Campaign for the acquittal of Alejandro Bodart: Reporting genocide is not a crime

Sign for the acquittal of Alejandro Bodart

To Room IV of the Chamber of Cassation and Criminal Appeals of CABA

Sra. Judge Luisa M. I write, Sr. Judge Gonzalo E. D. Vina and Mr.. Judge Javier A. Bujan

The undersigned, in our capacity as representatives or members of human rights organizations and social organizations, unions and policies of a very wide diversity, or in a personal and independent capacity, We agree to address you. in order to request the immediate acquittal of Alejandro Bodart in Case No. 127087/2022-3 that is processed in your court.

While in the last 15 months the State of Israel has already carried out more than 50.000 murders in Palestine and Lebanon - mostly women, girls and boys-, condemning Bodart for three tweets in solidarity with the Palestinian cause violates human rights, democratic and constitutional to freedom of expression and is in fact functional to impunity for such crimes. Reporting genocide is not a crime.