France. The political school of the NPA Révolutionnaires was held!

Of the 26 al 30 of August, on a beautiful property in the town of Barbaste, in the south of french, had to achieve the first political school of the revolutionary wing of the New Anticapitalist Party in which our comrades in France are active. From the LIS and the Argentine MST we participated in the successful event as guests.

Pablo Vasco

Issummer university -What they call party political schools in Europe- It was quite a challenge after the split caused by the Mandelist sector last December, since it was the first organized entirely by this new NPA. More than 500 militants and sympathizers arriving from Paris and all of France, both from the student movement and from the union sphere and other sectors.

Activists from several invited organizations were also present., like the French GMI, and especially delegations from other countries: U.S (Speak Out Now), Germany (RSO), Algeria, Spanish state (STAR), Greece (Spartakos y OKDE), Italy (PCL), the League for the Fifth International, and Argentina (MST) and the International Socialist League through me.

Nourished agenda

He 26 at night, day of arrival, A plenary session was held on the French social and political situation: the echoes of the anti-retirement reform fight, police violence, wage strikes, the wear and tear of the government. The interventions reflected the active participation of militancy in the main cities of the country and also the approach of new militants.

During the following days there were dozens of thematic workshops. For example, about the present, the war in Ukraine, the new imperialisms, the extreme right. About countries, like Russia, Turkey, Palestine, Chile, north africa. Others of union interest, about salary, inflation, workday, precariousness, self-organization and youth employment. Also about theory: social classes, working class, broken, Program, Trotskyism and Marxism, class independence, strategy. And there was no shortage of workshops on gender issues, ecology, society and including technical courses.

The most popular were the political events: send debates with leaders of Lutte Ouvrière (LO) y Permanent Revolution (RP), a youth assembly, a partisan event that closed the railway Damien Scali and another panel on the last day with some international speakers. That is to say, an intense and varied agenda that still left room for informal talks, some film and a Greek music group.

The event was self-financed and all organizational tasks, bookshop, cocina, Security and cleanliness during the school were carried out by rotating militant teams.

Political debatess

About the Russia-Ukraine war, The panel included representatives of the three main trends that make up this NPA, starting with La Chispa, AyR (Anticapitalism and Revolution) yDR (Revolutionary Democracy), smaller group that plants a mistaken bilateral defeatism. We contribute our position to the debate, similar to those of La Chispa, the Fifth International, SON (EE.UU.), RSO (Germany) and the PCL (Italy), with the added value that the LIS has its own section there: the Ukrainian Socialist League.

Regarding the advance of the extreme right, the panel included views from several countries, although unfortunately there was no time for public interventions.

Panels with LO and RP, not without some tension, They showed many NPA militants the errors and serious sectarian limitations of both parties. RP not only falsely accused the host party of not breaking with the NPA's support of Poutou-Besancenot to the centre-left Mélenchon but, Besides, They believe they are the only ones with “revolutionary strategic clarity.”. In the debate we question their very erroneous conceptions, analogous to the Argentine PTS and its entire international Trotskyist Fraction.

As for LO, apart from its wrongcamping in favor of Russia, which he considers a non-capitalist country, is catastrophic about the immediacy of a third world war between the US. and china, which in turn does not consider an imperialist power. Based on such differences, Besides, LO rejected the proposal of this NPA to jointly carry out a national campaign for wages.

This summer university, that for the NPARevolutionaries! It was a clear advance in terms of his party consolidation, For us it has meant a rich political exchange with French colleagues and other countries, always in our perspective of regrouping of the revolutionaries.