30 of August: International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance

Crimes against humanity must not be forgotten, nor remain unpunished. They demand punishment of the guilty and reaffirm the dilemma of socialism or barbarism.

The commemoration was established by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 65/209, of the 21 from December to 2010. The enforced disappearance of persons is not a new or isolated event. It is a criminal practice concealed by the legal political power, that has opponents as victims, anti-imperialists, revolutionaries, left activists, union or human rights, to their relatives, to minority or racially oppressed communities, sexual or religious. People without militancy are not exempt either, when the objective of power is to provoke exemplary actions to instill terror in the population: every“NN” is burned as an alert of what can happen to anyone. State terrorism includes arbitrary detentions, in clandestine detention centers, torture and all kinds of harassment of human rights, that can culminate in physical disappearance.

When disappearances are not caused by the official police and army, They are executed by armed paramilitary gangs, solved, guided and captured by political power. The bourgeois state is a specialist in resorting to these services when it deems it appropriate, both when there are dictatorial regimes or there are wars and when there are"democracy". When the State is not the institution that drives atrocities, he also does not care much about investigating thoroughly, less when what happens is functional to your interests or can cause setbacks.  Formally, human rights are recognized and crimes against humanity are condemned. But in reality, people keep disappearing and, in the vast majority of cases, injustice and impunity persists in their cases. When it is investigated and punished, it is due to the protest of family and friends, the insistence of the mobilization and the sustained claim of different social sectors and human rights defenders.

The Nazi and Fascist regimes were specialists in provoking crimes against humanity in Europe, that ended with the mass or private extermination of people or their disappearance. During the Spanish civil war and the subsequent repression of the dictatorship, it is estimated that more than 140 a thousand people. The military and genocidal dictatorship of Argentina, established by the military coup of 1976, caused the disappearance of 30 a thousand people, Among which are 100 detainees disappeared from the PST, predecessor of the MST. Past the years, he 18 September 2006, during the government of the Front for the Victory of Néstor Kirchner, Jorge Julio López disappeared and, now the young Facundo Astudillo Castro has disappeared, after being detained by the police of the province of Buenos Aires. The Chilean people also suffered this evil during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and also the Uruguayan.

Disappearances are counted in the thousands in Peru, Guatemala, El Salvador and Colombia. In Mexico there were more than 40 thousand disappeared during the last 12 years; It is worth remembering the case of 43 Ayotzinapa students of whom there are no traces since 2014. Under the command of the Communist Party bureaucracy, there is no way of knowing how many people are forcibly disappeared in China, brutality reaches such an extreme that there is a National Supervisory Commission (CNS), with the power to hold suspects incommunicado for six months, without the right to any type of defense and without notifying his family. In Iraq it is estimated more than 250 thousand disappeared during the US invasion and in Syria more than 82 thousand.

The Saudi Arabian monarchy is behind the physical disappearance of opposition journalist Jamal Khashoggi, last seen on 2 October 2018, after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe are others with the highest number of disappearances. Y, as reported inwww.noteolvidesdelsaharaoccidental.org"More of 400 Sahrawi families continue without news of their relatives who disappeared as a result of their kidnapping by the Spanish authorities directly (caso Sidi Mohamed Basiri, he 18 June 1970), with your complacency (cases of enforced disappearances of the 31 October 1975 al 26 February 1976) and under its legal responsibility for all subsequent cases. " “Although the material responsibility is the direct responsibility of the Moroccan occupation authorities, Spain continues to be legally responsible as a “de jure” power for the territory of Western Sahara. "

The list can be much longer, the truth is that beyond the lack of strictly precise data, we are in the presence of a global scourge that does not understand borders, that involves power, to its partners and protected. Sometimes, disappearance is a goal in itself, others it is the corollary of pre-human rights vexations. Because, we also repudiate repressions, torture and imprisonment of peoples fighting in Algeria, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia and Belarus, as eventual preludes to the horror of disappearance.

Each disappearance is a sign of the low value that is attributed to the lives of people in the dominant imperialist capitalist system worldwide.. The organization, mobilization, The struggle and transparent investigation show the way so that there is no impunity and that those responsible for these aberrant acts are punished.. The International Socialist League raises the flag of respect for human rights and the punishment of crimes against humanity. We greet friends, family members and fellow activists of people who have forcibly disappeared around the world and those who unquestionably continue to fight for their emergence, clarifying their situation and punishing the murderers.

At the same time, It is necessary to fight for a fundamental exit that distances the world from capitalist barbarism, building a different society, where life is worth more than earnings, tolerant with the other, where the differences of the type that are, do not settle with violence, that is to say, socialism with democracy.