Other viruses that slow down: authoritarianism and abuse employer
The Covid-19 is used as an excuse to cut labor rights, corporate profits and intervene to save the autonomies.
With the Coronavirus in full development the government has decreed Alarm status, for a period of 15 days, with many limitations on working people and free hand to entrepreneurs. The closest precedent of this measure is in the government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, what in 2010 he used against air traffic controllers who were demanding for their rights. Extraordinary prerogatives include limiting citizens' movements, intervene or close industries and businesses, the mobilization of the army, the intervention of the health and safety of autonomies, among others.
Special powers in the hands of officials of the PSOE-can government and the regime of '78 are not guarantees of effectiveness against the virus, They will be used politically in favor of the “Spain unit”, democratic freedoms are cut and direct intervention to the autonomies, a kind of 155 to the whole Spanish State, We reject the state of alarm. Better would have been to create an independent committee of renowned specialists Crisis, workers' representatives, mainly public health, of human rights organizations, social organizations and autonomies. Creating a special national fund at its disposal to act, with direct social control, so that everything is transparent.
The vast majority of the population is making huge efforts to guard against the virus and adapt to the conditions of isolation decreed. Moreover in cases where there is a relative or friend in quarantine, diagnosed positive or boarding. Some actively sympathize with the elderly, exposed and needy. Many are determined to not panic at the sensationalism of some mass media and those who seek to exploit the situation. There is another fundamental social sector: the workers who continue to ensure essential services and, first, the health, both public and private. They are responding to their experience and willingness to sanitary measures, the huge amount of consultation and care, from the first line of exposure to contagion. Many of them, doctors and nurses have already suffered the consequences. That's why the Saturday night was a autoconvocatoria to applaud from all windows, for several minutes, in thanks.
And who they are the least likely endeavor? They are entrepreneurs…
The population has great merit. Not Pedro Sanchez and EU officials that even seeing what happened in China and in Italy, They acted with astonishing slowness, that did not stop the speed curves of contagion and death. This is what creates distrust, disquiet and even panic scenes shortages, with long queues at outlets and empty gondolas. And who they are the least likely endeavor? They are entrepreneurs: They were the first to take action, not to help curb the coronavirus, but to safeguard their profits. Because, there was According employer-union bureaucracy to streamline redundancies submit to the authorities. The PSOE government should reject it-can, ensure employment and safeguard the health of workers, without job insecurity and with full rights. The bases of the majority unions, whose leaders are delivering workers' gains years, They should strongly condemn the pact signed by UGT and CC. AND. among others. That the crisis pay the rich patterns and, not the workers and the people.
Companies are laying off workers for two months, no guarantee that retaking and without salary, partially responsible for the State through the payment of the subsidy unemployment, which results in low numbers, much worse in those cases employers pay part of the salary in black. When it comes to Profits, It is the remaining entrepreneurs; when it is time losses we pay among all. Some employees are forced to take holidays, a coercive and illegal action. Those who follow in their activity daily, they are doing it without provide them with sufficient tools to avoid infection. further, going to his post are set out in public transport and shared spaces. Those who sent their houses for "telecommuting" make them put their facilities, energy and personal mobile without compensation, with the additional of having to care for their children at the same time. These disasters are multiplying in farms field, on rural workers, women immigrants and racialized.
And that, just beginning, if no brake force measures will deepen. The restaurateurs, of tourism and other items, They are already threatening to, if profits fall and not compensated, there will be massive layoffs. In the meantime, saving notable exceptions, councils engage with employers collaborate .... He "Progressive coalition government" You are letting the wretched actions employers as if nothing was wrong, when you have all the elements to avoid, more from the declaration alarm. By way of facts, are deepening labor reforms Rajoy harmful rather than disposed of as promised by the "progressives" PSOE-Can. further, with the excuse of virus, accelerate the adjustment measures implemented by the coming crisis of capitalist economy who want to hide behind the Covid-19.
This is capitalism, when there is a crisis, those above do not care about the lives of those below, but because they decrease your earnings.
We completely reject the consequences of the health crisis fall on the workers and the people. As it happened after the 2008, when they unloaded the dramas of the crisis in below, in the neediest while the EU and US would give him the million bankers and businessmen. Must be prevented from happening again. This is capitalism, when there is crisis above do not care about the lives of those below, but because they decrease your earnings.
We reaffirm the emergency measures program and background we posed to non-workers and the people who pay for the crisis. This time we emphasize the necessary proposals to curb employer abuses, endorsed by bureaucracy and government: Prohibit suspensions and redundancies, guaranteeing a salary of the 100%, undiscounted grant permits any employee affected or at risk. Appointments immediate additional workers, nurses and human health personnel team national and / or regional, with full labor rights, permanent pass on condition of precarious workers and. wage increase and countervailing measures to the extra work by the crisis. Respect licenses and rest indispensable hours. Obtain the resources to fund emergency suspension of any subsidy, reduction or exemption from taxes on employers', application of a special tax on urban and rural corporations, Bank entities, pharmaceutical and multinational fortunes.