, markets and the IMF, the crisis has taken a leap with new devaluations and runs to deepen the conditions of misery for working people while facilitating capital flight.

Macri's government is finished, but leaves the crisis and fraudulent and illegitimate debt deepens subjecting the country to international finance capital. Fernández, It is preparing to be the next president, It has already pledged to pay that debt, which will involve major adjustments against workers and popular sectors. At the same time, It is preparing a "social pact" with the national bourgeoisie and the union bureaucracy aimed at muzzling and handcuff the workers' movement to end the crisis by paying working people.

Transited nearly two decades of this new millennium, the international situation is crossed by the crisis of the imperialist capitalist system, showing its decline in the imperialist countries and in the semi-colonial and colonial. In most of them live strong social polarizations, with a hard counter-attacking imperialist economic living conditions of hundreds of millions of people on every continent, and an important response to workers' struggles, Popular, women and youth, logical inequalities that travel the world. Product of the crisis of the traditional parties and in return these popular answers, also reemerged far-right parties, xenophobic and racist.

Chaired by Donald Trump, The United States has stepped up its offensive on Latin America, allying with local governments right, like Macri in Argentina or the Bolsonaro in Brazil. Nevertheless, this orientation is boundaries in relationships social force in this region of the world.
Ten years after the world capitalist crisis unleashed 2007/08 we are on the eve of a new global recession. Along with the global crisis and its economic counteroffensive, increasingly living conditions of broad sectors of the population deteriorate, while wealth is concentrated in a handful of wealthy. This phenomenon is exacerbated, trends and accelerate both the deepening of imperialist rapine as the inter-imperialist clashes.

The capitalist system to overcome its crisis and increase profits of large multinational, attacks the rights of the working class and democratic, stir ethnic and religious massacres and armed interventions, with imperialist wars and national oppression, advances in environmental destruction of the planet and put in power sexist leaders, homophobic, nationalists, religious and authoritarian. His thesis on the "victory of the market and neoliberalism, the end of history and the class struggle "-declaradas as indisputable after the collapse of the USSR 1989/91- They were swept away by the crisis 2007/8. Today, To over 10 years of that crisis, capitalists are taking us rapidly toward a new catastrophe.

The Arab Spring, uprisings like those of Algeria and Sudan, the emergence of yellow vests in France, and more recently the massive mobilizations in Puerto Rico who threw the government of Rosello, are signs that in the next period the battles of the class struggle will expand and be tougher. In the political arena, the fact that a majority of young people in America have a positive vision of socialism is a sign of the times ahead. In these battles workers, the exploited, combative youth and women movements, They will also face bureaucratic and reformist leaderships collaborating with employers and the capitalist states.

In the wake of the crisis 2008 and the collapse of the parties that have been agents of neoliberalism, variants have emerged that are located to the left of traditional social democracy, as Syriza in Greece or we can in the State Spanish, what, although at the beginning they reflected outrage and mass radicalization of strips, They fed the illusion that there was an outlet for workers under the capitalist state. But that illusion did not last long. Syriza promised an anti-austerity government and ended up being the serial applicator troika plans, and so it ended up paving the way for the return of the right. And we in the Spanish State negotiates its participation in government with the PSOE. The failure of these center-forces, It is part of the broader failure of member states of the European Union to give a progressive way out of the toiling masses of the old continent. For this, Today comes a renewed strategic fight for the socialist unity of Europe.

Neither they turned out to be an outlet for workers Latin American governments as the so-called "21st century socialism" Chavez / Maduro, nor Lula / Dilma, Kirchner, Evo Morales and Correa who showed their inability to put up a Latin American unit, emancipate the countries of the subcontinent from the imperialist yoke and develop the productive forces of their respective countries. In opposition to the policy of class collaboration that promote, We vindicate the struggle of the working class against capital and its states and the fight for socialist unity of Latin America. Because, more than ever necessary to strengthen a left alternative, anticapitalist, workers and socialist fight for the political independence of the working class, for the unity of all the exploited and oppressed of the continent and the world struggle against capital, governments and workers.

The unit concretized in the FIT-Unit is a promising and positive, on the way to strengthen the prospect of an independent solution to the crisis, with a program that raises the non-payment of debt, breaking with the IMF, the nationalization of banks and foreign trade to pay for the crisis capitalists and bankers, and fight for a workers' and socialist government. The FIT-Unit has not been limited to intervene in the important electoral fight, today largely dominated by bourgeois parties, but is supporting and actively promoting the struggle of workers employed and unemployed war plan against the capital and its governments develop against the masses, and fighting for a national asset stop 36 hours and a battle plan.

We support the presidential formula Caño-Del Plá, as well as all applications Workers Party for Socialism (PTS), Labor party (PO), Socialist left (IS) and the Workers' Socialist Movement (MST) in all districts of the country as the only coalition that defends the interests of the working class, women and youth.

first Firms:

Alex Fernandes. General Coordinator of the Subway Workers Union of São Paulo (Brazil)
Alexandre Roldan. Syndicate direction of Subway Workers of São Paulo (Brazil)
Wellington Luiz Cabral. Union of Chemicals direction of São José dos Campos and Region. SP and Executive of FETQUIM / SP (Brazil)
José Rodríguez and the Trade Union Solidarity Movement of Puerto Rico
Jerome Lefaure. Secretary General of the CGT section of the National Museum Magnin Dijon (France)
Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign – PTUDC (Pakistan)
Wladimir Susanj. Union general secretary of CGT France Archives, elected to the National Bureau of the CGT-Culture, elected to the Technical Committee of the Ministry of Culture (France)
Robert Ducrot. National Secretary of the Union of Archives of France CGT, elected to the National Bureau of the CGT-Culture, elected to the Joint Administrative Committee of the technicians monitoring home-shopping-Ministry of Culture (France).
Cristiano Idaigoro Milk. Director of the Union of São José dos Campos and Chemicals Region / São Paulo (Brazil)
David Paul de Souza Junior. President of the PSOL Jacarei, Director of the Union of São José dos Campos and Chemicals Region / São Paulo (Brazil)
Pamela Henríquez. President of the Confederation of Banking and Related (Chile)
Baran Dogan. Chairperson of TORES- Tourism, Hotel, Restaurant, Entertainment facilities and Sport Workers Union (Turkey)
Erol Soğancı. Central Executive Committee member of Union of Energy and Power Plant Workers (Turkey)
Isabelle Foucher. Treasurer of the Union of the Archives of France CGT, elected to the Executive Committee of the CGT-Culture, elected to the Joint Administrative Committee of the librarians of the Ministry of Culture (France)
Julie Charmoillaux. Secretary of the CGT section of the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Rhône-Auvergne, elected to the Executive Board of the General Union of Archeology CGT (France).
Catherine Noury. Secretary of the CGT union of Versailles, elected to the Joint Administrative Committee documentation secretaries of the Ministry of Culture), elected to the National Committee for Social Action of the Ministry of Culture (France).
Nestor Labate. Union leader SUPRA workers Caracas (Venezuela)
Universidad Diego Portales (Chile)
Carlinho. Direction of the Chemical Workers Union of São José dos Campos and Sao Paulo-Region (Brazil)
Luiz Eduardo Sanches. Director of the Union of São José dos Campos and Chemicals Region / São Paulo (Brazil)
Pierre-Yves Chiron. Assistant Secretary General of the Union of Archives of France CGT, elected to the National Bureau of the CGT-Culture, elected to the Joint Administrative Committee deputy technical surveillance home-shopping the Ministry of Culture (France)
Soledad Cuevas. Teacher union UNE-National Teaching (Paraguay)
Anatoly Matveenko. Coordinator SMOT (Belarus)
Leonardo Esteves. Workers Union University Simon Rodriguez (Venezuela)
Luiz Henrique de Barros. PSOL Taubaté-SP, Director of the Union of São José dos Campos and Chemicals Region / São Paulo (Brazil)
Marcos Valerio dos Santos. PSOL Caçapava-SP, Director of the Union of São José dos Campos and Chemicals Region / São Paulo (Brazil)
Alexandre Lisboa. Direction Sindserv San Sebastian SP (Brazil)
Peter Wilson Harbor. Political Scientist and Director of Training Policy Sind. Teachers of Private Network of Pernambuco (Brazil)
Fidel Ernesto Narvaez. Autconvocado lawyer and exile (Nicaragua)
Nicolas Germanier. Socialist Alternative coordinator (Paraguay)
Douglas Diniz Socialist Struggle leader - LS / PSOL. (Brazil)
Gonzalo Gómez. director and member of the board of Marea Socialista (Venezuela)
Joaquín Araneda. anticapitalist movement (Chile)
Mick Armstrong. Socialist alternative (Australia)
Ruben Tzanoff. SOL Spanish State. (Barcelona)
Juan Pablo Mena. SOL Spanish State. (Banyoles)
Rodrigo Barbeito. SOL Spanish State. (Valencia)
Diego Fernández Benito. SOL Spanish State. (Valladolid)
Lautaro Gutiérrez Vázquez. SOL Spanish State. (Madrid)
Flower Willow Carral. SOL - Gaskets and left. (Barcelona)
Florence Virjan. SOL - Gaskets and left (Barcelona)
Neida Porphyry Oliveira. General Council of the CPER. Member of the National Directory of the PSOL (Brazil)
Silvia Leticia. General Coordinator of SINTEPP Belém-PA, National Secretariat of the CSP Executive. Conlutas, and the State Executive of the PSOL-PA. (Brazil)
Nancy Galvão. Executive PSOL São Paulo (Brazil)
Manuel Iraola. State direction of PSOL São Paulo (Brazil)
Manuel Aguilar Mora, Socialist Unity League (Mexico)
Alex Callinicos (Britain)
Nathalie Arthaud - LO (France)
Armonie Bordes - LO (France)
Joao Batista Araujo "Nanny", councilor in Rio de Janeiro, leader of the CST (Socialist Workers current) in the PSOL (Brazil);
Pedro Rosa, Sintuff leader and Fasubra (Workers Federation of Universities, Rosi Messiah , leader CST / PSOL (Brazil)
Humberto Balderrama, national leadership of the Workers Party. (Bolivia)
Louis Proyect, editorial board member of Counterpunch Magazine (OF. UU.)
Julia Wallance, rank-and-file member of SEIU 721, organizer against police brutality and for Black and Brown Unity (OF. UU.)
Amado Quispe, national leadership of the Workers Party, health worker (Bolivia)
Orlando Chirino, National coordinator of the union current CCURA, former candidate for president of the PSL(Socialism and Freedom Party) (Venezuela)
José Bodas, Secretary General of the FUTPV (United Federation of Oil Workers of Venezuela) (Venezuela)
Alejandro Galvez Cancino - Professor Metropolitan Autonomous University campus Xochimilco (Mexico)
Roberto Rutigliano, I musician living in Brazil, founder and member of the organization Tribuna Rio de Janeiro classista (Brazil).
Angelica Mamani, President Student Center, Victor Paz Estenssoro Education Unit of La Paz (Bolivia)
Mamani Eliseo, rural teacher, member of the Executive Fejuve (Federation Neighborhood Councils) El Alto (Bolivia)
Sulem Estrada - secondary master Section X and former candidate anticapitalist (Mexico)
Miriam Hernandez - Working at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and former anti-capitalist candidate (Mexico)
Pablo Oprinari - Sociologo UNAM and coordinator Ideas magazine Left Mexico
Jesus Bernardo Shock, Fine Oils factory worker, former leader Departmental Federation of Factory Workers, member of the Workers Party (Bolivia)
Isabel Jiménez, national leader of the Workers Party (Bolivia)
Barbara Brito - former vice president Date - Bread and Roses - Revolutionary Workers Party (Chile)
Dauno Tótoro - Degree in History - former candidate for deputy D10 - Revolutionary Workers Party leader (Chile)
Lester Calderón, Union President 1 Orica, Director CONSTRAMET (Chile)
Antonio Páez, Union leader Starbucks, PTR
Gabriel Bagundo, Professor Faculty Political and Social Sciences - UNAM. (Mexico)
Miguel Lamas, International Correspondence magazine journalist, Cochabamba. (Bolivia)
Jerónimo Hollman, student delegate to CEUB, Student Vanguard Technology UMSS. (Bolivia)
Ezra Brain, Artist (OF. UU.)
Tatiana Cozzarelli, Socialist Feminist Working Group, DSA NYC (OF. UU.)
Juan Cruz Ferre, editor of Left Voice (OF. UU.)
Ben Fredericks, Uber driver and member of New York Taxi Workers Alliance (OF. UU.)
James Dennis Hoff, Assistant Professor of English, CUNY (OF. UU.)
Jorge de La Rocha, maestro, national leader PT. (Bolivia)
Carlos De La Rocha, maestro, grouping Rebellion teaching. (Bolivia)
Amado Quispe, public health worker, national leader Workers Party. (Bolivia)
Santiago Lupe, historian, spokesman for the Revolutionary Current of Workers - CRT (Barcelona)
Lucia Nistal, researcher at the Governing Council of the Autonomous University of Madrid (HOW), member of the UAM Referendum platform and CRT spokesperson (Madrid)
Veronica Landa, Pan y Rosas spokesperson (Barcelona)
Josefina L. Martínez, journalist and historian, Counterpoint editor (Madrid)
Cynthia The, PhD in History, publisher (Barcelona)
Cacho Mancilla, Workers Party, retired leader. Alain Rivera, attorney Legal Office of the Workers. (Bolivia)
Alejandra Sepulveda, Flora Eco and Ameyalli Mancilla, workers in struggle dismissed from the DIF CdMx and promoters of the campaign Queremostrabajodigno (Mexico)
Mario Caballero - Socialist Workers Movement (Mexico)
Ariane Fischer, educator (OF. UU.)
Nathaniel Flakin, historian (OF. UU.)
William Lewis, hotel worker (OF. UU.)
Mary Lohman, Board member of the Journalists Association Cochabamba, Somossur. (Bolivia)
Maria Eugenia Guerrero, worker at the National Health Fund of Cochabamba, former central departmental worker leader. (Bolivia)
Neide Solimões. General Coordinator of SINTSEP-PA and National Direction of Condsef (Brazil)
Jimmy Gómez Rivera, social movement activist (Nicaragua)
Gustavo Martinez. Member of the Marea Socialista leadership (Venezuela)
Zuleika Matamoros. Teachers union delegate, Coordinator of the Boards and the Left and member of the Socialist Tide leadership (Venezuela)
Maura Gálvez Bernabé. Anti-capitalist Movement and the Juntas and the Left (Chile)
Maurício Matos. Directorate of the National Federation of Public Prosecutors' Servants (FENAMP) and Xingu Movement Live Forever (Brazil)
Cassia Ceres. PSOL / Belém-Pará Executive and Feminist Collective Marielle Vive! (Brazil)
Mari Andreia Oliveira de Andrade. Regional Professor / Director CPERS Cruz Alta (Brazil)
Érico Corrêa. President of SINDICAIXA. Member of the State Executive of PSOL (Brazil)
Revolutionary Students Front – RSF (Pakistan)
Bismark Martinez, Nicaraguan artist and social activist. Actor in DRUGOS theater group (Nicaragua)
Ayllu Duarte Acosta. SINDIMETRÔ Board (Brazil)
Jorge Cezar Gomes Maia. SEPE (Brazil)
Luis Henrique Chagas. President of SINDIMETRÔ (Brazil)
Zarah Trinity. Direction of PSOL / Belém- Pará and Coletivo Feminstra Marielle Vive! (Brazil)
Eduardo Pimentel. Executive of SINTSEP-PA. (Brazil)
Walmir Brit. Executive of SINTSEP-PA. (Brazil)
Laerte. Executive of SINTSEP-PA. (Brazil)
Marcos Solimões. Executive of SINTSEP-PA. (Brazil)
Paulo Sergio. Coordination of SINTEPP Sub-Headquarters of Concórdia do Pará. (Brazil)
Erlen. Coordination of SINTEPP Sub-Headquarters Salvaterra / PA (Brazil)
Reginaldo Reis. Coordination of SINTEPP Sub-Headquarters Baião / PA (Brazil)
José Antônio (Toninho). Coordination of the SINTEPP Sub-Headquarters of Baião / PA. (Brazil)
Jacirene. Coordination of SINTEPP Sub-Headquarters Mde Baião / PA. (Brazil)
Marcelo Diniz. Coordination of the SINTEPP Metropolitan Regional (Brazil)
Aldemaro Sanoja. Barinas Socialist Tide (Venezuela)
Flávia Siqueira. Coordination of the SINTEPP Metropolitan Regional (Brazil)
Miriam Sodré. General Secretary of SINTEPP BELÉM / Unidos Pra Lutar - PA (Brazil)
Charles Albert. Finance Coordinator at SINTEPP BELÉM / Unidos Pra Lutar - PA (Brazil)
Joelma Souza. Coordination of Culture and Leisure at SINTEPP BELÉM (Brazil)
Érica Reis. Direction of SINDSAÚDE Sub-Headquarters Baião-PA (Brazil)
Dulcideia Palheta. Direction of the Faculty Association of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (ADUFRA). (Brazil)
Angelo Balbino. Regional Executive of PSOL-DF (Brazil)
Juliana de Freitas. Opposition SIMPRO –DF (Brazil)
Suzete Chaffin. Feminist Collective Marielle Vive! (Brazil)
Paulina Espíndola. Spokesperson for Sesegen and Organized Women of the Faculty of Communication and Letters, Edgar Mendoza. Portuguese Socialist Tide (Venezuela)
Juliet Lui. Coordination of Apeoesp São Carlos / São Paulo Sub-Headquarters (Brazil)
Mauricio Santos. State Department of Apeoesp / São Paulo (Brazil)
Sergio Brito. Coordination of the Apeoesp Taboão da Serra / São Paulo Sub-Headquarters (Brazil)
Alexandre Pacheco. Municipal Directory of PSOL Jacareí / SP (Brazil)
Emanuelly Nery. PSOL Municipal Directory of São José dos Campos / São Paulo (Brazil)
Gilberto Silvério. President of PSOL São José dos Campos / São Paulo (Brazil)
Whirmelys Villalobos. Journalist. Together and to the left (Venezuela)
Laura Jaén Martínez. SOL - Gaskets and left (Murcia)
Isabel Ruíz López. SOL - Gaskets and left (Murcia)
Laura Candela Uría. SOL - Gaskets and left (Murcia)
Jane Neves. Vice President of Sintect-AM (Brazil)
Izabel Firmino. Executive of SINTUFF / RJ (Brazil)
Sandra Guizan. Direction of SINTUFF / RJ (Brazil)
Vera Coimbra. Feminist Collective Marielle Vive! (Brazil)
Andrea Solimões. Unidos Pra Lutar - Union Trend (Brazil)
Brites. PSOL Caraguatatuba - São Paulo (Brazil)
Eduardo Rodrigues. IFPA Mobilization and Fight Committee (Brazil)
Terezinha Bullé. Professor / CPERS / Member of the PSOL State Directory (Brazil)
Maira Farias. Professor / CPERS / Member of the State Executive of PSOL (Brazil)
Marli Aparecida Souza. School Employee / Regional Director CPERS - Osório (Brazil)
Maria Norma Dumer. CPERS Professor / Fiscal Council (Brazil)
Natalia Messiah. President of the Clínica UDD union (Chile)
Maria de Fátima Contreira. CPERS Regional Teacher / Director - São Borj (Brazil)
Andria Wasiuk. Student / FACE (Brazil)
Angélica break. Feminist collective “Marielle Vive” (Brazil)
Danube Trujillo. Socialist Rumbo. COFE militant (Uruguay)
Sandra Patricia Fernández Araújo. Militante del SUINAU (Uruguay)
Adrian Dourrom. Socialist Rumbo. Sunca militant (Uruguay)
Jimena Peralta. Socialist Rumbo (Uruguay)
Cristina Matinson. COFE militant Rumbo Socialista (Uruguay)
Analia Barceló. Socialist Rumbo. COFE militant (Uruguay)
Gabriel Malaespina. Socialist Rumbo. COFE militant (Uruguay)
Antonio Gilberto dos Santos Sanches. SINDIMETRÔ Board (Brazil)
Camila Palomo Debesaitys. Vice President of SINDIMETRÔ (Brazil)
Claire Maria Moraes Amaral. Professor - General Council of CPERS (Brazil)
Claudia da Silva Seafood. Director of the CPERS Center - Cruz Alta (Brazil)
Yunesky Carrero. Together and to the left (Venezuela)
Jorge Estrella. Ecuadorian Left Regrouping (Ecuador)
Clemar Maria Trindade. Feminist collective “Marielle Vive” (Brazil)
Elizabeth dos Santos Braga. CPERS General Council (Brazil)
Elizandra Dullius. Student / FACE (Brazil)
Adriana Aquino. Board Coordinator and Left. (Paraguay)
Eloá Damascena da Silva. Alternate General Council of CPERS (Brazil)
Kind Lovatel. Director SINDICAIXA (Brazil)
Henrique Luis Frozza. SINDIMETRÔ Board (Brazil)
Inês Goreti. State Public Servant / SINDICAIXA (Brazil)
Karina Fischer. CPERS General Council (Brazil)
Kenyireth Rebolledo. Together and to the left (Venezuela)
Kelin Daroz. Leader of the Feminist Collective “Marielle Vive” (Brazil)
Laura Vieira Marques. Leader of the Feminist Collective “Marielle Vive” (Brazil)
Ludimilla Alves Fagundes. PSOL Women Sector (Brazil)
Luiz Henrique Valente Sanches. Supervisor - Manager from CS (Brazil)
Luzia Regina Herrmann. Professor - General Council of CPERS (Brazil)
Marcia da Silva Rolim. Student / FACE - PSOL Women Sector (Brazil)
Silver Sun. SEP Party Chairperson (Turkey)
V. Hope Arslan. SEP National Directorate (Turkey)
Derya husband. SEP National Directorate (Turkey)
Engin Kara. SEP National Directorate (Turkey)
Gokce Senturk. SEP National Directorate (Turkey)
Emre Guntekin. Editor of socialistgundem (Turkey)
Emrecan Konyalı. Chairperson of Marxist Student Association Federation (Turkey)
Marcia de Medeiros Barilli. Alternate General Council of CPERS (Brazil)
Marcia Soledade. PSOL Women Sector (Brazil)
Maria Aparecida Prado. School Employee / Alternate General Council of CPERS (Brazil)
Maikell Rebolledo. Labor lawyer (Venezuela)
Javier bia. Socialist Rumbo. COFE militant (Uruguay)
Maximiliano Ramos. Socialist Rumbo. AFFUR militant (Uruguay)
Federico Martinez. Socialist Rumbo. ADUR militant (Uruguay)
Jorge Rodríguez. Militante del SUINAU (Uruguay)
Maria da Glória Sampaio. Director of Sindicaixa (Brazil)
Marilene Carvalho S. Rodrigues. Director of Sindicaixa (Brazil)
Marivete Morais de Melo. School Employee / Alternate General Council of CPERS (Brazil)
Miguel Gustavo Corrêa Chagas. General Secretary SINDICAIXA (Brazil)
Norm of Santos Machado. CPERS Professor / General Council (Brazil)
Odilon Carrion Esmério. Director SINDICAIXA (Brazil)
Olavo Vivian Marques. Vigilante (Brazil)
Pedro Moacir Abrianos Moreira. CPERS Regional Director - São Gabriel (Brazil)
Rejane Maria de Araújo. Director of Sindicaixa (Brazil)
Ronny Reyes. Labor lawyer (Venezuela)
Silvina Rodríguez. Socialist Rumbo. Environmentalist (Uruguay)
Alejandro Tasistro. Socialist Rumbo (Uruguay)
Guedeche Khaled. University Research Professor (Algeria)
Luis Gonzalo Torcoletti. SOL Spanish State (Palma de Mallorca)
Noelia Carina López. SOL Spanish State (Barcelona)
Pía Celeste Villafañe Batica. SOL Spanish State (Barcelona)
Diego Arcos Espinosa. Argentinian house in Barcelona. (Spanish state)
Rosana Grigoletto. Director of the CPERS Center - Osório (Brazil)
Virginia Corrêa da Silva. Director of Sindicaixa (Brazil)
Vivian Zamboni. Teacher / Director of CS (Brazil)
Zila Farias. PSOL Women Sector (Brazil)
Anália Timóteo. Lunch box (Director of SEPE / Regional IV) (Brazil)
Maria Oliveira da Penha. Teacher. Director of SEPE Central (Brazil)
Rayssa Pereira. FACEFUL militant (Brazil)
Thaianne Souza. UNIRIO student. Feminist collective “Marielle Vive” (Brazil)
Lucas Tine. Musician and pre-candidate / PSOL Recife (Brazil)
Thiago Carvalho. President PSOL Recife (Brazil)
Marcio Santos. Actor and Theater Director (Brazil)
Luiz Felipe Sena. Filmmaker (Brazil)
Robeyoncé Lima. Joint Deputy / State (Brazil)
Ivanenko Tatyana. SMOT activist (Belarus)
Vasily Letyaga. Activista SMOT (Belarus)
Vicent Birich. SMOT activist (Belarus)
Marat Matveenko. Activista SMOT (Belarus)
Kirill Zhamoidin. Activista SMOT (Belarus)
Roman yaroshenya. Activist of the Belarusian Independent Union. Salihorsk. (Belarus)
Socialist Struggle / PSOL (Brazil)
Socialist Construction / PSOL (Brazil)
Socialist alternative (Brazil)
United to Fight / CSP. Conlutas. Union Trend (Brazil)
Feminist Collective Marielle Vive! (Brazil)
Fabiola del Carmen Tercero Castro- Feminist Journalist (Nicaragua)
Andrei Nestruev. Russian Socialist Movement
Mario Pieri, Militant Collective (Uruguay)
Joseffe Cáceres, ANFUMCE Officers Association leader (former pedagogical), Bread and Roses (Chile)
Nicolás Bustamante, dismissed leader FCAB Inter-company Union, Revolutionary Workers Party (Chile)
Simon Bousquet, union president GAM (Chile)
Bartolo Lara, Housing Cooperatives - Isabel Koifmann, unionist - (Uruguay)
Omar Menoni, unionist - Ernesto Herrera, Press Correspondence - (Uruguay)
Alberto God, Guevarist militants - Rebeca Riela, economist - Daniel Ceriotti, nutritionist. (Uruguay)
Daniel Libreros, Ecosocialist Movement (Colombia)
Ruben Navarro, Press Correspondence (France)
Diego Lotito, journalist, editor of (Madrid)
Clara Mallo, Pan y Rosas spokesperson (Madrid)
Voice of Antoni, journalist, editor of (Barcelona)
Asier Ubico, president of the Telepizza Company Committee for CGT (Zaragoza)
Juan Carlos Arias Sanz, delegate by UGT of the Ministry of Social and Family Policies of the Community of Madrid
Joe Molina, former worker fired from Panrico and CRT militant
Andrea Barberá Martínez, Teodora Giulia Chirila Null, Javier Hernández Tenorio, claustrales of the UAM and student representatives in Board of Philosophy and Letters of the UAM by «Revolutionize Your University» (Madrid)
Pamela Contreras, runs Winterhill Syndicate, Bread and Roses (Chile)
William Muñoz, presidente Sindicato Komatsu Reman (Chile)
Maria Isabel Martinez, community leader Lo Espejo Teachers College (Chile)
Patricia Romo, president of the communal directory of the Colegio de Profesores, Antofagasta (Chile)
Daniela Avilés reincorporated teacher, Patricio Cariola School, Antofagasta (Chile)
Romina Godoy, Union delegate of the Patricia Cariola school, Union of Classroom Assistants, Antofagasta (Chile)
Josep Lluis del Alcázar. Union delegate for public education. Internationalist Struggle Leader (AT THE), ITU-CI section (Spanish state)
Cristina Mas. Press workers union delegate. Member of LI (Spanish state)
Luis Carlos Gómez Pintado. Union delegate of AENA workers - Airports (Spanish state)
Marga Olalla. Union delegate for municipal workers in Barcelona. Militante de LI (Spanish state)
Pedro Mercader. Union Delegate for Public Education,militante de LI (Spanish state)
Miquel Blanch. Union delegate for adult school teachers, member of the Trade Union Current of CCOO de Girona (Spanish state)
M. Esther del Alcázar. Union delegate for public education, LI leader (Spanish state)
Ranier Rios, MST executive (Workers' Socialist Movement) (Chile)
Priscilla Vasquez, national leader of the Social Security Workers of Panama. (Panama)
Virgilio Arauz, leader of the Socialist Proposal (Panama)
Alejandro Arias, Counter-current group spokesperson (Madrid)
Lorien Matute, spokesperson for the Left-Countercurrent Students Union (Zaragoza)
Antonio Litov, Photomovement (Barcelona)
Antonio Liz, historian (Madrid)
Eduardo Nabal Aragon, film critic (Burgos)
Enrique Fernández Chacón, former national deputy, United leader in the Broad Front (Peru)
Jesus Torres Nuño, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Democratic Workers of the West, Cooperative Society (Mexico)
Leda Silva Victoria, General Secretary of Delegation D-III-52 of Initial Education, Section XI of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) (Mexico)
Kesia Moreno, union assistant classroom assistant, Juan Pablo school, Antofagasta (Chile)
Carla Ramírez, union representative school Father Patricio Cariola, Antofagasta (Chile)
Sergio Pinto union delegate School E-77, Antofagasta(Chile)
Galia Aguilera union delegate Escuela España, Antofagasta (Chile)
Jaime Rodríguez. President of the Inter-company Union of United Metalworkers (Chile)
Oscar Mandiola, delegate Inter-company union of united metalworkers (Chile)
Nathaly Flores, director of the national union administrator north easy (Chile)
Juan Cortés, director of the National union administrator north Easy (Chile)
Douglas Diniz. National Executive of PSOL (Brazil)
Enrique Gómez Delgado and Francisco Retama, Movement to Socialism, ITU-CI Section (Mexico)
Genoveva Ramírez Fernández, Section X teacher, CNTE-SNTE (Mexico)
Oktay Celik, president of the Workers' Democracy Party (IDP ITU-Cl) Since Durel, Secretary General of the Union of Revolutionary Telecommunication Workers and Call Center (Dev Communication-Business) (Turkey)
Atakan Ciftci, delegate of the Union of education and science workers (Egitim-Sen) (Turkey)
Görkem Duru, editor of the April newspaper (Turkey)
Orlando Chirino, National coordinator of the union current CCURA, former candidate for president of the PSL(Socialism and Freedom Party) (Venezuela)
José Bodas, Secretary General of the FUTPV (United Federation of Oil Workers of Venezuela) (Venezuela)
Miguel Ángel Hernández, PSL Secretary General (Socialism and Freedom Party) (Venezuela)
Pablo Muñoz, leader of the Inter-company Union FCAB (Chile)
Sebastian Red, leader of the Inter-company Union FCAB (Chile)
Francis Astudillo. leader of the Inter-company Union FCAB (Chile)
Raúl Muñoz - FENATS leader Barros Luco Trudeau (Chile)
Alejandra Decap - national spokesperson for the Pan y Rosas group (Chile)
Yamila Urrutia - group Vencer ex Pedagógico (Chile)
Vilcapaza Group (Peru)
La Abeja Editorial Committee (Lima Peru)
Revolutionary Workers Movement (MRT, member of the FT-CI) (Brazil)
Revolutionary Workers Party (PTR, member of the FT-CI) (Brazil)
Socialist Workers Movement (MTS, member of the FT-CI) (Mexico)
Revolutionary Workers League (S-Cl) (Bolivia, member of the FT-CI)
Revolutionary Current of Workers (CRT, member of the FT-CI) (Spanish state)
Revolutionary Communist Current (CCR) which is part of the NPA (New Anticapitalist Party) (FT-CI / France)
Revolutionary internationalist organization (RIO, member of the FT-CI) (Germany)
Comite Editorial de Left Voice (FT publication in the US)
League of Workers for Socialism (LTS, member of the FT-CI) (Mexico)
Socialist Workers Stream (CTS, member of the FT-CI) (Uruguay)
Internationalist Revolutionary Fraction (FIR, FT-CI sympathetic organization) (Italy)
Socialist organization (FT-CI sympathetic organization / Costa Rica)
Socialist Current of the Workers (FT-CI sympathetic organization / Peru)
Workers Committee (Nicaragua)
Revolutionary Workers Party (DIP) (Turkey)
Socialist Core (OF. UU.)