Unsuccessful the PSOE-United we bargain, the debate reopened on steps to take, among them, the “Portuguese track”. Updated:
Read moreThe failure of the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, raises the question: Will there be any agreements or new elections? No way out. Updated:
Read moreInvestitures place defined by location, with dissimilar alliances for mayoralties. Updated: 4/12/23
Read moreThey won the defenders of capitalism, '78 the regime, EU cuts and democratic freedoms. Updated:
Read moreHe won the PSOE. El PP, CS and VOX may not form government. We must build a new alternative. Updated: 4/12/23
Read moreToday 14 April are met 88 years after the victory of the tricolor. Updated: 4/12/23
Read moreadvanced and false promises of the defenders of the regime of '78 elections. Updated: 4/12/23
Read moreThe electoral timetable 2019 and struggles pose a challenge: build a new alternative. Updated: 4/12/23
Read moreEconomical crisis, policies, polarization and struggles opened the year with more doubts than certainties in the immediate future. Updated: 4/12/23
Read moreThat the crisis pay the capitalists and bankers who produced, no workers. Updated: 4/12/23
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