Public health first

No cuts, no private business: a unique health system is required, public, free and universal.

The PSOE had promised to raise health spending by 7% del START, but the Sánchez-Iglesias government sent the European Commission the update of the Budget Plan 2020 with a cut out of 1.200 millions of euros. Meanwhile, the Torra-Aragonese government, via the Department of Health of the Government of Catalonia, has awarded Ferroser Servicios Auxiliares S.A. (Ferrovial subsidiary) monitoring contacts with people infected by Coronavirus at a cost of seventeen million euros. The measure was taken "By finger", without consulting the health community, about a task that should be taken by the primary care service. There were two decisions “unforgivable”. We support the CUP's claim that the Govern terminate the contract.

After clapping on the balconies and taking distance from the clippings "Del PP". When the Pandemic has not ended and there are scientists who do not rule out a flare-up, from power they make decisions that go in the opposite direction of what is needed: qualitatively increase the health budget. It is evident that the public health system was deteriorated to face Covid-19, with intensive care units overflowing, makeshift field hospitals, without sufficient and adequate EPIS and with scarce respirators, among other needs. Thousands of deaths in hospitals and geriatric centers are the sad balance, still unfinished, of disinvestment in health. It was provoked for years by the central government and the regional administrations, to the point of placing Spain among the countries with the lowest investment in the EU. How right were doctors, nurses and administrators when alerted fighting: “Cut back on health, eye". How right are they when they say:  "Thanks for the applause, but you have to solve the problems, then don't forget ". How not to greet those who on social networks rejected the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord, of the Royal House with under the motto #I Don't Want Thieves Awards

The PSOE-Unidas Podemos government campaigns extolling its "Social measures", but he has a double speech. The total annulment of the labor reform was not such. Universal basic income, was in guaranteed minimum income. Prioritizing health materializes in a cut before the EU. There's nothing here "progressive". For its part, the Catalan government (ERC-JxCat), continues to grant millions of euros to private health-business. So are the bourgeois governments, the clothes are torn, but they end up turning their backs on the population and the workers.  

It is more important than ever that applause become active support for public health claims that grow in hospitals and primary care.. Health must be a real priority and this must be manifested in the increase in the budget. There is money to do it, the problem is that the authorities basically use it to sustain the bosses' profits, prioritizing business over the life of the population. We reaffirm the need for a unique health system, public, free and universal, with full labor rights, as the Bell promoted by the International Socialist League. The right and the ultra are not an alternative to PSOE-UP, with them there will only be more and more attacks on the people. To turn around, a new political alternative is needed, really left, anti-capitalist and with an unmistakable commitment to public health and a socialist model.  Let's not let them get away with it, that the crisis, paid by the capitalists and the rich, not the working people.