Argentina: 33Th National Women: The Green Wave overflowed Trelew

Of the 13 al 15 October, Chubut housed more than 35.000 arrivals women nationwide. Not the distance, nor inconvenience or police repression at the end of the march could tarnish the great feminist leadership that is expressed in this ENM. Here's a first assessment of the 33rd meeting and our participation in it.

Trelew is over 1.430 km from the Capital, which involves long journeys and high costs in these times of macrisis. But dissident feminist tide that crosses the country and that we are part overcame all obstacles, including police and gendarmerie absurd controls on micros en route.

Among the audience there was a clear predominance of young, as we saw in the workshops and all columns of the march on Sunday 15. The pibas, This year we filled the streets by the law of abortion and against the university setting, also we mark the combative tone of the meeting. further, much we were organized with our parties, groups, unions or social movements.

as news, Mapuches and other indigenous peoples companions settled the debate on call Meeting plurinational rather than national, which would be a legitimate recognition, and for the first time included in the official agenda of MND march against travesticidios and transfemicidios, held on Saturday 14.

In the opening ceremony, among other points the text read denounced cases of femicide and lack of public policies, the need for a secular state, corporate looting and setting Macri-IMF. Beyond our differences with the Organizing Committee of the ENM, and the provincial and municipal governments that failed most commitments, We recognize their efforts and it was not easy to support tens of thousands of women in a city of just over one hundred thousand inhabitants.

At the same time, and stoning despite suffering a night school where colleagues were staying, general attitude of the population of Trelew was respect and with many expressions of sympathy.

Unequal discussions

Unlike previous meetings, that discussions in the workshops transited more axes defined, This time it did not happen as well and there was noticeable unevenness. Perhaps this is because this time there was no hegemonic political mainstream. By the way, and although they had previously organized, the intervention of anti-Catholic sectors rights in the workshops was almost inconsequential.

In this context, not a few of the workshops again have a limited character and even boring, more personal catharsis collective processing. In others, instead, as was the case of some strategies for access to abortion, comprehensive sex education or prostitution, the debate raised the level and a genuine exchange of ideas he.

For our part, from Juntas and the Left, Free Diversity and the MST contribute to the respective workshops our proposals for binding referendum to make abortion rights is law, a feminist and dissident ESI, to separate church from state subsidies and void, unity against macrista adjustment and Budget 2019, and signature campaigns and internationalist solidarity against facho photos Bolsonaro in Brazil and against dictatorship in Nicaragua Ortega-Murillo, which were very well received.

Increasingly Boards

With a delegation of more than 1.500 colleagues around the country, many new militants or sympathizers, with pride we can say that our group had a political role and militant very prominent throughout the game. From the very Chubut, we went to the ENM also from Santa Cruz, Neuquén, Córdoba, Santa Fe, The Rioja, Salta, Between rivers, San Juan, The Pampa, Capital, All GBA and the Province of Buenos Aires[1].

Present at the opening ceremony, after participating in workshops on Saturday 13 in the afternoon we made an internationalist talk at our school, which it was full of attention and combativeness. After Vilma Ripoll welcome all delegations and greeting our chubutense concerning Emilse Saavedra, Ariana McGuire spoke companions, university leader and Caravan SOS Nicaragua, and our young leader Cele Fierro, Brazilian newcomer, where he supported the election campaign of Socialist Alternative-PSOL and promoted the campaign against Bolsonaro # EleNão, both initiatives we develop from our current Anticapitalists international Red. With the support of our fellow men who cook us and clean the restrooms, We closed the night with a loud, fun party.

After the workshops, on Sunday 14 at noon we made a collective apostasy and "tetazo" at the Cathedral of Trelew, Mary Help of Christians Parish, which he achieved a broad impact on the local and national press. After the words of Nadia Burgos, with unitary attitude we went to pañuelazo organized by the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion at the edge of the lagoon Chiquichano. as close, He directed us a few words Luciana Echevarria.

The main impact of the day was our huge column, the largest of the unitary march through the whole city and that total included more than 20.000 companions[2]. with bombos, banderas, banners, we were an empowered group of feminist and anti-capitalist force, green and orange scarves, breasts to the wind and fists. passing, the people who were on the sidewalks cheered us, He chanted our slogans and some were added to march with us. We sold hundreds of magazines and newspapers Juntas Alternativa Socialista and dozens of books and magazines Entrelíneas. As the PCR via the Organizing Committee once again he refused passed the Cathedral in a functional attitude to his friend the Pope and the Catholic Church, and the Campaign for the Right to Abortion unfortunately the wrong decision was made conditional, we returned to march to reaffirm our unwavering anticlerical stance.

And the march ended, police repression companions included wounds by rubber bullets and ten detenides. This new and despicable displays of capitalist and patriarchal violence does not stop us questioning the marginal actions and taken down in small groups that end up being functional to power. But our work did not end with Sunday's march, much less. Monday 15 We were organized the final act, in the far autodrome, where the headquarters would be resolved next ENM. Vilma clearly explicit our double proposal: 1º) as a method, the need to resolve not act in a minority 2.500 but democratically consult the 35.000 women who went to the meeting because "if all came, all decided "; and 2nd), as the new headquarters, CABA, not only by the federal nature of the meeting as it makes 23 years is not done there, but for being the heart of political power, parliamentary and clerical, especially being that next year there are elections. Via the Organizing Committee and using the Astillero Rio Santiago fight which also Vilma and always we support MST, shouting "no vote" the apparatus as PCR based imposed bureaucratically 2019 La Plata. Everything not face Macri and the Church. The controversy had media attention and our proposal is installed democratic future. from now, We go to La Plata or wherever.

Neither bread nor Rosas

If gender grouping of PTS deserves a separate paragraph is because in Trelew again showed the profound contradiction between what he says and what it does. On the one hand, his delegation was very lean NME: less than half or a third of what they usually wear. If silver does not lack because they have diputadxs, Why not mobilize? Is it because every time are in a dynamic electioneering, more interesadxs to show their figures on TV that put the body where you have to put it, on the streets?

Already during the months of struggle for legal abortion we saw PYR-PTS had a merely symbolic presence in pañuelazos nationwide, green Tuesday and the days of 14J and 8A to Congress. Now, while the flyer distributed at the meeting cackled "are the majority, the meeting is in Buenos Aires "... the act to decide the venue 2019 It was not a single militant!

How then is the PTS? A pose ago, but then struggle or mobilize for him? It is a very wrong direction, worthy of a center-adapted to the bourgeois institutional regime and not a political party that calls itself socialist and revolutionary.

The struggle continues

Trelew we returned to our places quite tired, It is true. But our intervention at this meeting Reloaded us more than ever feminists batteries and policies to continue fighting for legal abortion, by ESI, the separation of Church and State, for all our rights, against Macri-IMF adjustment, going to the LGBTI Pride marches that come, by Nicaragua, against Bolsonaro, against this capitalist and patriarchal system, and for Argentina, a Latin America and feminist world, secular and socialist.

This weekend and next will assemblies and meetings across the country to draw from all the main conclusions of the 33rd Meeting and continue to organize and fighting back. And many new companions who traveled with us have decided to join the party Boards and: "This is the place where I want military", they tell us. When that happens, when you feel all this political conviction and all that energy, we can say with head and heart that we are on track.
Seals and Left-MST

reproduced from Anticapitalist Network

[1] NOA companions held a meeting on Saturday 13 in Tucuman.
[2] A high proportion of all women attending the Meeting.