Pedro Sánchez and his partners formed the Legislature

The PSOE obtained support to form the XV Legislature. Independentistas and nationalists negotiated in exchange for some concessions. The presidential inauguration has not yet been decided. They lost the right and the extreme right. It is only necessary to place trust in the mobilization of the workers and the people.

The PSOE got support

mobilizations and general strike so that the crisis is paid by those who generated it (121 MPs) obtained the support of Sumar (31), ERC (7), together (7), eh Bildu (6), PNV (5) and BNG (1), reaching an absolute majority of 178 votes. El PP (137 MPs), added the support of Union del Pueblo Navarro (1) and the Canarian Coalition. Vox did not support the PP and voted for its own candidate for the presidency and vice presidency since the popular did not support them to get a position in the Table.

Presidency and conformation of the Table

The presidency of the Congress fell to Francina Armengol (PSOE) and the Board was made up of the vice-presidents: Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez de Celis (PSOE), Jose Antonio Bermudez de Castro (PP), Esther Gil (summer) and Marta Gonzalez (PP). The four secretaries will be: Gerardo Pisarello (summer), Isaura Leal (PSOE), Guillermo Mariscal (PP) and Carmen Navarro (PP). The "progressive bloc" (PSOE and Add) will control Congress with five representatives compared to four from the PP and Vox was left out. The far-right of Vox continues in crisis and setbacks since it lost votes in the 23J elections, deputies and later resigned some of its recognized leaders.

The agreements and the secret until the end

The Catalan and Basque formations had the winning key for the PSOE. They negotiated knowing this reality and Junts confirmed their vote just a few minutes before the plenary session. The PSOE granted Junts and ERC: the use of Catalan in Congress, the request for the Catalan languages, Galician and Basque are considered official in the EU institutions, investigation into the attacks 17 Y 18 of August 2017 in Barcelona and Cambrils and espionage with Pegasus. Another vaguely announced commitment was to advance “the process of dejudicialization of the political conflict through the necessary legal channels”, without explicitly ruling out amnesty, but self determination.

Those who advance and those who don't

The next step in the box on the board that leads to the presidency involved Felipe VI, who should receive the president of Congress, party leaders and formulate the order for the formation of the new government. After two days of hearings, the King proposed Alberto Núñez Feijóo as a candidate for the investiture as President of the Government, with the argument of having been the most voted candidate in the elections. The PP is complicated to form a government because a priori it does not have the necessary support, but, anyway insist on trying. You have one month to appeal to the political formations with parliamentary representation, in an arc that goes from Vox to Junts and from which only EH Bildu has been excluded. According to the support received to form the Legislature, Pedro Sánchez is the candidate who is closest to the possibility of an investiture. But it's not guaranteed, Those who endorsed it in Congress made it clear that support for the investiture will depend on other difficult negotiations.

Another step of full reintegration into the '78 regime

Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont (together) and former Vice President Oriol Junqueras (ERC) led the negotiations and welcomed the results. Beyond the speeches for independence, they took a new step in the full reintegration into the institutional framework of the '78 regime. Their decisions pave the way towards limited autonomy over and above the desire for self-determination expressed in the massive popular mobilizations and the 1-O Referendum.  

uncertainties and certainties

The projection of the Legislature raises questions. The investiture is not yet defined, with which it is not completely ruled out an electoral repetition that, If the government attempts fail, it could occur on the date of Kings. Sánchez and the regime are still going through a eggplant of uncertainties. There are also certainties: whoever the new president is, there will be an adjustment to the working people to satisfy the demands of the European Union and the attempt to definitively bury the claim for the Catalan Republic will continue. The mobilization of workers and peoples mark the path to follow so that the crisis is paid for by the capitalists and to end oppression. And it is necessary to form a new consistent political alternative, a far left front, to support the struggles, for class independence and for workers and socialism to rule.