Before the statements of Naim Darrechi: Gender violence should not be normalized

The dire statements of Naim Darrechi, take refuge in educational disasters, cultural and social aspects of capitalism and its governments.

Name Darrechi have 19 years, is from Palma de Mallorca and is the tiktoker with the highest amount of followers in Spain (more of 26 million followers only in that network Social). Last weekend he gave an interview to Mostopapi in which declared: "I like to end up inside, that is the truth (…) I can't with a condom, I never use it, until one day I said, uncle, it's weird that i never got a girl pregnant, so many years, so I'm going to start ending up inside always, without any problem, and never has nothing happened ", affirms Darrechi. Mostopapi, who laughs at the occurrence, you question: "And they never tell you anything in plan: ey, bro…?”. "Yes, Oh well, I tell them calm down, that I am sterile. Rest assured that I have had surgery to avoid having children ", explained between knowing laughs.

The interviewer continued listening the narration between laughs, as if there was a nefarious "Gentlemen's agreement" in the face of morbidity. Although later Darrechi apologized, it is worth remembering what it does some time he was denounced by his ex-partner for violence and abuse, and to go out to justify himself declared “Tea I broke a mobile, It's true. I will have pushed you like all couples, but do not I have put my hand on”. And that he also manifested himself contrary to the public and free legal abortion as a right of women to decide on his own body, saying: To me No one is going to tell me that an abortion is not taking a life. I can enter your house and put the gas on and kill yourself without really suffering. TO I'm going to fall 30 years for murder and someone who aborts, to be supposed to it's the same fact, Not only It is free but we pay it from our taxes”

The recent macho sayings are went viral on Twitter and other social networks, causing all kinds of reactions to the apology for sexual abuse and rape. Darrechi was branded as: “nefasto, irresponsible, misogynist, kid " and other adjectives that have flavor little by little because the terrible reality of the normalization of the gender violence. As is customary, reactionaries take advantage of these barbarities to criminalize all youth. It is not surprising, do what same with the fifth wave of Covid-19 infections instead of pointing to the those who are truly responsible for making the wrong decisions and cutting back on health, what are government and institutional officials who decide on the life of millions of people. While noting that the confessions issued by YouTube they were an apology to the culture of rape, Let's search the root causes by which the capitalist system normalizes the gender violence.

In a country where 14% of the young from among 14 a 20 years she claims to have felt pressured into activities of sexual type, pressure applied in almost all cases (97,4%) for a man, that usually come from the guy they go out with in a 55,7% of the cases, make This type of apology is one more example of the enormous need and urgency to enforce an effective sex education law at the national level. We can not allow us to normalize this type of speech and less than less the expressions policies that want to silence the voices of those of us who fight for equality and gender freedom like Vox with the implantation of its parental pin or its leader Santiago Abascal stating that "on some educational centers teach "erotic games" that are close to the corruption of minors ".

The Spanish State is located in the last place in the EU in Sex Education. In a society in which six out of ten minors declare having accessed pornographic content of some kind and in which the internet and social networks are the most influential child and youth media about sexuality, It seems incredible that there is still a debate on whether it is necessary to teach Sex Education in the classroom. The Celaá Law includes sexual education as a transversal subject, for both Primary and Secondary, but to this day there is still a debate on how it will be implemented. Although affective sexual education is embodied in the Law in arts. 24, 25 Y 27, the curricular programs to implement it have not yet been written.

And although the political game to which this matter is subjected produces a constant sway that distances the competencies from what is truly important, It is urgent to address this pending issue that society cries out for. It is not enough just to bring Darrechi's sayings to the attention of the Prosecutor's Office, as the Minister of Igualad Irene Montero has done, In passing, remember that the Law of Solo Si es Si will be the guarantor of many rights that women constantly defend in the streets., it is necessary that the law of affective sexual education be implemented urgently. With transversal content, with trained teachers and budget for its implementation at the national level. Strong educational campaigns are necessary, reflective and that in the face of every aberrant statement such as Naim's, mobilization in repudiation is imposed as a central tool.

The organization with confidence in the strength of the fight is urgent, not only of the roles and institutions of the bourgeois regime, that Montero and United We can strive to strengthen as the PSOE caboose. Ending machismo and misogyny is a task that involves all of us who fight "For a world where we are socially equal, humanly different and totally free. " These are some of the reasons why Juntas y a la Izquierda raises the banners of an anti-capitalist feminism, on the way to a society without exploitation or oppression, that is to say of socialism.