Two sessions, no President

The future of the Republic will not be settled in the Palau de la Generalitat, but in the streets, with the mobilization and organization of the Catalan people.

The Catalan investiture is still delayed. The first attempt was in the session parliamentarian on friday 26 and it was not successful since Pere Aragonés (ERC) He failed to the trust of the 68 deputies you need to become the 132nd President of the Generalitat. The result was: 42 votes in favor of ERC and CUP, 32 JxCat abstentions and 61 against, with the Spanish constitutionalism in the same side: PSC,  We share, PP, Cs y Vox. The second investiture attempt was made on 30 March and also failed. He 26 May the deadline to choose President or i know they will call new elections.

Although Esquerra throws flowers at En Comú Podem and the PSC for a "Majority of the left", Its main objective is to agree on a "Great national agreement" with JxCat to give continuity to the independence Executive. At the by, plant false illusions in the "Consensus dialogue" with the government PSOE-Unidas Podemos. In the meantime, JxCat is suspicious of the ERC-CUP agreement and demands that Republicans include Carles Puigdemont -in exile- and to Council for the Republic as decisive factors in Catalan political life, something that ERC considers a "Unacceptable external guardianship". Negotiations come and go between trips and reproaches, something similar to what happened throughout the disastrous management of the Govern that they executed in common. It will be seen what they do this time, with the antecedent that, until now, they always overcame the divergences with the last breath and unstable equilibrium formulas.

Because I know they fight if they both call themselves independentists? They do it because they dispute the distribution of shares of power over the helm of the Government. It is not a confrontation between one sector more progressive than the other: in society they squandered the tremendous force of the Catalan mobilization in the most critical moments of the process, are getting closer and closer to autonomist conformism, create false expectations consensus with the Spanish State and, although they criticize the regime of 78, they negotiate with its defenders. Nor are its priorities to provide a progressive response to the pandemic crisis, to social inequality, to the sufferings of the working class or town. The only thing they hurry for is to save the capitalist entrepreneurs and try to ingratiate themselves with the bloc imperialist European Union.

The CUP has agreed with ERC the investiture and a margin of stability for the new Govern bourgeois Catalan, which it's we consider wrong for an organization that claims anti-capitalist. The contradictions that cross into the CUP are not being resolved in a positive way. It has done presenting as great achievements Esquerra's commitments to apply some partial positive measures and to promote a consensual referendum within some years. With this, ERC washes his face a little and the CUP recoils like a alternative to achieve background changes, issue that would be aggravated in a way determining whether it maintains its support for the next government and / or integrates it. He "Independence magical" of JxCat and the "Dialogue independence" of ERC are two sides of the same coin that devalues ​​the mandate expressed in the Referendum from 1-O, that is why it is a mistake to trust them.

So that the intention to carry out a new attack on the Spanish State is transformed actually, to strengthen the fight for amnesty and self-determination, is It is necessary for the Catalan people to have the leading role again, mobilized, disobedient, doing mass strikes and actions, creating organizations of popular power Independent, how incipiently were the CDRs. Half measures and surrender of reformists only lead to further frustrations, United We can is a sad example of it. In Catalonia and throughout the State Spanish it is necessary to set up a new left-wing political alternative, consistent in the anti-capitalist struggle, of class independence, For our rights democratic and social of the great majorities, with the strategy of a workers' government and a model of socialism with democracy. Since SOL we promote this perspective and we hope that the other currents that will claim socialists, revolutionaries and internationalists also have the political will to do so, away from both sectarianism and opportunism.