Alejandro Bodart in Barcelona

Saturday 20 October, Alejandro Bodart, leader of the MST-Argentina anticapitalist Network, He presented in a discussion held in Barcelona talk.

Passing through Catalunya, before participating in other European events in Minsk and Paris, He referred to the key aspects of the global situation. The polarization between expressions of extreme right-wing and progressive, between the fascist attacks and mobilization it occupied an important place of the debate. The continuity of the capitalist economic crisis that began in the 2008, adjustments ordered by Brussels and the IMF, the brutal insecurity that affects the working class, particularly young, women and immigrants, the situation of the government of Pedro Sanchez and the regime 78, the Catalan Republic and the Fourth World feminist wave, fueros also topics discussed.

Anti-capitalist campaigns developed by Network showed the internationalist character of the debate: #He no, a refusal to be president of Brazil Bolsonaro, solidarity with the Nicaraguan people in their rebellion against Ortega-Murillo, Catalan support for self-determination, 1-O and mobilizations of the global feminist movement. Always with workers, Young, women, students and immigrants.

Bodart expressed as important conclusion, that since capitalism can not go out progressive reforms for large popular majorities, This system can only be expected oppression and exploitation.

For this, It was stressed both the need for new policy tools, spacious and unit, at the same time the revolutionary party is built.

An attentive and combative audience, He talk actively participated in the Santa Eulalia Cultural Center. Y, as it could not be otherwise, We ended the assuming the commitment to make a local and international campaign in defense of political prisoners and exiles event, in particular our comrades and vecinxs, unjustly accused by the Guardia Urbana and the prosecution wants those two to six years in prison.

The activity that we call from SOL Gaskets and left - Spanish State was in the service of building a new political alternative to the heat of the struggle and internationalism.