EU: The Migration and Asylum Pact is repressive, racist and antihuman.

The Bloc will have new reactionary rules that must be approved by the EU Council and the European Parliament. It is necessary to form an intercontinental movement to support immigrants and against “Fortress Europe”.

The agreement, reached from the European Commission, temporarily under the presidency of Pedro Sánchez, It is made up of five regulations that range from the arrival of people at the border to the rejection or granting of asylum.. The text, which is discussed since 2020, initially intended to establish quotas for the mandatory distribution of immigrants in the face of crisis peaks such as the one that occurred in 2015. But, this has disappeared in the final text, that became tougher with the negotiations based on the advance and demands of the extreme right. The EU imperialist bloc presents the measures as “solidarity” but it is about the consolidation of a selfish and miserable course against desperate immigrants who need help in the face of hunger., poverty and wars.

A reactionary pact

The new pact provides that governments can avoid relocations by paying 20.000 euros for each person rejected, carry out “hot” returns and extend detention periods at the border, with which the conditions in which people will wait until the decision on asylum was toughened. The process includes the identification, even as children, rejection at the border itself or a six-month process for a first decision. They are reprehensible measures that have received a lot of criticism: “The Migration Pact, in its current form, opens the door to human rights abuses, providing implicit and explicit EU support for the arbitrary deprivation of liberty and serious violations of human rights that have become commonplace at or near the EU borders.”, said Michele LeVoy, director of the International Platform for Cooperation of Undocumented Migrants.“A system based on detention procedures is doomed to failure”, “We are concerned that the possibility of detaining children will increase and that the time of detention will be prolonged.”, with consequences on mental health”, declared Andrés Conde, de Save the Children.

Tightening of the rules

The new rules toughen the already reactionary existing ones under whichis repressed at the borders andblock the seas in which thousands of people die. The pact, will not help end deaths at sea, enshrines deportations to third countries and hot returns, hinders the right to asylum, normalizes migrant detention, including children and families, they are racist, repressive and promote the violation of human rights. In this framework it is worth mentioning that, at the same time, The bill promoted by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin was approved, with absolute support from the extreme right of Marine Le Pen but also with the votes of the Macronist coalition, that complicates the conditions of family reunification, establishes the crime of “irregular stay” and limits access to public aid in France.

Solidarity with immigrants

We must confront the EU authorities, of governments and right-wing parties andextreme right who lead a racist and anti-immigrant crusade, falsely blaming them for the consequences of the economic crisis generated by the big capitalists. From the International Socialist League together with our comrades from Africa, We support the claims of migrants, no person is illegal, papers for everyone!, Down with Fortress Europe! We propose that it is necessary to set up a great Intercontinental Movement to reject barbaric measures against immigrants with more strength and unity on the path of a fundamental exit for a socialist world., without racism and without borders.