Conference “The crimes of the Spanish State during the Transition”

The event “For memory and social justice” took place on Saturday 20 of April, in the former prison and current La Modelo cultural center. It was organized by the Argentine Complaint Support Network and the Collective of Forgotten of the Transition (COT) from Barcelona.

One of the most violent in Europe and the world

The activity began with a welcome from Marc Muñoz (COT-Barcelona) and plaintiff in Argentina. The host and organizer of the Conference, highlighted the importance of “reverse the official story not only of the dictatorship but also of the Transition, which was sold as a model and exemplary, when in reality it was one of the most violent in Europe and the world”. La Jornada reaffirmed with data the complaints sustained by the sectors that since the death of the dictator were fighting for a total break with the dictatorship and did not accept as a possibility that there would be a Transition without judging and punishing all criminals.. The complete room, with the photographs of the murdered people on the canvases hanging on the wall, A documentary video was shown about the repression of the struggles and the murders.

Fanzines, book and round table

The first to speak from the Table were Pablo Mayoral (COT), Máximo Molina Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH)-Cuenca and Matías Viotti Barbalato (COT-ARMH Cuenca); who presented the fanzines of the organization. The book was then presented “The Shadow of Franco in the Transition” by Alfredo Grimaldos (reissued this year) by Andreu García Ribera, lawyer and director of the newspaper El Otro País, responsible for the revision and expansion of the book and Manolo Blanco Chivite, journalist and book editor. To end, A Round Table was held “Against oblivion, the violence of the Spanish State during the Transition”. It was integrated by María José Bernete, Argentine Complaint Support Network; Marc Muñoz; Manolo Blanco Chivite and Pep Cruanyes. Some of the people present in the audience also spoke.. The testimonies had a high emotional impact and at the same time reaffirmed the need to resolve the pending democratic and social tasks in the Spanish State.. Event finished, We take advantage of the opportunity and We spoke with some of the protagonists.

Book and fanzine about the dictatorship and the Transition.

For the punishment of yesterday's injustice, What is impunity today?

Although PSOE, PP, Vox and the regime parties defend the Transition that the PCE also endorsed, In reality, it was a process that reformulated the pillars of Francoism behind a “democratic” façade., legalized the reactionary parliamentary monarchical regime of '78, covered crimes against humanity with a cloak of impunity and modernized the battered model of capitalist exploitation of the dictatorship. From Socialism and Freedom (SOL) in the Spanish state, the MST of Argentina and the International Socialist League (LIS) We raise the need to continue the fight for punishment of yesterday's murderers, to human rights violators and those politically responsible for crimes and impunity. And we stand in solidarity with the claims of the COT and the Argentine Complaint Support Network for “True, justice and reparation”.

¡Gifts, now and always!

In Argentina, in the Spanish State and around the world, imprisoned political and social fighters, tortured, murdered and/or missing people gave their lives for a society and a better world. For his executors there is no forgetting or forgiveness but memory and fight for justice. Among these people are our colleagues from the former PST. (Argentina) Y Yolanda Gonzáles of the former PST (Spain). They are present with every mobilization of the working people and in the construction of the party for the socialist and internationalist revolution..

Yolanda González, comrades missing and murdered: ¡Gifts, now and always!