Constitution Day: Celebrate or reflect to turn everything around?

The PSOE and the PP are in a tough political dispute over the amnesty. At the same time, It is 6 December both celebrate 45 anniversary of the Fundamental Law and they fight to show who defends it better. The '78 regime was born shaped by Francoism and maintained some of its worst features, issue that will not be resolved with partial reforms. Everything must be turned around for a government, a completely different regime and system.

El PP, Vox, judicial and social sectors have declared war on the amnesty. The PP carries out a campaign of actions that the extreme right accompanies by posing "rebel". Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has accused Pedro Sánchez of “abandon the Constitution” and Vox to give a "Coup". The PP demands the “garrote” of the 155 and repression. The PSOE block, SUMMER, We can, IU, eh Bildu, PNV, ERC and Junts have given the street to the most retrograde Spanishism and propose that the amnesty is “perfectly legal and constitutional”. The PSOE offers the "carrot " of the Dialogue Table and the agreements. They are different tactics for a shared strategy: liquidate Catalan self-determination and sustain capitalism.

A decadent regime, but assisted

The fight, which has also polarized society, It occurs with PSOE and PP trying to demonstrate which of the two parties is more defender of the monarchical-parliamentary regime and the Constitution. And more efficient to park the claims expressed in the 1-O Referendum in the dead end of autonomism to the detriment of self-determination. The regime has managed to escape the most compromised moments of the mobilization against it, not because of his strength, since it is in permanent crisis, cannot offer progressive answers to working people and its image projects uncertainty. It survives with the oxygen provided by the nationalist and reformist political leaderships invested by bourgeois presidents., They vote on budgets that favor capitalist profits, They sign cheating pacts and adapt to the institutions, leaving mobilization in the background.

Shaped by the dictatorship

The death of Francisco Franco, he 20 November 1975, marked the beginning of the Spanish Transition process. Then Juan Carlos I would be proclaimed king., appointed by the dictator before dying,  and the proclamation of the Constitution of the 1978 ended the Transition. Millions of Spaniards claim the process only from the positive angle of the construction of a legality different from that dominant during decades of Franco's dictatorship.. Nevertheless, There are qualitative contradictions that make it necessary to reflect to put aside unilateral visions.. With the Constitution, the restoration of a parasitic and reactionary monarchy and the rescue of capitalism were also consummated.. An institutional framework was illuminated that has not resolved any of the underlying social and democratic problems pending., like exploitation, social rights and even less the rights of nationalities. Flawed justice guaranteed impunity for crimes against humanity and prevented punishment of the guilty..  

Only two partial reforms

In more than four decades the Constitution has only had two reforms, both at the request of the imperialist bloc of the European Union: one in 1992, to allow community citizens to run in municipal elections where they reside, and the other in 2011, to establish the principle of budget stability. Currently there are sectors that would be happy to make some specific modification, but the partial reforms, Yes, one day there will be again, they will change something so that they don't change anything. A deep debate is needed and the people actively decide on impunity for the crimes of the dictatorship., EU membership, social problems and inequality motivated by capitalism, the disasters of oppression of nationalities and the existence of an anachronistic and parasitic monarchy in the 21st century.

You have to turn around

The Constitution and the regime of '78 carry the insurmountable contradictions of having emerged from a dictatorship that shaped their main features. Government, The regime and the capitalist system of the Spanish State cannot be fixed. We must turn everything around and to do so new anti-capitalist left political organizations are needed., consequential, that support workers and popular struggles, the self-determination of the people and the breaking of impunity for the murders of the dictatorship and the Transition. Everything from class independence and with a strategy: defeat capitalism and apply a different system, fair, no exploiters, oppressors or bureaucrats. A 45 years of the proclamation of the Constitution, continues to be an instrument for the exploitation of workers and the oppression of peoples. The best celebration is to continue raising the flags that demand Down with the '78 regime and the monarchy! Let the workers and the people govern with a socialist system!!