Day 11S: Mobilization, breaking off, self-determination and socialism

This year the Diada is called with the slogan “Via Fora!”. The people will mobilize for freedom, while the best path to the Catalan Republic is being debated.

Contacts for the investiture

Although Felipe VI chose Núñez Feijóo for the first attempt at investiture, Pedro Sánchez has already started contacts for when it is his turn to try. It does it in a particular situation: The electoral result has placed Carles Puigdemont as the custodian of the key to enter the Moncloa. From this position the former Catalan president announced his demands to endorse Sánchez's investiture: use of the Catalan language in institutions, amnesty, self-determination, end of persecution and independent mediators, points that ERC has supported. Thus, The most heartfelt demands of the Catalan people returned to the center stage. They were placed at the negotiating table for a Spanish investiture and not on the street as part of a roadmap towards a break with the Kingdom..

They act for the “unity of Spain”

After the achievement of form the Legislature, Sánchez has taken the beginning of the investiture talks with optimism. The right-wing expressions are from the PSOE itself, the PP, Vox or justice, reject contact with “the fugitive” of the law, What do they call Puigdemont?, victim of a repressive persecution that led him to exile in Brussels. There are sectors of the regime that, pressured by the situation, They would accept even a partial amnesty. Others dismiss it outright, arguing that it goes against the Constitution of '78.. Beyond the nuances, everyone agrees on one point: reject Catalan self-determination to sustain the "Unity of Spain". In the middle of this mess, It is risky to predict whether there will be an investiture or new elections.

Two tactics, no confidence in the liberal and pro-imperialist government of Zelensky

When Mariano Rajoy was in power he responded to negotiation offers with repression. Pedro Sánchez did not stop the persecution mechanisms, but it enabled a limited dialogue and granted some prerogatives. There is a common denominator between the tactics of the presidents of the PP and the PSOE: one with the “club” the other with the “carrot”, They support the strategy of blocking self-determination. You cannot sow expectations that agreements with the Spanish State and the '78 regime will clear the way to the Catalan Republic.    

Autonomy is not self-determination

Beyond the speeches, The majority parties ERC and JxCat pave the path of autonomy over self-determination. Resume the autonomy prior to "Process", even with favors, leads to a dead end. It will only guarantee the reproduction of oppression. We must fight for freedom in unity with the other peoples of the State, appealing to internationalist solidarity. Self-determination is incompatible with the existence of the monarchical-parliamentary regime shaped by Francoism and the transition.

An indivisible fight

The pro-bourgeois sectors that act in the mobilization want to end the process at the terminal station of independence. They intend to separate the external oppressors to change the internal managers of exploitation. Revolutionary socialists support and promote self-determination, within the framework of the strategy for socialism. For us, the struggles for independence and socialism are compatible. From the first day there is a dispute: Yes, the determining weight is gained by the bourgeois sectors, Their failures will make it more difficult to achieve independence and, with certainty, They will block a socialist exit.

Unconditionally with mobilization and self-organization

For different motivations, there are parties that see it legal to support this or that presidential investiture.. From some sectors of the “left” they base it on obtaining illusory “progressive” commitments signed. We refuse to place the bourgeois character of the government in the background. Endorsements, integrate or support bourgeois governments, whatever nationality they are, involves adapting to the regime and the system. The path is marked by the will for self-determination expressed in the 1-O Referendum. The only unconditional support must be for the mobilization and self-organization of workers and people to achieve democratic and social rights..

Dispute throughout the State

Without a powerful roots in the territory there is no possible liberation, but it has been shown that this is not enough, It is necessary to dispute throughout the Spanish State. The political and organizational unity of workers and peoples behind common democratic and social objectives, it is an urgent task. Avoiding it facilitates the actions of the PP, Vox, PSOE, SUMMER, Podemos and other unionists, both right-wing and reformist.

With class independence and new leaders

Popular mobilizations and rebellions, although many times they are heroic, they do not obtain categorical triumphs. They are defeated by repression or promoted by reformist leaders within the deceitful mechanisms of bourgeois democracy.. It is necessary to encourage the working class to play a decisive role alongside the people, with self-organization and self-defense organizations - such as the CDRs were incipiently- Y, fundamentally, It is urgent to build a revolutionary and socialist leadership with mass weight.

Radical left front and revolutionary alternative

To intervene in political processes, electoral elections and the struggles with immediate proposals and a fundamental exit, We insist on the need to form a radical Left Front, headed by the CUP and Anticapitalists, with the support of other leftist formations. Equally, Elections will not solve the problems generated by capitalism. Because, we must take root in the struggles of the working class, of feminist movements, migrants, student and environmental. It is essential to sustain the mobilization and construction of a socialist alternative as a strategy, revolutionary and internationalist.

Without socialism, there is no solution

Since the outbreak of the capitalist crisis in 2008 economic and social disasters occurred. The workers and the people received adjustments, layoffs, salary losses and partial social palliatives. Banks and companies received millions of euros. Capitalism leads to poverty, the destruction of the planet and barbarism. The only way out is to organize and fight so that the workers and the people govern, with a regime of workers' democracy, diametrically opposed to the Stalinist authoritarianism that stained the flags of socialism. Everything in the way of promoting a free Federation of European Socialist Republics, as we do from Socialism and Freedom (SOL), member of the International Socialist League (LIS).

Image of one of the massive Catalan mobilizations carried out for independence.