Join the campaign for a unique public health system, free and universal


The underfunding of health budgets in recent years, the impulse of commodification and research cuts, science and technology are common denominators worldwide. The population is in a state of defenselessness and the health workers, on the front line against the pandemic, suffer general lack of protection due to lack of PPE, no diagnostic tests, and with the brutality of wage cuts. The pandemic found a world with health systems collapsed by the capitalist logic of profit.

Today, that we see how profits are privileged before the lives of millions, it is more necessary than ever to guarantee universal access, free and compulsory to health. And throughout the world the fight and organization for these causes is put on the agenda, that far from being impossible, they are indispensable to live.

That is why we promote this International Declaration for a Single Health System, from the Brazilian Socialist Struggle and the MST / LIS, with signatures and accessions of hundreds of organizations around the world, and we invite you to read it, spread it and join this campaign. Our lives are worth more (We reproduce an extract of the statement. It can be read in full at /

Caring for those who care and moving towards a socialist model of health

We promote the struggle from the working class and the peoples of the world for a program of emergency measures in the path of a socialist model to guarantee full rights for workers and a single system that guarantees universal access, free and egalitarian.

*Health budget, based on non-payment of debts and real tax on large fortunes, starting with banks and corporations. We must prioritize our health, not your earnings.

*Immediate hiring of necessary health personnel with an adequate salary and full labor rights.

*Protection and safety elements for all workers during the pandemic. Periodic diagnostic tests for the entire working class that is in essential tasks, first, for all health team personnel. Licenses for risk groups. Dissolution of risk insurers. Full coverage by the state.

*National Crisis Committees, regional and in each establishment with workers and patients, for planning the intervention against the pandemic and its democratic leadership.

*Declare the entire productive structure of our countries of social utility to centralize, plan and reconvert all economic activity based on the majority social needs for supply and health response to the pandemic.

*Unified Health System, to centralize installed and personal capacity. Public production of medicines. Declaration of social utility of laboratories and large pharmaceutical monopolies and of all installed capacity of the private sector towards its nationalization and definitive incorporation into the single system. Financing of the system from general income based on a progressive tax system.

*That licenses be guaranteed with the full payment of wages and the payment of the entire wage to quarantined workers and that dismissals and suspensions are prohibited. Subsidies for informal workers, self-employed and unemployed. Prohibition of evictions. Housing and food distribution for the homeless. End all persecution of migrants, no expulsion and full access to the health system.

*Outside Bolsonaro and the denialist governments, criminals of their peoples. Fight for a way out of the pandemic in favor of the working class, the popular and health sectors, the life and rights of the majority; because they are worth more than all capitalist profits. Pandemics for the working class and the peoples of the world, are two: COVID19 and the system that exploits and oppresses us. There is no possible humanization of capital. It takes health and a model of life, of a socialist society with full democracy, real.

Nevertheless, this statement and the date of 28 of April, they are just a starting point, since we intend to multiply and extend a true campaign of international scope beyond this specific day. The international framework that we describe above, the reality and agenda of the working class around the world, especially that of the health sectors, places on the agenda the program we are proposing as a perspective for struggle and organization.

New signatures:

Health organizations and union leaders: AGIHM Interdisciplinary Guild Association of the Moyano Hospital / CICOP Sectional H. Belgrano San Martín / With. Internal Hospital Italiano CABA / Topía Magazine of Psychoanalysis, Society and Culture / Gastón Vacchiani, sec. General Union of Health Workers UTS Cba. / Sofia Ahún, sec. trade union UTS / Carlos Barzani CICOP secc. Hospital Belgrano SM / Roxana Szyszko, Narciso López Hospital and CTA-A Lanús Board of Directors / Alejandro Talking, delegate HECA Rosario / Ricardo Zambrano, former head Traumatology Htal. Santojanni and the Movement for a Hospital in Lugano / Nadia Burgos, worker Ministry of Health Entre Ríos / Viviana Solá, general delegate. ATE Htal. Alvear / Martín Chaile, delegate general ATE Hospital Udaondo / Ayala Antonia, delegate general ATE Hospital Aeronáutico Central and secretary Minutes CTA / Enrique Carpenter, magazine director Topía / Héctor Freire, Caesar Hazaki, Alexander Vainer, Susana Toporosi, Alicia Lipovetzky, Alfredo Caeiro, Susana De La Sovera, members of Topía magazine / Eduardo Maturano, infectologist, union Htal. Vicente Agüero (J. Maria, Córdoba) / Nicolas Debiosi, Psychology resident, Hummock / Luna Suarez, Htal instrumentation. Central San Isidro / Cristina Reinaldi, Ntra Clinic. Mrs. de la Merced, Martin Coronado / Mario Aguirre and Rosita del Valle Díaz, references Melo de Lanús Hospital / Rafael Arteaga, psychoanalyst / Daniel Sotelo, psychiatrist Htal. Neuropsiquiátrico / Juan Pablo Viglione, neurologist New Hospital San Antonio de Padua, Fourth quarter / Guillermo Medina, University nurse Río Cuarto / Mariana Villareal, nurse htal. Sunday funes, Córdoba / Fernando Lemes, resident Hospital Dr. Teodoro Álvarez / Marcela Beatriz Euler, medical of the San Luis Ambulance System / Luis Gamba, Pediatrician Hosp de Niños Sgo. del Estero / Claudia Santillán, Alfredo Juárez and Margarita Juárez, lic. Sgo Regional Hospital Nursing. del Estero / Romero Camila, worker Ministry of Health Entre Ríos;
Political and social organizations and referents: Carlos del Frade, provincial deputy Santa Fe (FSP) / Maria José Lubertino, CABA deputy (mc) / Herman Schiller, journalist, host of the radio show "Leña al fuego" / Workers Network / AGTSYP (Metrodelegados) / Julio Fuentes, ATE leader and president CLATE Conf. Latin American and Caribbean State Workers / Miryam Gorban, lic. in Nutrition and coordinator free chair Food Sovereignty UBA / Pablo Bergel, sociologist, CABA deputy (mc) / Eduardo Lucita, economist and integrator of EDI / Guillermo Folguera, CONICET philosopher and research biologist / Lorena Almirón, secr. general ATE Rosario / Arturo Avellaneda, naturalist, Writer and producer of the Permahabitante site / Drag. Raquel Hermida Legend, a lawyer / Martina Ferretti, CONICET researcher / Raul Gomez, dean Fac. Univ Psychology. Córdoba National / Daniel Mercado, general delegate Banco Nación central house / Alejandro Olmos Gaona, investigator, historian and specialist in international law / Raúl Montenegro, FUNAM director (Foundation for the defense of the environment), Alternative Nobel Prize / Flavia Dezzuto, dean Fac. UNCo philosophy / Luis Lassalle, journalist Radio Universidad, Fourth quarter / Lucia Caiso, anthropologist, CONICET Córdoba researcher / Martín Álvarez Mullally, journalist and researcher / Daniel Juarez, sec. gral ATE Sgo. del Estero / Gustavo Coria, sec. ATE Sgo Press. Estero / Sandra Silvetti, secr. admin. ATE Rosario / Fabio Peñalva, secr. general ATE INDEC / Oscar Silva secr. gral. SIVARA Osvara / Griselda Gomez, National ATE directive / Raúl Díaz, secr. Org. LET ME GO ON / Guillermo Ferreira, SUTEBA Tigre manager / Andrea Lanzette, CTA-A Lanús directive / Mario Muñoz and Ramón Farías, National ATE executives / Griselda Gomez, ATE directive Córdoba / Claudio Elli, secr. ATE Political Action Cap. / Nahuel Orellana, CTA-A Lomas executive / Carlos Lopez, sec. gral. OSVT-CTA / Villarreal Olga, secr. Suteba Quilmes Formation / Diana Thom, secr. SUTEBA Quilmes Social Promotion / Carlos Lopez, secr. AGEC Córdoba Press / Martín Álvarez, secr. adm. SUTEP / Sebastián Stephan and Hugo Guzmán, managers Secc. Capital and Suburbs UOMA (Molineros) / Edgardo Castro, general delegate. ATE Subsecr. CABA work / Ingrid Urrutia, delegate general ATE INCAA / Raúl Llaneza, general delegate. adj. ATE INDEC / Citizen Association for Human Rights / Militant Encounter Cachito Fukman / Commission for Memory and Justice of the La Plata Massacre / Dr. Marcos Filardi, lawyer and coordinator Hunger Museum / Carla Poth, professor Univ. No.. Gral. Sarmiento / Rio Bravo Collective / Celia Marcó del Pont, ex dean Fac. Fine arts, Univ. Pcial. Córdoba / Adolfo R. Villatte, General Prosecutor. Head of the Assistance Unit for the causes of human rights violations. / Hernán Roldán, National Emancipation Current South / Enrique Villamizar, attorney, Colombia / MAR Rebel Argentina Movement / Monika Ertl, Women in Struggle / Oscar Kuperman CUBa-MTR MIDO / Pablo Pimentel, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights. The slaughter / Silvia Cruz, VUDAS Assembly against Porta Hnos. / Dante Martinez, pte. Alberdi Neighborhood Center, Córdoba / Leonardo Rando Delegate of the Internal Board of ATE Culture / Maximiliano Bares, delegate ATE Iosfa / Maria I. Echazú Ribero Delegate ATE Univ. National defense / Virginia González Ríos Electoral Delegate ATE / Yaria Luis, Taborda Daniel, Fernandez Roman, Gustavo Rivadeneira, Corpus David, Taborda Liliana and Peñaloza Carlos Delegados SUTECBA Htal. Edge / Roberto Mengelatte, AFIP delegate / H. Ricardo Bruno, delegate ATE CNEA / Emanuel Fernández, Adolfo Ortega, Martín Moreno, Analia Medina, Nadia Herrera and Maximiliano Lucero Delegates from La Virginia Rosario / Mario Valle Delegado Aceitero at Dreyfus / Fabián Britos, Claudio Mora and Julio César Duarte, FATE SUTNA delegates / Laura Chorolque Delegate SUTEBA San Isidro / Silvia Arce Delegate SUTEBA Vte. López / Margarita Genaver, former delegate ANSES / Fernando Pasaron General Delegate. Airports 2000. WHAT / Jerónimo Rojas Delegate Télam. SIPREBA / Marta García Deputy Delegate ATE Htal del Quemado / Virginia González Ríos ATE. CTA Election Delegate / Flavio Vidotto Chronicle Delegate / Martin Coccio delegate Chronicle / Esteban Bidondo delegate Argentine News / Marcelo Iomi delegate and congressman Suteba / Silvia C.. Santillán delegate suteba / Patricio Aromo delegate Linea 119 - Ex Expreso Lomas / Patricia Umpierrez delegate ATE Education / Ramón Sánches delegate of UTS Gral San Roque / Mercedes Jerez delegate ATE Htal. Children Córdoba / Nicolás Vetromile delegate gral. adj. ATE INCAA / Julia Ongaro Delegate Social Action ATE INCAA / Juan Perez, delegate Molinos Río de la Plata / María Isabel Echazu Ribero Delegate ATE National Defense University / Ariel Arrieta delegate Suteba / Jose Villa y Alejandro Corso Com. Internal SIAT Tenaris / Sergio Aguirre Former ALBA Pacheco Internal Commission / Eduardo Zwick Delegate. SUOEM Córdoba / Martín Tomé delegate LAM Asoc. Arg. Airmen / Adolfo Fernández Congressman ATSA Rosario / Andrea Ramírez and Carolina Cáceres Congresales ALE Nursing / Sebastián Garay Gray List SUTNA / Oscar Pacho Juárez and Zenón Sánchez Members of the Fight Committee in the second Villazo of 1975 / Leticia Quagliaro Leader Popular Unit / Noe Caudet leader of Cause / Federico Pagliero Lawyer, APDH Rosario and Villa Constitución / De Jesús Acosta Leader of Teresa Vive de Rosario / Family Commission, Compañeres y Amigues by Ana María Martinez / Carmen Metrovich sister-in-law of Ana María Martinez / Fernando Sacarelo Coordinator of Left Retirees at ANCLA / Sofia Vega President of the Technical Student Center 8 / Saulo Dalmasso, Yolanda Senisse Carpio, Julia Reynoso, Jenny Jiménez Gonzáles HECA professional nurses / Alejandra Vivas HECA worker Alejandro Maidana Journalist / Cecilia Sarmiento: Audiovisual producer / Walter Fabián Fernández Historian / Coria Carlos Nurse Htal. Edge / Mayra gonzalez, teacher / Norma Lavallen, Nancy Franco, Dante Smoked, Marcela Leguizamón, Eva Franco, Mirta Solórzano, Moreno Sur Sanitary Unit, Moreno Health Secretary / Sol Ludueña Assembly of Pibas de Pilar / Fabián Máximo Pianist of the Teatro Colón Ballet / Matías Cadoni Stable Orchestra Teatro Colón / Maximo Parpagnoli Photographer Teatro Colón / Emiliano León Lawyer / José Iglesias, father of Cromañón / Silvio León Criminal lawyer / Raquel Coronel and Enrique Papa, lawyers, Doctors of Human Rights and Labor Rights / Mario Cáceres Journalist. Pilar / Gladys Colman Journalist and broadcaster / Carlos Toledo municipal ATE. Moreno / Fernanda Ludueña Head of the Pilar Gender Ombudsman / Marta Sosa Lic. Htal Nursing. Municipal Pediatrics F. Falcon. Pilar / Víctor Taborda Head of Maintenance of Argentine Trains / Mirta Fernández Lic. Nursing / Erica Hahn Teacher and environmentalist. Pilar / Jorge Laneri referring to Motorarg / Yolanda L. Doglioli / Claudia Martínez education assistant / Eduardo Dellafiore Univ Worker. No.. Fourth quarter, Manuel Guzmán EPEC worker / Martin Sosa fired from Minetti / Axel Tyrsen Rappi worker member of the National Assembly of Dealers / Cristian Barrionuevo Freelance journalist / Jorge Aníbal Nungesser Architect / Cristian Igor, journalist / Gonzalo Valverde, activist for the rights of people with HIV / Ricardo Antonio Maggio Memory Center Worker / Maru Acosta Referent of the assembly Not One Less Córdoba / Relatives and friends of Facundo Rivera Alegre. / Amado García Group of Retirees for Dignity Norma Plá. / Lionel del Horno, secondary delegate 6 Lanús, Alejandro Zarauza secondary delegate 8 from Lanús, Maria Polizotto secondary delegate 5 Lanús, Monica Baez, secondary delegate 55 from Lanús, Grisela Rubies secondary delegate 6 Lanús, Liliana Mischoff secondary delegate 3 from Lanús / Samanta Rojas EP delegate 41 from Lanús / Monica Gil secondary delegate 8 from Lanus / Mariana Aranda secondary delegate 6 Lanús / Evelina Naveira secondary delegate 6 from Lanus / Silvia Pucca EP delegate 55 / Pablo L. BARTOLI / Marianela Gómez UEPC Cenma Delegate 19 / Stella Loyola Delegada UEPC IPET 70 / Lucia Carcedo UEPC Delegate Cabanillas Transit School / Paula Cruceño Delegate UEPC IPET 313 / Lucas González Freytes Delegate UEPC IPEM 198 / María Marta Gianonni Delegate UEPC IPEM 204 engineer Alberto Emilio Lucchini / Gustavo Piazza, UEPC delegate in IPEM 191 / Gonzalo Ceballos Delegate UEPC IPEM 15 / Lucrecia Cocha Delegate Dtal. UEPC / Paola Navarro Departmental Delegate UEPC / Rafael Lajmanovich UNL Professor and CONICET Researcher. / Marianela Valdez. Secondary and higher education teacher. Skinny Agmer. / Badaracco moon, Board of Directors FCEDU UNER.Nicolás Zuttion, Board of Directors FCEDU UNER / Aitor Vuotto, Elected Board of Directors of FCEDU UNER / Outraged MST / Gabriel spirit, delegate AGMER / Fernández Maximiliano, CONICET Doctoral Fellow / Dante Klocker, teacher / Sofia Cáceres Sforza, Teacher and Politologist. / Sky kramer. AGMER delegate. / Christian Brutti. Agmer Delegate. / José R. Lemes, petrochemical delegate Unilever Gualeguaychú / Lic. Burgos Eliana, CONICET doctoral fellow / Silvina G. Roland Geography Teacher- Technique in Tourism. / Fernanda Garramuño, vicepta. study center. Medicina UNCo / Juan Bari, vicepte. UNCo Humanities student center;
international organizations and leaders: Freedom Socialist Party – United States and Australia / quilombo national movement race and class / popular resistance movement / df / alternative of catalonia (iac) - catalonia. / metropolitan worker pastoral of são paulo / international union network of solidarity and struggles / general confederation of labor (cgt) - Spanish state. / solidarity union (united) – france. / general confederation of labor of burkina (cgt-b) – burkina. / confederation of indonesia people’s movement (kpri) - indonesia. / inter-union confederation (intersyndical) - Spanish state. / general autonomous confederation of workers in algeria (cgata) - Algeria. / workers' struggle - haiti. / Italian union union (uses) - italy. / national confederation of workers - workers' solidarity (cnt so) – france / union of base commissions (co.bas) - Spanish state. / independent general organization of workers in Haiti (ogthi) - haiti. / intercategory trade union cobas (yes cobas) - italy. / national confederation of work (cnt-f) – france. / general union of Sahrawi workers (ugtsario) – sahara occidental. / convergence of the trade union left (esk) - Pays Basque. / national confederation of workers of senegal forces of change (cnts/fc) - Senegal. / syndicated self-employed worker cobas (unlucky-COBAS) - Italy. / general federation of independent unions (gfiu) - Palestine. / working class confederation (cct) – paraguay. / solidarity network of workers - peru / progressive union union of niger workers (uspt) – niger. / national union of autonomous unions of senegal (unsas) - Senegal. / national union for the defense of the working class (butter) - the Savior. / workers solidarity (so) - Spanish state. / basic unitary confederation (cub) - italy. / independent workers union of great britain (tow) - Britain. / nationwide trade union employee initiative (ozz ip) - poland. / democratic center of martinique workers (cdmt) – martinique / cobas worker rights association (adl cobas) - italy / pakistan labour federation (plf) – pakistan / union of workers in the federal public service in the state of pará - sintsep-pa / apeoesp - subsede taboão da serra - sp / union of municipal civil servants of araripina / pe / union of federal public servants at work, Cheers, social security / pr / union of municipal public servants of chapel / se / national union of rail, maritime and transport workers (rmt / tuc) - Britain. / National Central Employees - Christian Trade Union Confederation (che / CSC) - Belgium. / national union of workers in the agri-food system (sinaltrainal/cut) - colombia. / trade union in ethnodata – trade union of empoyees in the outsourcing companies in the financial sector- Greece. / national union of workers in human health services (syntraseh) - benign / fiocruz workers' union (asfoc sn) - brazil / organization of autonomous and basic railway unions (bear railways) - italy. / national union of normaliens of haiti (unnoh) - haiti. / unitary confederation of basic school university research (cub on) - italy. / coordination of self-organized transport (cat) - italy. / rail workers union - democratic confederation of mali workers (sytrail/cdtm) – mali. / food industry workers union - revolutionary trade unions confederation (home-iº / disk) - Turkey. / national union of blue train workers / sa (sntptb) - Senegal. / national association of administrative officials of the social security fund (nonacquish) – panama. / palestinian postal service workers union (ppswu) – palestine. / student union (use) - Belgium. / call center workers union (stcc) – portugal. / unitary union of oil workers (you a petrologist) – venezuela. / alliance of health workers and public employees - mexico. / canadian union of postal workers / postal workers union (cupw-sttp) canada. / postal workers' autonomous union (sap) – suisse. / national federation of education workers (sute-chili) – chile. / national platform of professional public sector organizations - ivory coast. / national federation of workers and local authorities - Moroccan labor union (umt-coll. locales) - Morocco. / general center of public services fgtb, railroad workers (cgsp / fgtb railway workers) - Belgium. / botswana public employees union (bopee) – botswana. / democratic organization of rail-democratic organization of work (var / odt) - Morocco. / national federation of air transport workers in brazil (fntta) - brazil. / national federation of subway workers (fenametro) - brazil. / namibia football players union (nafpu) - namibia. / palestinian electricians’ trade union (petu) – palestine. /organized public mission - portugal / trades union congress, liverpool (tuc liverpool) - england. / self-organized territorial union, brescia (Brescia footprint) - italy. / southern union federation public service, Canton of Vaud (south vaud) – suisse / unitary union of catalunya (your meter) - catalonia. / turkey skin-iº unionized, salt and meat izmir (leather-iº salt with meat izmir) - Turkey. / the other union, Canton of Vaud (the other union) – suisse / general center of public services fgtb, city ​​of brussels (cgsp / fgtb brussels) - Belgium / internationalism ig metal working group, berlin (ig metal berlin) - germany / unified union of education workers of buenos aires, White Bay (subteba / cta of workers bahia blanca) – argentina / Chubut / CGT private oil and gas union - Argentina. / ucu university and college union, university of liverpool (liverpool grandchildren) - england. / basic union pavia (sdb pavia) - Italy. / united auto workers local 551 ford chicago (uaw ford chicago) - United States. / syndicate of production, maipú - chile. / sa and tehran transport of union workers (gaps) suburbs / industrial workers of the world – international solidarity commission (iww). transnationals information exchange germany (tie germany) - germany. / emancipation trend between unions (emancipation) – france. /globalization monitor (gm) – hong kong. / revolutionary trade union movement (csr) – france. no austerity - italie struggle front. / socialist solidarity with workers in iran (ssti) – france. / basis initiative solidarity (Forest) - germany. / labournet germany – allemagne. / worker resistance - fiat-irisbus workers - italie. / workers solidarity action network (wsan) - United States. / united voices of the world (uvw) - Britain. / union social political current may 1 of buenos aires - argentine. / national coordination unitary retirees of today and tomorrow (conup) - italy. / national association of human rights defenders – palestine. tim sanders caricaturist and swp activist - england