Life is worth more than profits
Capitalism acts so that the crisis triggered the Covid-19 pay working people.
The Covid-19 expands high speed by Spain. as a result of an astonishing slowness of the government and the EU to adopt measures, when there was knowledge of what happened in China and Italy. The main barrier to curb the spread of the virus are health workers and population, despite the liquidation of the welfare state and cuts that damaged the health system.
Given the seriousness of the situation, on Tuesday 17, Pedro Sanchez has announced the objectives set by the Council of Ministers to protect the health of the population: overcome the peak propagation, that high medical exceed those infected, falling contagion and advance research to find a vaccine. further, It has announced economic measures to mitigate the social impacts by "Dry temporary slowdown of the economy", to which he presented as "The most ambitious plan shock from democracy". The worst is yet to come. In response the question would take turns serving measures?
The actions of the PSOE government-can was endorsed in Congress by the PP, citizens, Vox and other parties of the regime del'78, they have even given their approval to the future "Reconstruction budget" Pedro Sánchez. It will have the support of King Philip VI when anime to appear in public to the scandal of his father Juan Carlos I by million dollar corruption allegations. The state of alarm includes “operation Balmis” by which the Army has already deployed 2.600 effective 48 locations. These exceptional powers not guarantee health effectiveness, autonomies involved and limit rights. These are measures aimed more repressive social containment of the crisis that preventive social distancing to curb the virus. Decisions taken by Spain are not the only possible, South Korea had reacted as soon as evidence of the presence of the virus, He appealed to the conviction of the population and the results were better to those achieved by the Spanish State.
…the measures taken so far are halfway to safeguard the health of the population, They are deficient in labor rights, Social and protect business interests.
Pedro Sánchez ads were tinged with calls "Unity of Spain" and the "Unity between employers and employees". In our opinion, the measures taken so far are halfway to safeguard the health of the population, They are deficient in labor rights, Social and protect business interests. One of the most serious consequences is legitimizing surge over 100.000 FOR HIM (Redundancy Temporary Employment) thanks to the agreement to expedite employer-union dismissals, contracts suspend or reduce days to care finance companies. Outrages are executed without compensation, remuneration or all of the wages, with payment of the 70% from the stoppage, ie with funds from the State. With these and other rights violations and by way of the facts, They are deepening labor reforms rather than eliminated, as they promised the PSOE and United We Can. dismissals and suspensions should be banned, as was done in Italy for the period of sixty days. Since we share SOL criticisms and proposals CUP to the measures adopted.
While we do whatever possible so that the virus does not spread, You also need to reflect Remember they did during the crisis that began in the 2008? They gave him million euros to the bankers and employers, at the expense of generating poverty and social inequality, something to keep paying until today. Currently the Covid-19 was the trigger for the global economic crisis that had been brewing What do you think will this time? Do the same. The acts capitalism for the crisis pay the workers and peoples. Pandemic declared by WHO, basically be taking the necessary measures to prioritize the life of the population gains a handful of entrepreneurs, As we stated from the International Socialist League.