23J: Critical vote for the CUP

The vote for the "lesser evil" will not stop the right and the extreme right. New far-left alternatives are needed.

in the note of balance del 28M We gave an account of the results of the municipal elections and their main conclusions. From the hard blow received by the "progressive coalition", with the PSOE losing votes and Podemos languishing. Of the triumph of the PP that strengthened the right and the rise of Vox, whose far-right expression got the most growth. Both fed on the loss of votes from Ciudadanos that was on the brink of extinction. El 23J, Sánchez gambles to maintain power, the PP intends to take it away and VOX wants to be decisive in the formation of a government with the popular. Surveys show mixed results, the election has an uncertain outcome.

The “lesser evil” trap

The PSOE-SUMAR vote will not be the barrier or the PP, ni de VOX. The vote to "Lesser evil" it will end up being the vote to the same evil. If the right and the extreme right see possibilities of winning the 23J, it is due to the disasters and the lies to the working people formulated by the social democrats and the reformists. They were the ones who managed for the businessmen and the privileged, who are servants of the monarchical-parliamentary regime and the capitalist system. Sánchez and Díaz are not part of the solution but of the problem. The reactionaries cannot be stopped with the PSOE or SUMAR, as it could not with Podemos. Neither are they an ERC option nor are the nationalist variants that follow the path of autonomy over self-determination. They're all more of the same, they have little of progressives and nothing of left.  

an absence

After the municipal elections we once again raised the need to set up a left front. Regrettably, the proposal did not have an echo in the CUP, which is the most established extreme left current, nor in Anticapitalists, since both applied another orientation. In this way, the opportunity to dispute more forcefully the space left by the weakening of reformist expressions is wasted.. The space on the left that exists will expand as the capitalist crisis and the class struggle progress.. Taking advantage of the opportunity to occupy it has as a condition to postulate a consistent alternative.

Sectarianism and opportunism, bad advisers

In the presidential elections, the CRT and Corriente Roja opted for the null vote or abstention. Revolutionary Left calls to vote for BNG, EH Bildu y CUP. And Lucha Internacionalista will vote for the CUP, but their calls for more unity are merely propaganda. Not coming together in a left front, in addition to a difference in electoral tactics, implies disregarding the possibility of a common intervention in other political processes and in the class struggle. A pole of the revolutionary socialists would be useful to promote a great left front, confront the reformists more forcefully, to the right and far right, with a principled program and a consistent action. The fact of having differences and nuances cannot prevent an approach.

Let's plant Face!

in such a situation, We call the critical vote to the CUP. We point out the discrepancies because the CUP does not have a definition for class independence and its policy is very oscillating. We will continue to express our opinions while participating in electoral campaigns, as we did with the CUP in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona and Banyoles; and fight in unity of action.

Vote for the CUP so that there is a speaker in Parliament to support the workers' struggles, feminists and environmentalists. Against the national and regional governments. For the self-determination of Catalonia. So that the deputies are entirely at the service of mobilization and self-organization. To denounce the oppression of the '78 regime and the exploitation of the capitalist system. In the meantime, The urgent need to form an extreme left front with a class independence program will continue to be raised., that fights because the workers and socialism govern.